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This article was originally written by Webmote and originally published by Nuggets.
author’s motto: life is toss about, when you don’t toss about life, life will start to toss about you, let us come on together!
High energy warning ahead, novice beware! Don’t listen to dissuasion, light is depressed accumulation, heavy life and death look pale, lost to programming read, lost fantasy to life! Well, mentally strong enough to ignore the warnings ahead. To explore the memory allocation and reclamation destruction of.NET objects, you may need to prepare some debugging basics, such as < Advanced with the SOS extension library from the previous article. Net 6 program debugging >. The following examples are from.NET 6 support.
1. Our first object
Our first Object is not the quaint little girl you secretly love in junior high school, nor is it your first girlfriend of mysterious royal sister fan in high school. She is a real Object.
Don’t believe me, I’ll Show you.
public static int Main()
MaoniType o = new MaoniType(128.256);
// Other messy code
return 0;
Copy the code
Lifting her mysterious veil, she is not one of the thousands of ordinary objects, if anything, it is possible that you tried to tame her, and you spent your precious time on her.
public class MaoniType
public MaoniType(int a, int b)
A = a;
B = b;
public int A { get; set; }
public int B { get; set; }}Copy the code
2. Turn her on correctly
Beauty is always hidden in hazy, lie between gauze to see beauty, more see more attractive.
But what we need is not superficial flirtation, let us use advanced snooping tools, more in-depth soul exploration of her.
Of course, the simplest exploration tool is the Windbg + SoS extension.
As for tool use, it is not important to skip here, if you do not already know, then move to < use the SOS extension library to enter advanced level. NET6 debugging > look, there is ready for you to drink delicious food.
Without further ado, let’s go straight to the tool, type in the mysterious command, and take a finger to the soul.
0:007> .load C:\Users\webmote.dotnet\sos\sos.dll 0:007> ! dumpheap -stat Statistics: MT Count TotalSize Class Name 00007ffc77c37598 1 24 System.IO.SyncTextReader 00007ffc77c33478 1 24 System.Threading.Tasks.Task+<>c 00007ffc77c1ca70 1 24 System.IO.Stream+NullStream 00007ffc77c13798 1 24 ConsoleApp6.MaoniType ... [omitted] 00007ffc77bd7f48 28 1160 System.SByte[] 00007ffc77bd8410 4 3596 System.Int32[] 00007ffc77c1d3c8 3 4178 System.Byte[] 00007ffc77b2b578 8 18216 System.Object[] 00007ffc77c33898 3 33356 System.Char[] 00007ffc77bdd698 82 35610 System.String Total 208 objectsCopy the code
That’s right, find consoleapp6.maonitype, which is the object you’re thinking about No. 1.
3. Access the memory
Now that you’ve identified her, let’s go further. Just click on her card.
0:00 7 >! DumpHeap /d -mt 00007ffc77c13798 Address MT Size 000002470000c0c8 00007ffc77c13798 24 Statistics: MT Count TotalSize Class Name 00007ffc77c13798 1 24 ConsoleApp6.MaoniType Total 1 objectsCopy the code
Now, with her firsthand knowledge:
Name: Maoni/ Moni Size: 24 Starting Point: C0C8 [000002470000C0C8] Number: 1 table Index: [00007FFC77C13798]Copy the code
4. Dig deeper — memory layout investigation
Let’s look at the GC address space:
0:00 7 >! eeheap -gc Number of GC Heaps: 1 generation 0 starts at 0x0000024700001030 generation 1 starts at 0x0000024700001018 generation 2 starts at 0x0000024700001000 ephemeral segment allocation context: none segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size 0000024700000000 0000024700001000 00000247000173C8 0000024700022000 0x163c8(91080) 0x21000(135168) Large object heap starts at 0x0000024710001000 segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size 0000024710000000 0000024710001000 0000024710001018 0000024710002000 0x18(24) 0x1000(4096) Pinned object heap starts at 0x0000024718001000 0000024718000000 0000024718001000 0000024718005420 0000024718012000 0x4420(17440) 0x11000(69632) Total Allocated Size: Size: 0x1a800 (108544) bytes. Total Committed Size: Size: 0x22000 (139264) bytes. ------------------------------ GC Allocated Heap Size: Size: 0x1a800 (108544) bytes. GC Committed Heap Size: Size: 0x22000 (139264) bytes.Copy the code
You haven’t forgotten the address of our date?
Moni’s address is 000002470000C0C8, and the allocation information of the new segment can be clearly seen.
Of course, it still needs a big chapter to explain the paragraph. Here is just a brief introduction.
It is a unit of memory that GC collects from the operating system. Actual memory is allocated, allocated, and freed in units of segment.
For example, the workstation GC mode segment size is 16M, and the server GC mode segment size is 64M.
Gen 0 and Gen 1 heap are always located in the same segment, which is called the ephemeral segment. Gen 2 heap consists of zero or more segments and Gen 2 heap consists of one or more segments
When the.NET program starts, the CLR creates two segments for the heap, one for ephemeral segment and the other for LOH.
After Full GC, segments that are completely free are freed, and memory is returned to the operating system
Before we dive in again, let’s have a little dessert, relax, and take in the sights.
4.1 How do we use DRAM
No matter how we allocate it, we need to involve physical memory.
Of course, we don’t support physical memory!
We use virtual memory (VM), which is provided by the VMM (Virtual Memory Manager) of the operating system.
The operating system introduced the concept of virtual memory, enabling us to:
- Each process thinks it has its own memory space, like the national housing system, so that everyone can experience the warmth of home.
- You can request more memory, even beyond the physical memory size, and the manager will only take up the physical memory that is actually used;
- Importantly, there is no need for VM allocation to be continuous, and throw-and-play is implemented.
The VM implementation is also interesting, with page support provided by the operating system:
- Implemented by the MMU (Memory management unit)
- Memory is split into pages (typically 4K)
- Virtual memory to physical memory is managed by page maps using page tables
- Cannot map to physical memory, resulting in a page failure error
- The operating system controls the page mapping transformation
There are many technologies for faster transformations, such as page table caching, TLB (Translation Lookaside Buffer) technology, and so on.
4.2 How are physical pages organized?
- When the computer boots up, the Windows operating system collates the physical pages from DRAM into a list;
- When a process requires physical page allocation, it becomes part of WS (Working Set)
- When a physical page is removed from WS, it is returned to the list via software page failure or hard page failure
- Hard page failures are very time consuming, so we need to avoid them
5. To avoid hard page failures, we should not add a stack larger than the physical memory (observe the physical memory load information).
4.3 How does GC collect memory from VM
Reserved memory
For paging reasons, we can request a range address that may be used later, which is called reserved memory (VirtualAlloc uses MEM_RESERVE). Of course reserved memory does not hold any data.
Committed memory
When we need to store data on the page store, we tell the operating system, this is called commit memory. VirtualAlloc uses MEM_COMMIT to ensure that you do not get an OOM exception after the commit operation is successful.
The reserved memory operation is very fast, of course you still need to add a user-mode <–> kernel-mode operation; Commit memory is also very fast…. Of course, know that you really save data. At this time, it is possible to cause the distribution page failure, resulting in OOM.
- Save the data
Everything is oK, we can easily save the data.
5. Investigate the memory layout again
Let’s go back as we first met.
5.1 first
Suppose the figure above is the Reserve memory area of our segment memory, then what do you have in mind?
Yes, first of all she’s a huge empty space!
Of course, there’s nothing in it.
5.2 get to know each other
Now, if we want to store something in segment memory, what do we do?
Yeah, we got to get to know each other!
Ok, first we need to save the segment header, so let’s submit a request first (usually 64K).
After the first time, we should be familiar with this operation process, so no one can resist our steps forward.
The space request to store the object is submitted again (typically 64K), and of course, GC usually does not allocate memory for just one object.
5.3 action
It usually asks for an allocation context first, at which point no object is constructed.
Then use the physical memory page, save the data, check the storage information as follows:
0:007> dq 000002470000c0c8-8 l3 00000247`0000c0c0 00000000`00000000 00007ffc`77c13798 00000247`0000c0d0 00000100 ` 00000080Copy the code
Its internal process is as follows (simplified version) :
Note: Caching is very fast. Here is the data from Intel.
- L1 Cache: 4 CPU cycles
- L2 Cache: 12 CPU cycles
- L3 cache: 44 CPU cycles
DRAM data can be read in the range of 60 to 100ns.
5.4 summary of
After further exploration, the memory distribution of the object is fully unfolded in front of you. So, let’s summarize.
GC is allocated as follows:
6. Clean up the battlefield
After the dazzling and mysterious commands and pictures above, have you learned to waste?
Finally, let’s clean up the field and take a look at GC.
6.1 How does GC decide to collect
Let’s see how smart it can be. Okay?
public static int Main()
MaoniType o = new MaoniType(128.256);
GCHandle h = GCHandle.Alloc(o, GCHandleType.Weak);
Console.WriteLine("Collect called, h.Target is {0}",
(h.Target == null)?"collected" : "not collected");
return 0;
Copy the code
What happened? The output is:
Output – Collect called, h.Target is not collected
Yes, you read that right, gc.collect () collects the entire stack, which means that the GC cannot determine the life cycle of the object. If an object is still alive, the GC is told, in this case, the JIT (User Roots) tells the GC that the object is still alive. Therefore, the GC cannot reclaim objects.
6.2 Starting Collection
All right, let’s do a real recycling.
public static void TestLifeTime()
MaoniType o = new MaoniType(128.256);
h = GCHandle.Alloc(o, GCHandleType.Weak);
public static int Main()
Console.WriteLine("Collect called, h.Target is {0}",
(h.Target == null)?"collected" : "not collected");
return 0;
Copy the code
Output result:
Output: Collect called, h.Target is collected
Observe GC again:
Yes, the GC destroys the object and the memory is reclaimed.
7. Summary
After the in-depth analysis of this time, are you more understanding of your object?
have seen this, but also care about a thumbs-up?
has been liked, but also care about a collection?
are collected, but also care about a comment?