Android4.0 (API 14)
- Space Space
- PopupMenu
- GlidLayout grid layout
Android5.0 (API 21)
- MaterialDesign design style
- CardView
- RecyclerView
- SwipeRefreshLayout
- Toolbar
- Android L adds transitions for activities — explosions, slides, and fades out
- Palette extracts the highlighted color from the image, which can be assigned to the ActionBar, Toolbar, or whatever, to give the interface a uniform hue.
- Supports 64-bit ART VMS
- Support for multiple devices (phones, tablets, laptops, smart TVS, cars, smartwatches and even a variety of home electronics)
- New API support, Bluetooth 4.1, USB Audio, multiplayer sharing and more
- Camera2
Android6.0 (API 23)
- Fingerprint identification
- Dynamic Permission Application
- FloatingActionButton
- Snackbar
- TabLayout
- NavigationView
- CoordinatorLayout
- AppBarLayout
- CollapsingToolbarLayout
- App Linking
- TextInputLayout
- Lots of nice, smooth animations
- Support folder drag and drop applications
- Added professional mode to camera
- Not only can the lock screen be customized, But Android 6.0 also features a new color scheme for the Quick Panel that allows users to change colors by changing themes.
Android7.0 (API 24)
- Picture in picture
- Split screen multitasking
- Enhanced Java8 language patterns
- Notification bar quick reply
- Night mode
- OpenJDK replaces the Java API
- Android 7.0 uses the ARI JIT compiler with real-time code profiling to continuously improve the performance of Android applications as they run
- Access to directories is restricted, which is resolved by using FileProvider
Android8.0 (API 26)
- Notify change
- Picture in picture mode
- Adaptive icon
- Self-filling frame
- XML fonts and downloadable fonts
- Pinned Shortcut
- TextView font automatically ADAPTS
- The media to enhance
- You can set the maximum screen aspect ratio
- Background process Restriction
- Applications from Unknown Sources
- FindViewById doesn’t need to be forced
- Unified margins and padding: layout_marginVertical, layout_marginHorizontal, paddingVertical, paddingHorizontal
Android9.0 (API 28)
- Indoor wifi positioning
- Bangs support
- notice
- Enhance the experience
- Channel Settings, broadcast and do not disturb
- Multi-camera support and camera updates
- New picture decoding
- animation
- HDR VP9 video, HEIF Image compression and media API
- Data cost sensitivity in JobScheduler
- Neural network API 1.1
- Improved form auto-fill
- Security enhancements
- Android Backup encryption
Android10.0 (API 29)
- Diablo mode
- The desktop model
- Privacy enhancements (location permissions, media permissions, device unique identifiers)
- Super lock mode
- Screen recording
- Facial recognition
- Restrict program access to the clipboard
- Application degradation
- New fonts, icon shapes, and prompt colors
Android11.0 (API 30)
- Partitioned storage forcibly executed
- Media file access permission
- Package visibility (adding elements to manifest files)
- APK signature scheme v2
- The custom message box view is masked
- 5G network optimization