Write articles with the Nuggets -Markdown editor

You are welcome to use the Gold-digger Markdown editor to write technical articles that focus only on content and technology and don’t bother with typography. This is a brief Markdown bootstrap guide that will hopefully help you get started with the Markdown editor.

Rich keyboard shortcuts

The Markdown editor supports rich formatting shortcuts that make it easy to use the Markdown language to form beautiful typography and content formats.

The supported shortcut keys are:

  • Bold:Ctrl/Cmd + B
  • Title:Ctrl/Cmd + H
  • Insert link:Ctrl/Cmd + K
  • Insert code:Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + C
  • Inline code:Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + K
  • Insert picture:Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + I
  • Unordered list:Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + L
  • Cancellation:Ctrl/Cmd + Z

Common grammar

The title

Syntax: ** ‘#’+’ space ‘+’ text ‘**

Primary title

The secondary title

Level 3 title

Level 4 titles

Five titles
Six levels of headings

The list of

Unordered list syntax: ** ‘-‘ + ‘space’ + ‘text’ **

  • Text a
  • Text 2
  • Text three

Ordered list syntax format: ** ‘number’ + ‘.’ + ‘space’ + ‘text’ **

  1. Text a
  2. Text 2
  3. Text three

Task list syntax format: ** ‘-‘ + ‘space’ + ‘[]’ + ‘text’ **

  • Text a
  • Text 2
  • Text three

Links and images

No buttons are needed to insert links in Markdown, you just need to use formatting syntax like show text (link address). For example: rare earth dig insert picture syntax and insert link syntax is very much like, but in front of one more! .syntax is as follows:! [Annotation of picture](link address of picture)


Syntax: ** ‘>’+’ space ‘+’ text ‘**

Such as:

Markdown is a lightweight markup language that allows people to write documents in plain text format that is easy to read and write, and then convert them into richly formatted HTML pages.


Here is the syntax for the code snippet:

This is the code snippet

Such as:

def bubbleSort(alist):
 for passnum in range(len(alist)- 1.0.- 1) :#print alist,passnum
 for i in range(passnum):
 if alist[i]>alist[i+1]:
 temp = alist[i]
 alist[i] = alist[i+1]
 alist[i+1] = temp
 return alist
Copy the code


Markdown Extra table syntax:

project The price
iPhone The $560
iPad The $780
iMac The $1000

Colons can be used to define alignment:

project The price The number of
iPhone 6000 yuan 5
iPad 3800 yuan 12
iMac 10000 yuan 234


The above is the most common syntax and format of Markdown. If you still want to learn Markdown in depth, you can refer to Markdown syntax here. Thank you very much for using ** Dig -Markdown editor **, hoping to provide you with a comfortable writing experience.