Koa is characterized by middleware flow control, which is a typical Onion model.
The onion model
The following figure clearly shows the process from request to response through middleware. First from the outside in, then from the inside out.
Koa is entirely dependent on asynchronous programming, with the most important maintenance variables being context and next.
When the first middleware next executes, it blocks, waiting for the second middleware to execute. Reverse execution begins when next is not called in the middleware
Common Middleware
Koa-views + EJS (Back-end Rendering)
Koa-logger (Log)
Koa2-cors (Cross-domain)
Simplified code
const middleware = [];
let mw1 = async function (ctx, next) {
console.log("First middleware before Next.");
await next();
console.log("First middleware after next");
let mw2 = async function (ctx, next) {
console.log("Second middleware before Next");
await next();
console.log("Second middleware after next");
let mw3 = async function (ctx, next) {
console.log("Third middleware, no next.");
function use(mw) {
let compose = function (ctx) {
return dispatch(0);
function dispatch(i) {
let currentMW = middleware[i];
if(! currentMW) {return;
return currentMW(ctx, dispatch.bind(null, i + 1)); }}; compose();Copy the code