ChromeNew features in version 92 & Release Notes in version 92

Chrome 92: July 20, 2021

A,ChromeThe browser was updated with version 92

  1. ChromeBlock ports 989 and 990
    • Chrome92 Transfer port 989 (ftps-data) and 990 (ftps) to the list of restricted ports and block traffic through them. This does not affect customers using standard ports, but custom configurations using non-standard ports may be affected.
  2. ChromeAdded in privacy sandbox SettingsFLoCcontrols
  3. AndroidChromeIncludes a new device-side model for phishing detection
    • ifChromeA possible phishing attempt was detected,ChromeA full-page inset warning is displayed. With this change,ChromeWill send the following to the secure browsing service:
      • The version of the model that is executed
      • The score given by the model for each category
      • A Boolean that describes whether the new model is used to generate a fraction
  4. Back/forward desktop caches are fully launched for all sites
    • Back/forward caching is a browser optimization that enables instant back and forward navigation.
  5. Magic ToolbarCan be found inAndroidChromeuse
    • AndroidOn theChromeThe toolbar includes a new customizable button
  6. Publishing plug-in updates requires two steps of validation
    • Releasing a new plugin/update plugin requires a two-step verification of the developer’s account
  7. ChromeTo use the classicDNSUser extension ofDNS HTTPSRecords of the query
  8. Variously sourcediframeUnable to triggerJavaScriptdialog
    • ififrameUnlike the source of the top page,Chrome92 will stopiframeTrigger prompt (window.alert, window.confirm, window.prompt)
  9. SharedArrayBuffersNeed to beCross-Origin-Opener-PolicyCross-Origin-Embedder-Policy
    • No appropriate policy is setWebThe application is no longer accessibleSharedArrayBuffers.
  10. AndriodDelete theShow suggestions for similar pagesThe setting of the
  11. The drive on the new TAB starts first
    • Due inChrome93 full start.
  12. Developers can changePWAName and icon
  13. ChromeTry to suppress autofill suggestions
  14. Google LensTo replace theChromeDesktop search by image
    • inChrome92, for the default search engine set toGoogleChromeUser, useGoogle LensSearch context menu item replaces searchGoogle for ImageDesktop context menu item.
  15. ChromeiosOn separate login and synchronization
    • iniOSOn,Chrome92 will be synchronized withGoogleService Settings are divided into two categories: synchronization andGoogleService.
  16. If the download could lead to an account leak,ChromeThe new warning text is displayed
    • If the user initiated the download is identified and stolen by secure browsingcookieSome users on the desktop platform will see a new warningfilename.exeCould allow an attacker to steal your personal information.
  17. IncognitoDeleted the reference to the historyUIlink
    • ChromeHistory will not be saved in stealth mode, but some platforms will still be invisibleUIDisplays a link to the history on. inAndroidOn, just to be clearChromeNo history is saved, and the history menu item in the instealth window temporarily links to the interpreter page instead of to the user’s history.
  18. ChromeDisabled fromChrome Web StoreTo remove the extension program in
    • ChromeWill be banned for non-complianceChromeOnline application store policy fromChromeA deleted extension from the online app store.
    • If an administrator forces an extension to be installed,ChromeIt will not be disabled.

Second,ChromeThe OS of version 92 is updated

  1. ChromeImproved the desktopAndroidLinuxApplication support
    • Right-click the application window to assign it to a specific desktop
  2. ChromeSupport continuous dictation
    • Dictation now allows you to dictation your text continuously, and only times out if you stop talking
  3. Point Scanning for Switch Access
    • Point ScanningSwitch AccessA new navigation mode. It allows the user to select any location on the screen and trigger actions.
  4. ChromeToteAdded further integration
    • inToteYou can fromAndriodApplication andChromeprint to pdfQuickly find the download item in
  5. MultiPasteNow available for virtual keyboards
  6. ChromeImproved international keyboard shortcuts
  7. Chrome OSCamera now supportsPTZcontrols
  8. Emoji selector for the physical keyboard
  9. ChromeOperating system devices help initiator search
  10. Certain protected content may no longer be inM89And earlier versions
    • Starting August 3, certain protected video and audio content may no longer be availableM89And an earlier version.

Management console update

1. Manage other policies in the console

Policy name page Supported systems Category/Field
SystemFeaturesDisableMode Managed Guest Session Settings Chrome OS User experience / Disabled system features visibility
SuppressDifferentOriginSubframeDialogs User & Browser Settings; Managed Guest Session Settings Chrome

Chrome OS

Content / Cross-origin JavaScript dialogs
EnterpriseHardwarePlatformAPIEnabled User & Browser Settings; Managed Guest Session Settings Chrome

Chrome OS

Hardware / Enterprise Hardware Platform API
LensCameraAssistedSearchEnabled User & Browser Settings Android User experience / Google Lens camera assisted search
NearbyShareAllowed User & Browser Settings Chrome OS Connected devices / Nearby share
SharedArrayBufferUnrestrictedAccessAllowed User & Browser Settings; Managed Guest Session Settings Chrome

Chrome OS
Network / SharedArrayBuffer
WebRtcIPHandling User & Browser Settings; Managed Guest Session Settings Chrome

Chrome OS
Network / WebRTC IP handling
FetchKeepaliveDurationSecondsOnShutdown User & Browser Settings Chrome Power and shutdown / Keepalive duration / Fetch keepalive duration on Shutdown (in seconds)
CECPQ2Enabled User & Browser Settings; Managed Guest Session Settings Chrome

Chrome OS

Network / CECPQ2 post-quantum key-agreement for TLS
AudioProcessHighPriorityEnabled User & Browser Settings Chrome Hardware / Audio process priority / Adjust the priority for the Chrome audio process
ExplicitlyAllowedNetworkPorts User & Browser Settings; Managed Guest Session Settings Chrome

Chrome OS

Network / Allowed network ports
AllowSystemNotifications User & Browser Settings Chrome Security / System notifications
DefaultFileHandlingGuardSetting User & Browser Settings; Managed Guest Session Settings Chrome

Chrome OS
Content / File Handling API
FileHandlingBlockedForUrls User & Browser Settings; Managed Guest Session Settings Chrome

Chrome OS
Content / File Handling API / Block the File Handling API for these URLs
FileHandlingAllowedForUrls User & Browser Settings; Managed Guest Session Settings Chrome

Chrome OS
Content / File Handling API / Allow the File Handling API for these URLs
BrowserThemeColor User & Browser Settings Chrome General / Custom theme color / Hex color
PdfAnnotationsEnabled User & Browser Settings Chrome OS Content / PDF Annotations
DeviceSystemWideTracingEnabled Device Settings Chrome OS User and device reporting / System-wide performance trace collection
GaiaOfflineSigninTimeLimitDays User Settings Chrome OS Security/Google online login frequency

2. New and updated Policies (ChromeChromeOperating system)

strategy describe
InsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsAllowed Controls whether an insecure web site is allowed to make requests to any network endpoint and is subject to other cross-source checks.
CloudUserPolicyMerge Allows policies associated with the Google Workspace account to be incorporated into machine-level policies.
GaiaLockScreenOfflineSigninTimeLimitDays Limit the amount of time users who authenticate through GAIA without SAML can log in offline on the lock screen.
SamlLockScreenOfflineSigninTimeLimitDays Limit the amount of time that users authenticated through SAML can log in offline from the lock screen.
AdditionalDnsQueryTypesEnabled Allows DNS queries for other DNS record types.
PromptForDownloadLocation Ask where each file is saved before downloading.
DataLeakPreventionReportingEnabled Enable data leak prevention reporting.
DataLeakPreventionRulesList Set the data leakage prevention rule list.
DeviceDebugPacketCaptureAllowed Allows debugging of network packet capture.
SuggestLogoutAfterClosingLastWindow The logout confirmation dialog box is displayed.
TripleDESEnabled Enable the 3DES cipher suite in TLS.

Four,Chrome92 new features

1. Array,StringTypedArrayRelative index method

Add a new method called at() to array.prototype, string.prototype, and TypedArray prototypes that allows relative indexing using negative indexes.

let arr = [];; / / return 4
Copy the code

2. CanvasColor management

Formalize the default color space for the 2D canvas and ImageData as sRGB.

3. CSS position: viscosity (stickyScroll to the initial position to enter the view

Demo address:…

4. Finally specified command slot distribution

5. aria-touchpassthrough

Screen readers that support touch screens often include a “touch exploration” mode, where you can tap or drag slowly across the screen and listen to feedback about what you touch before the screen is activated. Setting aria-TouchPassThrough on an HTML element indicates that the screen reader should pass touch events for that element directly.

6. Shared element transformation

Shared Element Transitions is a proposal for a new scripting API that allows for a simple set of Transitions in single-page applications (SPA) and multi-page applications (MPA).

7. WebBluetooth manufacturer data filter

8. @font-faceResizing descriptor for

The resizing descriptor in @font-face allows you to scale the font size of a particular font without affecting the CSS font size and derived metrics, such as EM. CSS font-size can be thought of as the scale factor of the box in which the font is drawn.

9. forIntl.DateTimeFormatadddayPeriodoptions

Add the dayPeriod option to the intl.dateTimeFormat () method so that the caller can format the time

10. ECMA402In the international language environment information

The Intl Locale Info API is a new Stage ECMAScript TC39 proposal that enhances Intl.Locale objects by exposing Locale information.

11. A payment processor that standardizes payment method identifiers.

12. Contaminant markers to be applied to resource timing

13. crypto.randomUUID()

This method returns a namespace-specific string representation (for example, “6e4decd0-6066-4a25-98e3-0227317cda52”).

14. PWAURLProtocol handler registration

Demo address: mandymsft.github. IO /pwa/

  • # Chrome Enterprise release notes