Basic concept
I met
- What is NodeJS? Runtime environment, support to run JS on the server side, using Google V8 engine
- All js usage except DOM and BOM can be used
- Like JS, it is a single thread, but JS can only work with the browser. NodeJs allows JS to work with the operating system and read and write to the disk
- Is it bad to use Java for the back end? Nodejs can be used in scenarios with high concurrency, I/O intensity, and little business logic. For larger systems, Java is preferred. For multi-threaded, CPU-heavy systems, it is quite 6 emMM
NodeJs automatically wraps each JS file with function(exports,require,module,__filename,__dirname). Exports and exports refer to the same address. Module. Exports’ quasi-require (‘ XXX ‘) introduces an external module that returns an object and executes the module’s own contents (self-calling functions)
The core module
Fs HTTP Path OS URL, etc
- Fs file operation module
fs.mkdir('/xxx'.err= >{})
f.writeFile('/xxx'.'hello'.err= >{})
f.readFile('/xxx'.'utf8'.(err,data) = >{})
// Large files can create streams
const resource =fs.createReadStream('/xxx')
const dist=fs.createWriteStream('/xxx')
Copy the code
- The HTTP module
http.createServer((req,res) = >{}).listen('3000')
Copy the code
- Buffer the Buffer
Origin: Originally the JS language didn’t have binary data types, and binary data had to be used when processing file streams (streams of binary data), so nodeJs created a Buffer class that could be used whenever moving data through I/O operations. Used to process binary data streams. Like an array, well, it has nothing to do with an array, except that it contains binary data (in hexadecimal format), one byte per element
XXX = buffer.from () // Create a Buffer object xxx.tostring (' encoding format ') // binary transposition buffer.alloc (size) // Create a Buffer of the specified sizeCopy the code
PS: It is almost useless to write a project, because many small frameworks have encapsulated it. 4
There is no need to introduce path. The general path is __dirname: the directory path of the current folder. __filename: indicates the path of the current file directoryCopy the code
It is not reliable to use relative paths on file operation paths because they are relative to the path where the node command is executed!!
Server-side rendering: Plugins such as art-Template can be used as template engines (which handle data substitution for special character flags in files) to fill in the data on the server side when the page is first requested. Disadvantages: Slow page display. Client-side rendering: the server simply passes the page and the data has to be requested. Disadvantages: not conducive to SEO, asynchronous rendering SEO can not be found. Projects can be combined with two rendering methods, such as commodity list page using server-side rendering, which is convenient for users to search, and comment list using client-side rendering, which is faster.
In actual combat
- Express: Easier to operate HTTP modules
Middleware app. Get ('/home ', (the req, res, next) = > {next ()}) app. Get ('/home ', (the req, res, next) = > {res. Send (' HHHH ')}) middleware is a function, Some specific encapsulation of the request processing, and then the result of the processing is returned to the next middleware for use (next), until the middleware without next can set up multiple middleware for a single request. App. use((req,res,next)=>{}) // app.use((req,res,next)=>{}) (req,res,next)=>{}) Handle app.use('/home',authMiddleware(),(req,res)=>()) for a specific path App.use ((err,req,res,next)=>{})Copy the code
- Mongo database
Install sudo curl -o in /usr/local CD /usr/local // HTTP: / / / / sudo tar - ZXVF mongo osx - SSL - x86_64-4.0.9..tgz / / Rename the directory sudo mv mongodb-osx-x86_64-4.0.9/ mongodbCopy the code
Mac bash Vim ~/. Bash_profile export PATH=/Users/tao/go/bin:$PATH // Add source ~/. Bash_profileCopy the code
Start mongod mongo into mongo operation (the next best view software mongobooster) show DBS list to check the database use 'database name' switch to specify the database db. Check the connection to the database db student. The find () Query table contents show collections Query all tablesCopy the code
The command cannot be found when you restart the terminal after configuration on the MAC. If you use shell tools such as ZSH on the MAC, perform the following configuration:
Vim ~/.zshrc // Add if [-f ~/.bash_profile]; Then source ~/.bash_profile fi // Run source ~/.zshrcCopy the code
- Server utility package
NPM I Mongoose code is more convenient to operate mongodb NPM I Nodemon-g hot update project, If the nodemon XXx. js server wants to use session, it can install NPM I express-session NPM I Multer, a middleware dedicated to file uploading. Multer-aliyun-oss OSS upload image plug-in BCTYPt password encryption Jsonwebtoken generated token
- Client utility pack
NPM I less less-loader@7.3.0 -d (use webpack4 to specify version number) import VueAwesomeSwiper from ‘vue-awesome-swiper’ import ‘swiper/css/swiper.css’ Vue.use(VueAwesomeSwiper)
Vue add element vue add axios vue add router NPM I vue2-editor rich text editor NPM I swiper@5.4.5 vue-awesome-swiper NPM I DayJS time and date library is lighter
NPM i-y initializes the project to create a new index.js entry in package.json custom script: serve: Nodemon index.js introduces Express to create web service NPM run serve start new file db.js Use Mongoose to connect database to create folder models, Const router=express. router ({mergeParams:true}) router. Get…. Exports are exports
Front end:
Vue create XXX configures the global common routing style configuration
Release and deployment
Run NPM run build to compile the target file to point to a server file and then configure static resource opening in the server entry index.js
App. use('/public',express.static(__dirname+'/public')) // public app.use('/admin',express.static(__dirname+'/public/admin')) app.use('/',express.static(__dirname+'/public/web'))Copy the code
Buy: server + domain name (go to the real name), configure domain name resolution, add port 80 to the server security group, go to the record domain name (choose XG can not record)
Installation: The server uses the command line to install Ngnix, Node(with Taobao image), Git, MongoDb, and PM2 (the background startup is similar to Nodemon).
NPM install pm2@latest -g pm2 start index.js // RunCopy the code
- Distribution: git
Ssh-keygen Press cat to copy and paste it into git SSHCopy the code
- Configuration: Nginx configuration
/etc/nginx/conf.d create a configuration file called default.conf with the following contents: server {listen 80; location / { proxy_pass http://xx.xx.xx.xx:xxxx; Proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade'; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade; }} delete server defined in /etc/nginx/nginx.confCopy the code
If port 80 does not work, try: firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=80/tcp --permanent firewall-cmd --reloadCopy the code
NPM I -g n Updatable node –>n latest
- Mongodb local database migration:
Mongodump -d 'mongorestore' copy the generated files to the serverCopy the code
4. The server git pull code to start the server