
In recent days, I have been working on a VSCode plug-in called “I love digging gold”, in order to make it more convenient to dig friends while writing code, while fishing. This plugin is mainly based on the VSCode plugin API Webview development, so most functions are directly using iframe to display the gold digging page, but this Webview has great limitations, such as the opening of a new window.

Nuggets home page article list is a new window after clicking, according to this means only let me see the home page article title, but can not see the article?

This is going to turn over!

The chief marshal has all kinds of plans, so there is no rollover (please see the picture 😁). The optimal path doesn’t work, so go to the trouble of losing more hair.

No more words, see the effect first

Rewrite the nuggets homepage

After seeing the effect, feel good, please reward a πŸ‘ praise?

To get data, you have to have an interface

Rewriting the homepage of digging gold involves several interfaces, I will not paste the interface address, because digging gold is front and back end separation, also did not use SSR (yes, is super rare card meaning), the interface itself can be seen by F12 in debug mode.

  • Get nuggets categorized (i.e., back end, front end, Android…. The row)

  • Gets a list of articles under the specified category

Classification of navigation

After the interface is requested, it is dynamically added to the category node

var str="";
for(var i=0; i<categorys.length; i++){ str+="<span class='cateitem' onclick='switchCategory("+i+")'>"+categorys[i].category_name+"</span>";
Copy the code

The navigation will always be at the top of the page as we scroll, so we’ll use fixed

  height: 46px;
  background: # 333;
  line-height: 46px;
  overflow-x: scroll;
  overflow-y: hidden;
  width: 100%;
  white-space: nowrap;
  position: fixed;
  color: # 999;
  padding:0px 20px;
  border-radius: 10px;
  cursor: pointer;
Copy the code

If the page width is not enough, we need to scroll, but we don’t want to show the scrollbar, so we set it to hide with -webkit-scrollbar

.category::-webkit-scrollbar {
  display: none;
Copy the code

Add hover and active effects to category tags

  color: #1683FB;
Copy the code

The article lists

With the article list data in hand, let’s assemble the content. This is why the home page is rewritten, because the article list item is clicked and the openInWebview method is called to inform VSCode of the next action.

var new_articles =       
for(var i=0; i<new_articles.length; i++){var article_item=new_articles[i];
      <div class='articleitem' onclick='openInWebview("${article_item.article_id}")'>
      <div class='text'>
      <div class='info'>${article_item.author_user_info.user_name} Β· ${getTimeUntilNow(article_item.article_info.ctime)} Β· ${getTagsStr(article_item.tags)}</div>
      <div class='title'>${article_item.article_info.title}< / div > < div class = 'statistics' > praise${article_item.article_info.digg_count}comments${article_item.article_info.comment_count}</div>
      <div class='image' style='background-image:url(${article_item.article_info.cover_image}); display:${article_item.article_info.cover_image==' '?'none':'block'}'></div>
Copy the code

I just want to use vanilla. Js, the original JS framework, and I found that JQuery works.

It doesn’t matter what you use, it’s about implementation.

Style is a little long, I will not paste, anyway, finally provided the source code, you can see the source code.

Scroll to the bottom to request more articles

A very common function, the implementation method is very simple

  let scroH = $(document).scrollTop();
  let viewH = $(window).height();
  let bodyH = $(document.body).height();

  if (bodyH - scroH == viewH){
    loadArticlesByCategory(lastCursor);// Request the method of the article, with the page number mark}});Copy the code

Download the source code

Making the address

“I Love Nuggets” plugin

Write so much, but also hope that everyone to use this plug-in, in VSCode fishing efficiency greatly improved.

Pay attention to the big handsome doing full stack

Pay attention to big handsome, you want to know the big front end, I have here

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