I was so confused by this cross-domain problem (it was so lame at the time)

Usually the front-end request is the url is the domain name (port access 80 or 443) and the back-end service is port 8080, This time you request http://106.520.156.210:8080/vic-indoor-pc/selectAllUser will offer cross-domain problem (port)

So I in each request with unified prefix/API, request into http://106.520.156.210/api/vic-indoor-pc/selectAllUse (port must be the same as the front)

Front end sends the request: http://106.520.156.210/api/vic-indoor-pc/selectAllUse Nginx forward becomes: http://106.520.156.210:8080/vic-indoor-pc/selectAllUse

Rewrite “^/ API /(.*)$” /$1 break; rewrite “^/ API /(.*)$1 break; This is to delete the/API and then forwarded to http://106.520.156.210:8080/

                location /api/vic-indoor-pc {

                        proxy_set_header Client-IP      $Remote_addr;
                        proxy_pass http://106.520.156.210:8080/;
                        rewrite "^/api/(.*)$" /The $1 break; 


Copy the code

I also encountered the problem of downloading Ali OSS storage across domains, which is also solved in this way. (with uniform prefix)

                location /img/report {

                        proxy_set_header Client-IP      $Remote_addr;
                        proxy_pass https://bilibili.oss-cn-shenzhen.aliyuncs.com/;
                        rewrite "^/img/(.*)$" /The $1 break;
Copy the code