In the programmer development process, a good tool is notePad++, the tool for notePad enhancement, enhanced many functions, including programmers like the column block editing mode, support for a number of plug-ins, such as Json formatting, support for markdown syntax.


When you write “markdown”, you add “markdown” at the beginning and end of the line|

Add the specified text at the beginning of each line

  1. Use the shortcut key Ctrl+H to open the “Replace Dialog” and add content at the beginning of each line.
  2. Check the “regular Expression” option in the lower left corner (be sure to check it)
  3. Enter the tip mark ^ in the Find Target field. The tip mark represents the beginning of each line
  4. Type (What to add) in replace with
  5. Then click the “Replace All” button so that everything is added to the front of each line

Add the specified content at the end of each line

  1. Use the shortcut key Ctrl+H to open the “Replace Dialog” and add content at the beginning of each line.
  2. Check the “regular Expression” option in the lower left corner (be sure to check it)
  3. Enter the dollar sign “$” in the Find Target field. The dollar sign represents the end of each line
  4. Type (What to add) in replace with
  5. Then click the “Replace All” button to add everything at the end of each line.