This is the fourth day of my participation in the Gwen Challenge.More article challenges

In this article, take notes on interface learning

def say(interface) :
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In the code above, py only checks whether the interface type has hello() at runtime.

Go, as a static language, can detect type mismatches at compile time, and there is no explicit requirement to implement interfaces.

Value receiver/pointer receiver

Here is the conclusion (there is nothing to explain…) :

  1. The receiver – >*Gopher-> It is likely that changes will be made to the recipient properties in the method, affecting the recipient properties
  2. The receiver – >Gopher-> The receiver itself is not affected in the method
  3. When you implement a method whose receiver is a value type, you can automatically generate a method whose receiver is a pointer type, because neither affects the receiver
  4. Bottom line: If you implement a method whose receiver is a value type, you implicitly implement a method whose receiver is a pointer type

When to use it?

  • *Gopher
  1. Method needs to modify the recipient’s value
  2. The recipient itself costs a lot in the copying process, and copying with Pointers is more efficient
  • Gopher
  1. Type isGoA primitive type built into the
  2. See you get used to

The type system

Myslice []string, sliceType is the type represented by slice itself

This actually explains:

// Alias of the string type
type mytype1 = string
// myType2 user-defined type
type mytype2 string
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The comments make it clear that these two types are completely inconsistent. The corresponding type metadata is also completely different.

Internal implementation

Iface and eface are both low-level constructs that describe interfaces in Go:

  1. ifaceContains methods for the interface described
  2. efaceIs an empty interface that contains no methods:interface{}

Say first iface:

type eface struct {
	_type *_type
	data  unsafe.Pointer

type iface struct {
	tab  *itab              // The interface type and the entity type assigned to the interface
	data unsafe.Pointer     // Interface specific value -> pointer to heap memory

type itab struct {
	inter *interfacetype
	_type *_type            // The type of value that the interface actually points to
	hash  uint32            // '_type. Hash'
	_     [4]byte
	fun   [1]uintptr        // the interface method corresponds to the method address of the concrete implementation, which is analogous to the 'C++ virtual function table' to implement the dynamic distribution of interface calls
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With the above data structure in mind, let’s look at how the interface is constructed:

A number of problems

Note some of the issues involved in the interface

In the conversionnil

type MyError struct {}

func (i MyError) Error(a) string {
	return "MyError"

func main(a) {
	err := Process()

	fmt.Println(err == nil)}func Process(a) error {
	var err *MyError = nil
	return err
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We know above:

  1. struct MyError -> interface error(realizedinterface error)
  2. return *MyErrorReturns this type but with a value ofnil
  3. Above we get:
    • The returnederrThe dynamic type is:*MyError
    • Dynamic value returned:nil

interfaceThe interface value is onlyDynamic typeDynamic valuefornilWhen, can sayinterface == nil

So the above results are as follows. Because the dynamic type is *MyError, it’s not equal to nil; But the value is nil, so print nil:

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