The front end Node-ssh build front-end automatic build integration tool December 25, 2023 by Hayley Owen No Comments preface ❝ If you are not using the front-end automatic build integration tool, and are struggling to upload using SFTP after each package, the following simple automatic integration tool may be of interest to you. ❞ Analysis of the The SFTP tool process is as follows:Process for replacing SFTP with Node-SSH:Specific implementation process: design Next we built a package publishing tool, which I called publish-tools. For security and versatility, put the configuration file (publish.config.js) in the project as an NPM package command-line tool. tool Chalk // Font color tool Commander // Command line tools Inquirer // Interactive command-line tool Node-ssh // Node-ssh tool Ora // animation tool Glob // File matching tool Writing configuration files Example of configuring two test environments (dev,dev2) You can choose to pack and release 2 test environments; You can view the packaging log; It can be designed like this: module.exports = { option: { dev: { remoteDir: ' '.// Server address host: ' '. username: ' '. passdword: ' '. script: ` `.// Run the package command NPM run build localDir: ' ' // Dist /dev }, dev2: { remoteDir: ' '. host: ' '. username: ' '. passdword: ' '. script: ' '. localDir: ' ' } }, logs: false / / log }Copy the code Write the NPM package Initial Configuration Perform NPM init Name: the publish – tools Add to package.json "bin": { // Command name: file name "publishTest": "./index.js" },Copy the code Download the dependent yarn add chalk commander inquirer node-ssh ora globCopy the code The development of 1. Create the index.js file 2. Add #! At the top of the file. /usr/bin/env node #! /usr/bin/env nodeconst path = require("path");const program = require("commander");const child_process = require("child_process");const util = require("util");const chalk = require('chalk');const inquirer = require("inquirer");const process = require("process");const pka = require("./package.json");const ora = require("ora");const glob = require("glob");const { NodeSSH } = require("node-ssh");const ssh = new NodeSSH();const exec = util.promisify(child_process.exec); // Execute shell commands using child processesconst arr = glob.sync(`${process.cwd()}/publish.config.js`); // Load the configuration file for the working directoryCopy the code “Note: File newline is changed to LF to prevent unnecessary errors“ 3. Determine the configuration file function log(str, color = 'white') { console.log(chalk[color](str)) } function checkConf(cos) { const target = ["remoteDir"."host"."username"."passdword"."script"."localDir"]; if(! cos) { log(Missing argument option 'in'."red"); return false } let flag = true for (let item in cos) { const arr = Object.keys(cos[item]); target.forEach((e) = > { if (arr.indexOf(e) == - 1) { log(`${item}Missing arguments in${e}`."red"); flag= false; } }); } // console.log(cos) return flag; }let config = null; // Config filelet types = []; // Interactive command selectionlet pointLog = false; // Whether to print logsif (arr.length) { const src = arr[0]; const { option, logs } = require(src); if (option) config = option; if (logs) pointLog = logs; if(! checkConf(config)) { return; } else { types = Object.keys(config); }} else { log(`${process.cwd()}Did not publish. Config. Js `."red"); return;}if(! config || ! types.length)return;Copy the code 4. Test the command line command in package.json "scripts": { "test": "node ./index.js publish" // equivalent to 'publishTest publish' }Copy the code Add index.js to the command line program .version(pka.version, "-v, --version") // publishTest -v version number .option("publish, publish"."Local Packaged publishing tool") // publishTest publis => Executes the publish command .command("publish") .action( (a)= > { //publish the code executed by the command // Select the environment to publish }); program.parse(process.argv);Copy the code Select the environment to publish const { devType } = await inquirer.prompt([ { name: "devType". type: "list". message: Please select the test version to release. choices: types.filter((e) = > { //dev,dev2 return { name: e, value: e, }; }), default: types[0]. }, ]); const selectConfig = config[devType]; // Select the configuration const spinner = ora("Start packing..."); / / animation spinner.start(); pointLog && log(` configuration:The ${JSON.stringify(selectConfig, null.2)}`); pointLog && log('Execute command:${selectConfig.script}`); // Execute the local packaging commandCopy the code Execute the local packaging command exec(selectConfig.script, { encoding: "utf8" }) // Execute the script in the configuration file .then((stdout, stderr) = > { if (pointLog) { // Package logs console.log(stdout); console.log(stderr); } spinner.succeed(); // SSH connection to the server })Copy the code Connecting to the server //selectConfig => The selected configuration file ssh.connect({ host:, username: selectConfig.username, port: selectConfig.port || 22. password: selectConfig.passdword, tryKeyboard: true. }) .then( function () { log('Connected to the server successfully'."green"); log('Start uploading files'."green"); // Upload the file })Copy the code Upload a file //distDir: the local upload directory, remoteDir: the remote directoryssh.putDirectory(distDir, selectConfig.remoteDir, { // Call back on file tick: function (localPath, remotePath, error) { if (error) { log(error, "red"); } else { pointLog && log(` transfer:${localPath} -> ${remotePath}`."green"); } }, }) .then(function () { // Upload succeeded })Copy the code At this point, the NPM package is complete. Now you can publish to NPM npm login npm who am i npm publish Local publishing success conclusion The above is the process of publish-tools, which has been published to NPM. If necessary, you can download and use it. We welcome your valuable comments and suggestions.