< span style = “box-sizing: border-box; color: RGB (74, 74, 74); display: block; line-height: 22px; font-size: 14px! Important; white-space: inherit! Important;” At the same time, trigger Webhook to send message prompt to Bot.
Project Address: Cyber Messenger Room old man (github.com)
Functional specifications
- Managing RSS feeds, filtering keywords, saving feeds;
- Read RSS feeds automatically by GitHub Actions – filter – Save;
- Send notifications to feishu
via Webhook;
About Filtering Rules
Although RSS comes from active subscription, it does not represent all “useful information”, especially for those who subscribe to academic journals and official news, they may only be interested in specific keywords, so they need to filter specific information. For example, Feedly platform provides intelligent filtering solution Leo.
There are two types of simple filtering in the current script:
- Whitelist: If this parameter is set in the RSS source Database, whitelist sources are not filtered.
- Keyword: set in keyword Database only if
Title + Summary
Keywords in the content will be saved;
For further expansion, Entropy is set in the reading Database to determine the amount of information in an article. The amount of information is related to an individual’s knowledge, experience and preferences. Entropy calculation requires learning and training after accumulating data tags.
The configuration script
- Notion opens an Internal integration; python saves the Internal integration Token.
Notion — The All-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases.
- Copy the Database template and open permissions to the Internal Integration that was opened above
Notion Database Template
Database properties are very important
Fork GitHub project: github.com/rainyear/ch…
Set the dead simple Secrets
As a Notion Token;- [optional]
A password that you define for yourself; - [optional]
Is the Webhook address;
Py at main · rainyear/chuandashi (github.com)
APP_ID = "Feishu APP ID"
APP_SEC = "Flying Book APP SEC"
API_PASS = "Consistent with GITHUB SEC."
CHAT_ID = "How to get message ID"
Copy the code
Feishu is probably the friendliest solution to support without the need for VPN. Bind the bot URL, send a message to the bot in feishu client, and see the chat_id on server
Regular operation
In making project. Making/workflows/main yml set the timing Schedule of execution, such as every afternoon 2:00, east district eight PM corresponding UTC 6 a.m., so the cron set like this:
- cron: "0, 6 * * *"
Copy the code
If you have a new subscription (whitelist or matching keyword), you will receive a flying book alert:
RSS 2 Notion (cybrain.xyz)