At the DevOps sub-forum of Tencent Cloud Techo Park 2020 just concluded, CODING CEO Hailong Zhang launched Nocalhost, a new product independently developed by CODING team. Nocalhost is a cloud native development environment, using Nocalhost can be rapid development of micro-service applications in Kubernetes environment, effectively shorten the development cycle feedback, so that cloud native development back to the original and simple.

Developers suffer from native development

Coding and local validation of software is always an integral part of development. In the cloud native era, microservice architecture and Kubernetes environment are generally adopted to support large-scale application development, but it also introduces problems such as difficult debugging of local development, inconsistent with production, and chaotic development and test environment.

Disruptive cloud development model

That all changed with Nocalhost’s disruptive cloud-based approach to development. You do not need to configure the development, debugging, and test environment on the local PC. You can directly use the remote cloud native development environment for development. With the help of Nocalhost, there is no need to run the Kubernetes environment locally, no need to run the microservices to be developed and all their dependent microservices, no need to run docker builds to build images and redeploy workloads.

As A simple example, assume that developer A needs to develop A containerized application locally and modify and validate functionality.

  1. Set up and start the K8S environment locally to run all the microservice components;
  2. Running an application locally consumes a lot of memory resources, and larger applications mean higher local configuration requirements.
  3. To modify and verify code changes, you need to complete the steps of rebuilding the image, updating the workload, waiting for the new image to be pulled, and restarting the container, all while meeting the first two conditions.

In traditional mode, modifying even a single line of code requires these tedious steps to obtain validation results. In the Nocalhost development mode, the local IDE and the cloud development environment are connected, and the administrator will allocate the environment and development resources for the developers. Complete micro service running in the cloud, the development environment of local developers only need to modify the need to develop a micro service code, modify the code to save, can be in the cloud development environment for validation, the validation process consists of five minutes reduced to 5 seconds, realize real-time effective local development code and debugging, greatly improving the efficiency of developers to verify.

In fact, Nocalhost not only has an excellent experience in self-testing feedback loops, but also greatly reduces local environment configuration and maintenance costs, enhances horizontal environment expansion and environment control capabilities, and achieves a high degree of consistency between development and production environments.

Open source and community building

CODING has always been focused on the developer ecosystem and wants to collaborate and grow with developers. At present, Nocalhost has all the source code, documentation open source to GitHub; Maintain vendor neutrality and abide by Apache protocol, all developers and partners can build an ecosystem and contribute to cloud native development.


As more and more applications evolve from monomer to micro-service, more and more components and developers are involved. Although it is suitable for developers to work together, it is increasingly difficult to build and debug the development environment. “Nocalhost’s vision is to make it as easy to develop complex applications as it is to develop individual applications,” Zhang hailong said in his share. Nocalhost, or No Localhost, can focus development on a single service in the microservices architecture and implement a rapid development feedback loop. In the future, CODING and Nocalhost will continue to improve themselves, provide a more powerful and comprehensive cloud native development accelerator, and help more enterprises to expand their business in the cloud.

Click now to experience Nocalhost