In today’s world of Internet speed discovery, you can miss a billion dollars every day, so you have to be very focused all the time.

The information of the Internet is diverse and abundant. It is easy to lose yourself in the massive amount of information and immerse yourself in the happiness brought by the Internet.

So no matter what industry you’re in, always pay attention, because I’m in technology, so let’s talk about technology today.

Give me a piece of my mind

My main business is to do front-end development, but today’s front-end development compared to the traditional front-end development years ago has changed dramatically. Due to the rapid development of the Internet, our needs are becoming more and more complex, and projects are becoming more and more difficult to maintain. We have to seek new technology points and thinking to adapt to our current development.

Our new technology has developed so fast in recent years that there are new things coming out every day. If you don’t pay attention to the development of technology, you will fall behind in minutes. So I can’t learn anymore.

We mentioned the development of Javascript in the article “a Brief History of Javascript”. It started out as a form verification tool, and it became a huge success once it was released. As a result, Javascript has become more and more complex and comprehensive, and has become a complete language. If you are interested in more details, go to the article.

Today’s front-end is no longer the front-end of the past, we focus on more and more complex things, more and more logic, more and more things to deal with, just rely on how we operate DOM has been inadequate. So there are a lot of frameworks on the front end. Now Angualr, React and Vue, represented by the three frameworks, have become the mainstream and become rulers, presenting a situation of three divisions of the world.

All three frameworks exist to solve the same problem, synchronization of state and UI, but each framework has its own characteristics and implementation.

Some people say that this is the era of frame, as long as you know a frame can start work.

The emergence of the three frameworks and dominance, with today’s project development is undoubtedly through these technologies to build, these problems have also led to each technician had to make a choice, choose a framework to study, so that each technical personnel’s technology stack will be slightly different, the company’s recruitment is also must request technical personnel have the corresponding technology stack, Some people Vue, some React, some dabble in every framework.

I use Angular to do project development, in order to better adapt to the development and progress of technology, increase their competitiveness, let their skills more.

We should adapt to the change, and then embrace the change, instead of complaining, complaining won’t solve the problem, and strive to achieve it is what we should do.

This is a bit too much, this article is mainly about my experience of learning Vue compared to other technologies, but it digs a little bit further. Let’s get back to the topic.

When we go to Vue’s official website, first we can see that it is an incremental Javascript framework. It is a framework that focuses on the view layer (UI) and is very easy to use. It is a declarative, componentized framework.

Vue is characterized by simplicity, flexibility and efficiency

  • As long as developers have the basics of HTML, CSS and JavaScript, we can use it to complete project development. We don’t need to learn Typescript, RxJS and other things like Angular, which makes it easier to get started.

  • Flexible we can import Vue. Js files separately to be used with other configurations of the project, or we can use the whole framework of Vue/CLI. It brings us more flexible ways of use, and we can make choices according to our own situation.

  • Efficient Vue borrows some of the strengths of AngularJs, eliminates some of its performance weaknesses, and uses a very efficient rendering of the virtual DOM to give it a big advantage in rendering performance. A Vue project that includes the Vuex + Vue Router (30kB after gzip) has a relative advantage in terms of the size of the final Angular code.


Recently, I began to learn Vue, so I plan to summarize and record some things in the learning process. Today is a start. I also said some personal simple understanding of front-end framework, which are some personal insights. If you have plans to learn Vue, you might as well take it down along with you, come on!

This article was originally published on wechat official account: Modeng. Follow and reply “1024” to get the programmer package