Writing in the front

On ice technology WeChat public 】 in 【 】 Internet engineering project, update a lot of articles, some readers feedback said the brush in the number of the public history is not very convenient, sometimes forget oneself to see which one, when open an article, seems to have seen it before, but just don’t know the specific the behold an article. I believe that many partners will have such a problem. So what to do? The best solution is for me to organize these articles into PDF e-books and share them with you for free, so that you can look much more convenient. I hope this ebook can bring you substantial help.

About the PDF

Before, I wrote “simple Java23 design patterns”, “Java8 new features tutorial”, “distributed flow limiting solutions under 100 million levels of traffic”, “Learning Nginx technology with Glacier”, “Learning distributed storage technology with Glacier” five e-books, no talk, each is super core technology dry products. The total number of downloads has exceeded 5.5 million.

Following these five PDFS, today we are publishing the “Learning Internet Engineering technology with Glacier” PDF tutorial again. We hope you can quickly improve your professional skills through these six PDFS after the holiday.

Let’s take a look at the entire PDF table of contents.

The whole PDF carefully selected several real cases of enterprises, to help you better, more in-depth grasp of Internet engineering technology. Full combat content, without any sloppy. I hope this ebook can bring you substantial help.

How to get PDF

Follow the wechat official account of glacier Technology, [PDF] you can get “Simple Java23 design patterns”, “Java8 new features tutorial”, “distributed flow limiting solutions under 100 million levels of traffic”, “Learn Nginx technology with Glacier”, “learn distributed storage technology with Glacier” and “Learn Internet engineering technology with Glacier” and other six PDF tutorials.

Big welfare

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In addition, I open source each PDF, I will continue to update and maintain, thank you for your long-term support to glacier!!

Write in the last

If you think glacier wrote good, please search and pay attention to “glacier Technology” wechat public number, learn with glacier high concurrency, distributed, micro services, big data, Internet and cloud native technology, “glacier technology” wechat public number updated a large number of technical topics, each technical article is full of dry goods! Many readers have read the articles on the wechat public account of “Glacier Technology” and succeeded in job-hopping to big factories. There are also many readers to achieve a technological leap, become the company’s technical backbone! If you also want to like them to improve their ability to achieve a leap in technical ability, into the big factory, promotion and salary, then pay attention to the “Glacier Technology” wechat public account, update the super core technology every day dry goods, so that you no longer confused about how to improve technical ability!