HTML web page is a high speed, high efficiency, high range of media transmission, its audience covers almost all electronic devices in the market (mobile phones, computers, TV, set-top boxes, indoor and outdoor display screens, etc.). For our development of the page market is now the mainstream Baidu statistics Google Analytics Tencent mobile statistics CNZZ friends alliance. These are very mature tools, but these data and their aggregated reports are largely unable to be customized into the data structure or reports we want, based on which the development of CACCAA statistics.


  • Multi-site Management
  • PV,UV statistics and provide PV,UV traffic display function
  • Website Visit History
  • Access sources (Mobile, PC, iPad)
  • Browser information (version, size, kernel)
  • Source city (province)
  • Operator,
  • Page load time
  • Custom things
  • Statistical chart presentation
  • Provide API to get website access information
  • Other functions to be developed, you can put forward their own requirements


Home page effect picture

Access records

Multi-site Management

PV, UV statistics

Principle of Statistical Implementation

1. Access logs

Script file is introduced when the page is loaded, and request information, IP information and request path are captured when the file is requested

2. Browser information

After loading JS, the browser window size can be obtained through JS, and the browser information can be sent to the interface for storage

3. Page loading duration

Listen for the window.onload event and send the interface when the page is finished loading

4. PV and UV display

After the page JS is loaded correctly, the sending interface queries the PV and UV of the website in the database based on the URL of the requested page

5. The storage data interface is invoked

All data about the company is provided in an exportable form for use in the company’s reporting business. This is a sincere promise

Caccaa statistics website statistics tools based on self-developed algorithms, after millions of interface pressure test, stable and reliable. It is used to monitor page access data (number of visitors, number of visits, access address, carrier, browser, page loading time, custom events, etc.), and support report export data function tutorial.