Installation and configuration

Step 1: Enable SSH and log in to the Linux server.

Step 2: First install the node Version Manager (NVM)

Wget - qO - | bashCopy the code


Step 3: Install the node using node Version Manager (NVM)

nvm install node

Step 4: Install Verdaccio & PM2, which requires running the Verdaccio service in the background

yaml npm i -g verdaccio pm2

Step 5: Set the Verdaccio registry as the source. By default, the original NPM registry set.

npm set registry http://localhost:4873

npm set ca null

Step 6: Run Verdaccio and stop (CRTL + C) it. It will create a configuration file that we will use.


Step 7: Now perform the following configuration to listen for all addresses on the server instance.

Open and edit the config.yaml file:

vim .config/verdaccio/config.yaml

Add the following lines at the end.

Listen: the code


Change the following lines so that only authenticated people can access our registry

Replace "access: $all" with "access: $authenticated"

There are more parameters you can use to configure it. Things like storage, proxy, default port changes. (Read more)

Step 8: Run Verdaccio in the background using PM2:

pm2 start verdaccio

Step 9: You can now access the Verdaccio Web UI.

The URL looks like this:



http://your-ec2-public-ip-address:4873 (You can check your EC2 instance public ip from AWS console)

To confirm the running status of Verdaccio, run the following command:

pm2 list

Step 10: Register the user in the Verdaccio registry

npm set always-auth true

npm adduser

It will ask for a user name, password, and a valid E-mail ID. Take note of this detail and use it later to log into the Verdaccio registry to publish our library.

Step 11: Now we are ready to use our AWS server instance as a private registry.

Log in to the Verdaccio registry. Enter the same user name, password, and E-mail ID that you set in the previous step.

npm set registry http://your-ec2-public-ip-address:4873

npm login

Step 12: Go to your custom library package path. In my case, this is my Angular 7 package path ->/libraries/dist/your-library-name/your-library-name-0.0.1. TGZ

If you want to know how to create Angular 7 libraries/packages, (click here)

cd [custom library package path]

Step 13: Finally, your-library-name-0.0.1. TGZ publishes our library on the Verdaccio registry

[custom library package Path] >> NPM publish your-library-name-0.0.1. TGZ


[custom library package path] >> npm publish


[custom library package path] >> npm publish --registry http://your-ec2-public-ip-address:4873

Now go to http://your-ec2-public-ip-address:4873, where you will see the new library package.