Optional gracefully handles NPE (null pointer) issues

Get Optional objects

  • empty()
// Return an empty Optional object Optional<Customer> empty = option.empty ();Copy the code
  • Of (T value), creates an Optional that cannot be null
NPE exception Optional<Customer> customerOpt1 = option. of(Customer);Copy the code
  • OfNullable (T value) creates an Optional nullable
Optional<Customer> customerOpt2 = option.ofNullable (Customer);Copy the code

Start by creating a Customer class with the following attributes

    public class Customer {

        private String id;

        private String name;
        //get setAnd constructor @override public StringtoString() {
            return "Customer{" +
                "id='" + id + '\'' + ", name='" + name + '\'' + '}'; }}Copy the code

And ifPresent isPresent () ()

IsPresent (): checks whether the value exists

  • Java7
    if(customer ! = null) { //doSomething
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  • Java8
    if (customerOpt1.isPresent()) {
        // doSomething

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IfPresent (): process logic if the value exists, otherwise skip

  • Java7
    if(customer ! = null) {if(customer.getId().length() == 1) { System.out.println(customer.getName()); }}Copy the code
  • Java8
    customerOpt1.ifPresent(c -> {
        if(c.getId().length() == 1) { System.out.println(c.getName()); }});Copy the code

OrEls & orElseGet & orElseThrow difference

If it’s all Optional and it’s empty, do the opposite

  • OrElse: returns value directly if a value exists, otherwise returns other as input
Public T orElse(T other) {returnvalue ! = null ? value : other; }Copy the code
Customer cus = new Customer(); cus.setId("123");
    Customer customerElse = Optional.ofNullable(cus).orElse(new Customer("456"."Tom")); System.out.println(customerElse); / / output Customer {id ='123', name='null'}
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  • OrElseGet: Returns value directly if value exists, otherwise executes input other
Public T orElseGet(Supplier<? extends T> other) {returnvalue ! = null ? value : other.get(); }Copy the code
// example Customer cus = null; Customer customerGet = Optional.ofNullable(cus).orElseGet(() -> new Customer("456"."Keven")); System.out.println(customerGet); / / the Customer {id ='456', name='Keven'}
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  • OrElseThrow: Returns value if the value exists, otherwise throws an exception
Public <X extends Throwable> T orElseThrow(Supplier<? extends X> exceptionSupplier) throws X {if(value ! = null) {return value;
        } else{ throw exceptionSupplier.get(); }}Copy the code
// example Customer cus = null; Customer customerElse = Optional.ofNullable(cus).orElseThrow(RuntimeException::new); System.out.println(customerElse);Copy the code


You can filter the values you want

Optional<Customer> cusOpt = customer1 .filter(c -> c.getId() ! = null && c.getName().length() > 2);Copy the code


You can get the values you want

    String s = customer1
                    .map(c -> c.getName()).orElse("null value");
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