
OSI network model is divided into seven layers, from bottom to top: physical layer, data link layer, network layer, transport layer, session layer, presentation layer, application layer, TCP protocol is in the transport layer.

TCP Node. Js

The NET module in Node.js provides the encapsulation of TCP protocol, using the NET module can easily build a TCP server, or build a client connected to the TCP server.

Net module creates a server

let net = require('net')

let server = net.createServer()
server.on('connection'.function(socket) {// Socket socket session, HTTP has request response console.log('connection success')
server.listen(3000, function () {
    console.log('server start at 3000')})Copy the code

This creates a simple service. Start on port 3000 and listen for client connections. A socket is a readable and writable duplex stream, which can be understood as a session between a client and a server.

Receive data

socket.on('data'.function (data) {
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The response data

socket.write('nice to meet you')
Copy the code

Closing the Client

socket.end('end... ') // Close the clientCopy the code

Closing the Server

server.close(); Server.unref (); // If close is triggered, no new requests will be received. // No client connection will close itself (no close event will be triggered) server.on('close'.function () {
    console.log('server closed')})Copy the code

After the close call, the server does not receive any new requests. When there is no client connection, the close event is triggered and the server is shut down

After the unref call, the server continues to accept new requests. When there is no client connection, the close event is not triggered and the server is shut down.

Set the maximum number of connections

server.maxConnections = 2; // Set the maximum number of connectionsCopy the code

Implementation of chat rooms

With the knowledge above, we can implement a chat room.


  • Number of current online users (maximum number of users that can be connected)
  • The inputl:To view the current user list.
  • The inputs:zs: hello, send a message to Joe;
  • The inputr: ls, rename yourself to ls;
  • The inputb: nice to meet youBroadcast messages to other users

Create a service

let net = require('net');

let server = net.createServer((socket) => {
    let key = socket.remoteAddress + socket.remotePort
server.listen(3000, function () {
    console.log('server start at 3000')})Copy the code

Cache client information

let client = {}
letServer = net.createserver ((socket) => {// Display welcome message server.maxConnections = 3; server.getConnections(function(err, count) {socket.write(' Welcome, current user${count}Always hold${server.maxConnections}\r\n ')}let key = socket.remoteAddress + socket.remotePort
    client[key] = {nickname: 'anonymous',socket}
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The client information is cached to the client, the IP address +port of the client is used as the key value, the nickname is anonymous by default, and the callback socket is saved.

Process instructions entered by the client

    socket.on('data'.function (chunk) {
        chunk = chunk.replace(/\r\n/,' ')
        let [command, target, content] = chunk.split(':')
        switch (command) {
            case 'l'ShowList (socket);break;
            case 's'CharTo (target,content, client[key].nickname);break;
            case 'r': // Rename (key, target);break;
            case 'b'Broadcast (key, target, client[key].nickname);break;
                break; }})Copy the code

Handles the implementation of functions

ShowList function implementation

function showList(socket) {
    letForEach (user => {users.push(user.nickname)}) socket.write(' Current user list: \r\n${users.join('\r\n')} \r\n`)
Copy the code

The implementation of charTo function

function charTo(target, content, source) {
    let targetSocket;
    Object.values(client).forEach(user => {
        if(user.nickname === target) {
            targetSocket = user.socket
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The implementation of the rename function

functionrename(key, content) { client[key].nickname = content; Client [key].socket.write(' rename to:${content}\r\n`)
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The implementation of broadcast function

function broadcast(key, content, nickname) {
    Object.keys(client).forEach(user => {
        if(user ! == key) { client[user].socket.write(`${nickname}: ${content}\r\n`)
Copy the code

Results of inspection

Our suggestion chat room is ready, we can use PuTTY this software as a client to send TCP requests;

Here are the results of my test.


The process that oneself realizes a chat room is still very interesting, welcome the classmate that likes to tamper more exchange.