An overview of the

Nginx Reverse Proxy A reverse proxy is when the server obtains resources from one or more groups of back-end servers (such as Web servers) in relation to the client based on the client’s request, and then returns these resources to the client. The client only knows the IP address of the reverse proxy, but does not know the existence of the server cluster behind the proxy server.

The role of the reverse proxy

  • Hide the IP address of the server (cluster) from clients
  • Security: As an application-layer firewall, it provides protection against Web-based attacks, such as DoS and DDoS, and facilitates malware detection
  • Provide unified encryption and SSL acceleration for back-end servers (clusters) (such as SSL terminal agents)
  • Load balancing: If the server cluster has a high load, the reverse proxy obtains the same resources or backup required from the low load person according to the connection request through URL rewriting
  • Provide caching for static content and dynamic content with a large number of access requests in a short period of time
  • Compression of some content to save bandwidth or to serve networks with poor network bandwidth
  • Slow to upload
  • Provide HTTP access authentication

Practice The Nginx reverse proxy Intranet penetrates port 8081

  • Objective: To hide port 8081 and access port 8081 by accessing port 80

Implementation steps

  • We configured the API on port 8081 and successfully deployed it. At this time, 8081 is open to the public, so it is accessible

  • Take the Ubuntu environment for example
$ cd /etc/nginx/
$ vim nginx.conf
Copy the code
  • Configure the reverse proxy of port 8081 on the Nginx HTTP node as follows
server { listen 80 default_server; listen [::]:80 default_server; Location/API / {proxy_pass; } location /apidocs/ { proxy_pass http://localhost:8081/api/; index swagger-ui.html; error_page 404 http://localhost:8081/api/swagger-ui.html; }}Copy the code
  • After the configuration, restart the Nginx service
$ service nginx restart
Copy the code
  • Visit http://ip/apidocs/swagger-ui.html success

  • We can turn off the server security group rule, remove port 8081 – security group rule, you can log in aliyun configuration, aliyun as an example, other similar

  • http://ip/apidocs/swagger-ui.html can still visit

  • http://ip:8081/api/swagger-ui.html is inaccessible

  • So far, we have realized the nGINx reverse proxy port 8081, by accessing port 80, proxy to port 8081 purpose
  • Focus on understanding the Ngnix Location&proxy _pass field rule

Implementation Mode 2: Configure upstream

  • Under the HTTP node, add the upstream node
upstream demo { 
   server ip:8080; 
   server ip:8081; 
Copy the code
  • Set proxy_pass in the location node under server node to http:// + upstream name
location / { 
      proxy_pass http://demo; 
Copy the code

Nginx configure HTTPS support

 # #
        # add cnn SSL Settings
        # #
                listen 443;
                ssl on;
                ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/cert/test.pem;
                ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/cert/test.key;
                ssl_session_timeout 5m;
                location / {
                							# Root domain name or IP addressproxy_pass; }}Copy the code