This article is a non-technical article, which is the author’s feeling about the future of north drift programmers.

Beipiao, a new term coined in the new era, refers to a group of lonely strangers drifting in Beijing. Personal analysis of the reasons is that the development imbalance between regions, all kinds of resources are excessively concentrated in a certain point, so that the population emerges in one place to seek resources and get development opportunities.

Although this old picture was made when the housing price in Beijing was 25,000 yuan, it is still applicable today.

One. North drift and programmer

The steps of a new era, with the development of science and technology progress and technology, Internet technology wave have mushroomed in general, and rapid development of urban growth, like domestic alibaba, on behalf of the Internet companies such as tencent also appears in the list of world top 500 enterprises, in this context, a crowd that cannot be ignored and have to be mentioned, that is the programmer.

A programmer is a relatively more high-paying industry, traditional industry because of the Internet under the development of the Internet companies, more and more quickly, the programmer gradually appear in short supply, and most companies in the Internet industry, like taobao, jingdong ACTS as an intermediary role, relatively low cost, compared with industry also is better to earn money, so accomplished programmers well-paid, It has also spawned a number of training institutions aimed at creating more programmers to meet the market.

With the demand of the industry and the attraction of high salaries for many people, more and more programmers have gradually become an indispensable group of drifters in the north. A programmer of writer is north drift force, after the university entrance exam to fill volunteer at university because of this industry can not only find a job and earn money, in the university graduation of time despite elders persuaded to civil servants or institution to be content to work, but I still has decisively into the computer, the industry had a very simple idea tong zhen, I don’t want to live a boring life where I can see the same thing for the rest of my life.

The subway is full of programmers in the morning rush hour. Above is a programmer watching CSDN(Technology Community).

Two. First entry into the Internet

In fact, when I first learned about the Internet industry, I wanted to take advantage of the development of the Internet era to start my own business and realize my dream. To put it more commonly, I wanted to make money quickly and then travel to enjoy life.

However, with the accumulation of social experience outside the campus, I found that my idea of starting a business was really simple and ignorant at the beginning, and even neglected things like food and accommodation. Later, I gradually understood and learned the elements of starting a business from various aspects. Later, I gradually adjusted my attitude and temporarily felt that I should work steadily and consider starting my own business when the time was ripe.

In fact, the university I graduated from is neither 985 nor 211, it is an ordinary undergraduate. From the beginning of the industry, I want to master a livelihood skills first, and silently to enter a bigger company to see a bigger world. Later, when I had more free time, I began to learn more and more comprehensive skills and knowledge in order to make a complete product independently. I still felt that everything was preparing for starting a business. I also met some start-up companies in the interview at the beginning of the year, but I did not find anyone trustworthy, and finally I did not have the opportunity to start a business.

One and a half years after graduation, silent efforts were not in vain, blowing cow was achieved with the girlfriend, I entered the industry said the leader of the BAT in the home, work here, I don’t want to say “busy very reluctant to enrich” this kind of words, only feel command had very little time than before, and do very tired, but also do see a lot of different things, Feel valuable about what the team is doing.

But as long as people do not muddle through life, not numb to life, they always love to think about something, from the original dream to the things at hand, and then think about their own life and their future to go, think about what kind of road has been a programmer in the future to go.

The future of programmers

Recently a hardcore programmer bought a house in Beijing, a big show, this person is Lei Jun, but he is not by writing code when programmers to buy a house, he is by doing the founder of Millet to buy a house, if he is a programmer is afraid to buy such a big house. It took Lei Jun nearly 10 years to buy a house from the company he founded in 2010, but what about the well-paid programmers who are not founders in Beijing Piao? Even if it took more than 20 years to buy a house, but there is no Beijing hukou, what will the next generation do?

Can take a look at how long the programmer, the threshold of the huawei is 34 years old start out, and I have seen in what is now the company more than 34, programmer, but the basic is the leadership, come to this age for programmers to write code is few, plus technology updated quickly, the time is really learn not to move, even if can learn, Companies can hire you for less than someone who is a quick learner, and they will drop you.

Speak a previously seen feeling a lot of news, in 2017, a zte, 42, head of research and development for mandatory stop because of the company, because of unfair treatment, he finally jumped off the building, from the company to death to defend their own rights and interests, but in the end what also have no change, only left home two young children and his wife. It is worth mentioning that he has a bachelor’s degree in Beihang University and a master’s degree in Nankai University. He worked in Huawei for 8 years before ZTE. He is a leader in the technology field, which is better than most people around him. When capital makes you obsolete, how can you consider whether you are the breadwinner of a family?

When I graduated from university, my graduation thesis supervisor used to be a programmer who had worked in Huawei for many years. After he got married and had a child, he began to seek a new way out, and then successfully became a professor in the School of Computer science.

It is true that programmer is a very good career, and you can get a high salary of 20,000 or 30,000 yuan within two or three years of graduation, which is better than other industries. However, programmer is also very cruel. Because of the openness of technology itself, it is bound to keep developing and changing. On the contrary, they become less competitive as they get older.

Two days before on the trill see three programmers are also one of the older product managers are telling their story after leaving the north drift, after I have ever seen some space, feeling is not their lack of ability to be eliminated, but they all think their own future, they know where have so many executive position, waiting for you to do, instead of waiting to be eliminated, It’s better to keep the surplus value for yourself while you’re still fighting. I think there will be more and more programmers like them, either actively or passively.

4. The way out for programmers

Programmers industry will not be a occupational pension, and no matter how changes in policy or how to develop the technology, it is the nature of technology is the profession must change and innovation, and this is the fact that every programmer is very understand, I think the following several direction about the future programmers way out for your reference.

1. Go deep into a technology and become a leader in the field of a particular technology, such as the father of Linux, who will not be eliminated until Linux becomes obsolete, or the author of Vuejs, the author of domestic open source framework.

2. From now on, believe in and be optimistic about the company you work for. Work hard to win recognition from the leader, get promoted and pay rise, earn options or shares.

3. Take advantage of the unlimited opportunities in this era to seek new ways in the future. If there is an opportunity to start a business, do not hesitate to seize it and do it well.

4. Plan for the future, even if it means saving up during the high-paying years to open a small business or reinvest in a second career in your spare time, so that you won’t have no choice when you can’t do it anymore.

Under the age of the Internet, of course, was born a lot of opportunities, has missed a lot of opportunities, I’m glad to join the programmer of this industry, it makes me with infinite close to The Times, but I understand it’s cruel, but I still believe that it will not stop breed infinite opportunities, hope oneself is not the time, efforts to set foot on the train times.

The above content are their own feelings and thoughts, I hope you can leave a message after reading the same or different feelings, if you have any questions, also hope you leave a message to correct. If it’s helpful, don’t forget to share it with your friends or click “Watching” in the lower right corner. You can also follow the author, view historical articles and follow the latest news!