Let me begin by saying:

Someone has river’s lake, river’s lake has IT system, IT system has database, database has SQL, SQL application can be a word summary: “wide”. In addition to its easy to learn,SQL implementation can also be summed up in one word: “music”.

However, although SQL to achieve a simple cola, but very easy to cause performance problems, when the majority of SQL users can be “sorrow” on a word, heartbreak countless times.

Why is there a performance problem? The reason can also be summed up in one word or another: “quantity”. When the amount of data and concurrent traffic goes up, bad SQL will drag down the entire system, and we can’t even tell which SQL is affecting the system. I don’t know how to optimize it even if I do. The mood at this time can also be summarized in one word: “meng”.

Now this book begins to take you away from the troubles, into the optimized cola world!

First of all, teach you SQL overall optimization, fast optimization implementation, how to read the execution plan, how to control the execution plan of the four must-kill. What’s with all this? The answer is to teach a macro solution of the whole first and then the part, to enter the world of “Tao”.

Next I will lead you to fly in the sky of art. Teach you architecture, logical structure, table design, index design, table join these five essentials. So what’s the point of all this? Don’t worry, this is how to solve the problem, specifically, how to do SQL optimization without rewriting.

The book then guides you through the five magic skills of equivalent rewriting, process package optimization, advanced SQL, analysis functions, and requirements optimization. A little dizzy, can you reduce the routine? Calm down, this is still in the realm of “art”, again teaching you how to solve a problem, but this time rewriting SQL to optimize it.

The final chapter is out of the way. Did the misconceptions you’ve been following for years make you doubt life, and did the idea of making SQL run slower ruin your life?

A little more sincerity, this book provides scanning TWO-DIMENSIONAL code assisted learning, is not the heart of the author to warm? After reading this book, close the book, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and feel the world of SQL optimization with your heart. In one word: “cool”!

The whole book shows the route of learning

In short, the sad story of Xiao Wang can be translated into the following learning roadmap. Due to limited space, the process planning will not be explained in detail in the book. We will integrate it into the overall optimization module for finding problems and write it in the form of code.

Directory content

Chapter 1 global in the chest with a tool for SQL overall optimization

Chapter 2 Effectively shorten the SQL optimization process

Chapter 3 Following the Rules — How to Read AN sQL Execution Plan

Chapter 4 ingenious Strategies for SQL execution plan

Chapter 5 Wait, feel the architecture let SQL fly

Chapter 6 Wait, experience the logical structure and let SQL fly

Chapter 7 Wait, explore table design to make sQL fly

Chapter 6 Wait, learn how indexes make sQL fly

Chapter 9 wait, figure out how indexes block sQL flying

Chapter 10 Wait, other indexing applications let sQL fly

Chapter 11 Wait, the secret of table joins makes SQL fly

Chapter 12, classical equivalent rewriting let SQL fly

In chapter 13, procedure function optimization makes sQL fly

Chapter 14 is hands-on, advanced writing applications that make sQL fly

Chapter 15 begins by analyzing functions to make SQL fly

Chapter 16 hands on, grasp the need to rewrite let sQL fly

Chapter 17 summary and Extension: from believing nothing to seeing the fire

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