Note: 1. The nodeJS source code mentioned in this article is based on V10.14.1 unless otherwise specified

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Nodejs implementation of modules

This section is mainly based on NodeJs source code, the implementation of its module to do a brief overview, if there are mistakes, I hope you are not afraid to correct.

When we introduce a module using require, we generally go through two steps: path analysis and module loading

Path analysis

Path analysis is a module lookup process, implemented by the _resolveFilename function.

Let’s expand it through an example:

const http = require('http');
const moduleA = requie('./parent/moduleA');
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In this example, we introduce two different types of modules: the core module – HTTP and the custom module moduleA

For the core module, _resolveFilename skips the lookup step and returns directly to the next step

if (NativeModule.nonInternalExists(request)) {
    // Request is the module name 'HTTP'
    return request;
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For custom modules, there are several cases (_findPath)

  1. File module
  2. The directory module
  3. Load from the node_modules directory
  4. Global directory loading

These are clearly stated in the official documents and will not be repeated here.

If module, then _resolveFilename returns absolute path of the module, such as/Users/XXX/Desktop/practice/node/module/parent/moduleA js.

Load the module

After obtaining the module address, Node starts loading the module.

First, Node checks to see if the module is in the cache:

// filename indicates the absolute path of the module
var cachedModule = Module._cache[filename];
if (cachedModule) {
    updateChildren(parent, cachedModule, true);
    return cachedModule.exports;
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If the module exists, the corresponding cache content is returned. If the module does not exist, whether it is a core module is further determined:

if (NativeModule.nonInternalExists(filename)) {
    return NativeModule.require(filename);
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If the module neither exists in the cache nor is a core module, Node instantiates a completely new module object

function Module(id, parent){
  // Usually module absolute path = id;
  // What to export
  this.exports = {};
  // Parent module
  this.parent = parent;
  this.filename = null;
  // Check whether the file is successfully loaded
  this.loaded = false;
  / / modules
  this.children = [];

var module = new Module(filename, parent);
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Node then attempts to load based on the path.

function tryModuleLoad(module, filename) {
  var threw = true;
  try {
    threw = false;
  } finally {
    if(threw) { delete Module._cache[filename]; }}}Copy the code

The loading method is also different for different file extensions.

  • .js files (_compile)

After reading the contents of the file synchronously via FS, wrap it in the specified function:

Module.wrapper = [
  '(function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) { '.'\n}); '
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Call to execute this function:, this.exports, require.this,
                                  filename, dirname);
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  • The json file

After reading the contents of the file synchronously through FS, parse with json.parse and return the contents

var content = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8');
try {
    module.exports = JSON.parse(stripBOM(content));
} catch (err) {
    err.message = filename + ':' + err.message;
    throw err;
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  • .node

This is an extension file written in C/C++ that loads the file generated by the final compilation through the dlopen() method.

return process.dlopen(module, path.toNamespacedPath(filename));
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  • .mjs

This is an extension file for handling ES6 modules and is a new NodeJs feature since V8.5.0. For files with such extensions, you can only import them using the ES6 module syntax import, otherwise an error will be reported (with –experimental-modules enabled)

throw new ERR_REQUIRE_ESM(filename);
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If all goes well, the content attached to the Exports object is returned

return module.exports;
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Module cycle dependency

Let’s explore the problem of module cyclic dependencies: what happens when module 1 depends on module 2 and module 2 depends on module 1?

We’ll only explore commonJS here

To do this, we create two files, module-a.js and module-b.js, and refer them to each other:


console.log('Start loading module A');
exports.a = 2;
exports.b = 3;
console.log('Module A is loaded.');
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console.log('Start loading module B');
let moduleA = require('./module-a.js');
console.log('MODULE B is loaded.');
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Run module-a.js and you’ll see console output:

Module A Is loaded. Module B is loaded. 2 Undefined Module B is loadedCopy the code

/module-b = /module-b = /module-b = /module-b = /module-b = /module-b = /module-b = /module-b = /module-b = /module-b = /module-b


  1. How do I remove the module cache?

Delete require.cache(moduleId) delete require.cache(moduleId) delete require.cache(moduleId) delete require.cache(moduleId), where moduleId represents the absolute path to the module.

// hot-reload.js
console.log('this is hot reload module');

// index.js
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
const hotReloadId = path.join(__dirname,'./hot-reload.js');
const watcher =;
    if(eventType === 'change') {delete require.cache[hotReloadId];
        require(hotReloadId); }});Copy the code
  1. Can ES6 modules be used in Node?

Starting with version 8.5.0, NodeJs supports native ES6 modules. Two conditions are required to enable this feature:

  1. All file extensions that use ES6 modules must be.mjs
  2. The command line option –experimental-modules node –experimental-modules index.mjs
node --experimental-modules index.mjs
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However, as of NodeJs V10.15.0, ES6 module support is still experimental and I do not recommend its use in corporate projects


  1. nodejs-loader.js
  2. Pu Ling. Simple node.js