DoKit, born in didi City Transportation Service Experience Technology Department, is an efficiency platform for the whole life cycle of pan-front-end product development. After two years of development, DoKit has developed into a relatively complete ecosystem, such as DoKit For Android, DoKit For iOS, DoKit For applets, DoKit For Flutter, DoKit For Web. At the same time, our project has been widely used by BAT, Didi, Byte, Kuaishou, JINGdong and other head unicorn enterprises and has won a good reputation. With the launch of platform, DoKit has officially entered the stage of efficiency tool platform from simple efficiency tool. At the same time, we have never stopped exploring, actively experimenting in more platform areas, without limiting ourselves. We believe that the future of DoKit is full of possibilities.

The latest version

Flutter 1.+ support: 0.6.0

Flutter 2.+ support: 0.8.0- Nullsafety.0

DoKit For Flutter Access Guide

New Functions

Control check

View control information on the current page, including location, size, source information, align ruler, view build chain, etc. Note: Source information is only available in Debug mode. The same route function, in case of overlays, will fail

Color picker

View the RGBA color value of the corresponding pixel anywhere on the current page for easy UI debugging and obtaining the color of the pixel

The Widget hierarchy

View the tree hierarchy of the currently selected widget and the detailed build chain for its renderObject

Page source view

Note: Source information is only available in Debug mode. The same route function, in case of overlays, will fail

Page startup time

Get the page startup time, the framework has done a non-intrusive injection of NavigatorObserver. Note: The page startup time information is only meaningful if you are in Profile or Release mode


DoKit For Flutter has been planned and is currently under development, including memory leaks and custom business zones. Community members are welcome to communicate with us if they have good ideas about Flutter.