Null >= 0?
1 the introduction
What do you think of null >= 0 as true? You can either settle for it, or follow me and find out.
2 Content Summary
Is greater than the judgment
When using javascript to determine a > b, remember the following 21 steps:
- Call b’s ToPrimitive(hit Number) method.
- Call the ToPrimitive(hit Number) method of A.
- If Result(1) and Result(2) are both strings, skip to Step 16.
- Call ToNumber (Result (1)).
- Call ToNumber (Result (2)).
- If Result(4) is NaN, return undefined.
- If Result(5) is NaN, return undefined.
- If Result(4) and Result(5) are the same number, return false.
- If Result(4) is +0 and Result(5) is -0, return false.
- If Result(4) is -0 and Result(5) is +0, return false.
- If Result(4) is +∞, return false.
- If Result(5) is +∞, return true.
- If Result(5) is -∞, return false.
- If Result(4) is -∞, return true.
- Return true if Result(4) is smaller than Result(5), otherwise return false.
- If Result(2) is a prefix of Result(1) return false.
- Return true if Result(1) is a prefix of Result(2).
- Find a position k such that a[k] is not equal to b[k].
- Take m as the value of the a[k] character.
- Take n as the value of the b[k] character.
- If m < n, return true, otherwise return false.
ToPrimitive takes precedence over existing values: valueOf(), toString(), and throws an exception if none exists. ToPrimitive(hit Number) Indicates the implicit value type
So null > 0 results in false.
Is equal to the judge
Now let’s look at what happens when a == b (the triple equals sign is the strictest type; the double equals sign is the most complicated case).
- If a is of the same type as B, then:
- Return true if Type(b) is undefined.
- Return true if Type(b) is null.
- If Type(b) is number,
- If b is NaN, return false.
- If a is NaN, return false.
- Return true if a and B have the same value.
- Return true if a is +0 and b is -0.
- Return true if a is -0 and b is +0.
- Otherwise, return false.
- Return true if Type(b) is string and a and b are identical strings, otherwise return false.
- If Type(b) is Boolean, return true if both are true or false, otherwise return false.
- Return true if a and B are the same object reference, otherwise return false.
- If a is null and b is undefined, return true.
- If a is undefined and B is null, return true.
- If Type(a) is number and Type(b) is string, return a == ToNumber(b).
- If Type(a) is string and Type(b) is number, ToNumber(a) == b is returned.
- If Type(a) is Boolean, return ToNumber(a) == b.
- If Type(b) is Boolean, return a == ToNumber(b).
- If Type(a) is string or number, and Type(b) is the object Type, return a == ToPrimitive(b).
- ToPrimitive(a) == b if Type(a) is the object Type and Type(b) is string or number.
- Otherwise, return false.
So null == 0 goes to step 10 and returns the default false.
Greater than or equal judgment
Javascript defines a greater than or equal judgment like this:
If a < b is false, then a >= b is true
So null >= 0 is true because null < 0 is false.
3 intensive reading
About toPrimitive
To expand, we can define the toPrimitive behavior of a class using Symbol. ToPrimitive, for example:
class AnswerToLifeAndUniverseAndEverything { [Symbol.toPrimitive](hint) { if (hint === 'string') { return 'Like, 42, man'; } else if (hint === 'number') { return 42; } else { // when pushed, most classes (except Date) // default to returning a number primitive return 42; }}}Copy the code
And not playing by the rules?
According to the above principle, we can draw inferences from one example:
{} >= {} // true
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But why?
null >= {} // false
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If ToPrimitive(hit Number) contains a NaN, it will return undefined and print false, while {} will return NaN and therefore false.
4 summarizes
NaN is a special thing in javascript, and only isNaN can tell exactly what NaN is, and when it is used for comparison, it simply returns false.
Javascript implicit conversions have a set of precedence rules, and implicit conversions of different values require table memory. There are also three tables, ToPrimitive(Hint Number)ToPrimitive(Hint String) ToPrimitive(Hint Boolean), which are a bit complicated to remember.
Therefore, it is recommended to use === when comparing variables. Strongly typed languages such as Typescript Flow constrain variable types and do not compare variables of different types.
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