1, the NPM
- Installation node. Js
- The previous version
https://nodejs.org/en/download/releases/ Copy the code
- The latest version
https://nodejs.org/en/ Copy the code
- Check the version
# node version number node -v # NPM version number NPM -vCopy the code
- An updated version
# NPM install to the latest version NPM install -g npm@latestCopy the code
- Point to domestic taobao mirror
npm install -g cnpm --registry=https://registry.npm.taobao.org Copy the code
- Common commands
# start a project [generate package.json file] NPM init # global install NPM install -g dependency name # Add all dependencies NPM install or CNPM install # Add dependency NPM install [<@scope>/]<name> npm install [<@scope>/]<name>@<tag> npm install [<@scope>/]<name>@<version> npm install [<@scope>/]<name>@<version range> # NPM install vue@2.5.2 # Add dependencies to different categories of dependencies, such as production environment: Vue, VUex, vuE-Router; Development environment such as: Css-loader install [package] --save # install to Dependencies NPM install [package] --save-dev # devDependencies (development stage NPM uninstall [package] NPM uninstall [package Uninstall [package] # Remove previously installed node_modules NPM cache cleanCopy the code
2, yarn
- Installation of yarn
- The installation
npm install -g yarn Copy the code
- An updated version
Copy the code
- Common commands
# Start a project yarn init # Yarn version number yarn --version # Add dependencies yarn add [package] yarn add [package]@[version] yarn add Yarn add [package] --dev # dev dependencies yarn add [package] --peer # peer Dependencies # yarn up [package] yarn up [package]@[version] yarn up [package]@[tag]Copy the code
- vue-cli
<! Uninstall vue-cli--> NPM uninstall -g vue-cli <! NPM install -g@vue /cli <! -- install vue -- cli--> # OR yarn global add @vue/cliCopy the code
- vue
Vue --version: View the VUE versionCopy the code
vue create hello-world
: Create project, hello-world project name
- Windows 7 is not supported in versions later than V12.16.2