Hello everyone, I’m Wanbo. Today we are going to update the 12th issue of Now in Android.

Now in Android is a series of articles published by Chet Haase on Medium about Android related technologies. The purpose of this series is to help the majority of developers can better grasp the latest technology trends of Android. Recently, the Android Team redesigned the new series **Now in Android. ** The new Now in Android will integrate the latest content that all Android developers need to master and learn. It will be introduced in the form of videos and articles, and the official link address of the corresponding technology will be attached to the article to help you understand the details.

I will also combine my own understanding, in this public account [Android | Kotlin] for you to update the latest content of Now in Android, interested students remember to subscribe.

Why the twelfth issue?

Obviously, it was only updated to the second issue last week, how can it become the 12th issue this week?

Now in Android
Now in Android

At the same time, since the previous articles have been published for a long time, they are no longer time-sensitive. Most of them are things we already know, so we will not introduce the previous content here. Interested students can check them at the following address:


AndroidX update

Here are updates to Android X as of Feb. 5

The official version

Fragment update 1.21, Media2 update 1.0.2, Navigation update 2.2.1, WorkManager update 2.3.1, ViewModel-savedState update 2.2.0 Functionally it will be the same as 1.0.0, just to be consistent with the release number of Lifecycle libraries. I have looked at these libraries and they are bug fixes, there is no new Featurn added and there is really nothing to explain.


AndroidX Core update 1.2.0: New APIS have been introduced in NotificationCompat, BlendMode, ShortcutInfo, and WindowInsets classes. There is no mention of the new methods in the update log, only text, and no jump links to specific documentation. It seems that they are all insignificant small updates, or paving the way for the big feature in the future.

Alpha version

Emoji Update 1.1.0-Alpha01 adds several new emojis from unicode.org in v12 and V12.1.

What if you have a favorite Emoji? Buy it!


Navigation is a Navigation component in JetPack that can be used for activities and fragments. In this alpha release, support for Dynamic Feature Modules has been added

Dynamic Feature Modules if you are not familiar with them, I will make a brief introduction here.

Android App Bundle is a new packaging format that differs from APK, but currently only applies to App uploads on Google Play.

Navigation 2.3.0- Alpha01 has built-in logic to manipulate API via Play Core Library, when the page you need to navigate is a Dynamic Feature module, Navigation automatically downloads installation details.

Of course, this library is still in the alpha version, and all the APIS and functions are uncertain. If you like to try it out, you can try it out.

The document address is as follows:


Zero-cost* Abstractions in Kotlin

In this article, Florina Muntenescu explains the benefits of using Inline classes, how to use Inline classes correctly, and how to use Inline classes in Java.


Android Styling: Themes vs Styles


The ADB Podcast recommended

In Android’s official application architecture guide, Repository is officially recommended to encapsulate data processing. Repository provides the same data interface for the UI. Store is an upgraded version of Repository, implemented by Kotlin coroutines. There are a lot of rich APIS built in, such as data state processing, database add, delete, change, check the mapping relationship, and so on, if your project is already using

Repository is a powerful Repository for data processing. Store is a powerful Repository for data processing.

Podcasts, address:


Store GitHub


The last

Here’s the new Now in Android: AndroidX’s new alpha library for Emoji and Navigation An article on Kotlin inline classes and a series of articles exploring themes and styles in Android, culminating in an enhanced Repository Repository for Android Developers Backstage podcast: The Store.

This official account will also open a new series of updates Now in Android, follow the official account [Android | Kotlin], click on new things → Now in Android, you can see the full content of this series of articles.

Thank you for reading.