Java8 new features

2021/11/22 learning from B station is silicon Valley YYDS Java learning source code

  • Distance, New Year still 57 days, homesick ~🙃
  • JDK1.8 has been around for a long time and is already in use in many enterprises
  • Although, the JDK is not backward compatibleNew featuresYou can also develop normally, but as a programmer you have to constantly update new technologies. Do not ask what will, but the requirement to understand! 😘

Java 8 was released by Oracle in March 2014

  • Is the most revolutionary release of Java since Java 5
  • Java 8 is the Java language: Compilers, class libraries, development tools, and JVMS bring a host of new features.

Lambda expressions

Functional programming

  • Lambda expressions, originally Python syntax, are simple and elegant, a line of code is a method ~

    However, to tell the truth the readability is not very good the first time to see this time I have meng 😵. In order not to be laughed at by colleagues, I studied JDK8 overnight

  • Lambda expressions, also known as closures, are the most important new feature released in Java 8

    Closure: A closure is a function that can read variables inside other functions. For example, in JS, local variables can be read only by children of the function

    So:closureA function defined within a function

  • Lambda allows functions to be passed as arguments to a method (functions passed as arguments to methods 👍)

Basic syntax:

/**Lambda syntax: */(Parameter list) -> {code block}/** Description: */
/*Lambda expressions are implemented based on the premise of: functional interfaces: interfaces that contain only one abstract method, called functional interfaces */Left: specifies the argument list required by the Lambda expression. Right: specifies the Lambda body, which is the implementation logic of the abstract method, that is, what the Lambda expression is supposed to doCopy the code

Lambda instances:


  • Take the Runnable interface as an example:Lambda expression is lambdaAnonymous implementation classThe,Another way to optimize the declaration:
public void test1(a){
/** the Runnable interface is used to implement multithreading
    //1. Class -- > implement Runnable interface, create instance... Fill in the Thread (Runnable r); .start(); Starting a thread
    //2. Get Runnable interface instance by anonymous inner class: create an interface instance
    Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {
        public void run(a) {
            System.out.println("Anonymous inner Class implementing Runnable Interface instance"); }}; Thread thread1 =new Thread(runnable);

/** after JDK8, define the Runnable Lambda interface to implement multithreading
    // -> left: specifies the argument list required by the Lambda expression, where the argument list is empty
    // -> Specify Lambda body, which is the implementation logic of the abstract method, that is, the function of the Lambda expression to perform;
    Runnable runnable2 = () -> { System.out.println("Lambda implements Runnable interface instance"); }; Thread thread2 =new Thread(runnable2);
    / / Lambda optimization:
    // Lambda parameter list parameter types can be omitted (type inference). If lambda parameter list has only one argument, one pair () can also be omitted
    // The body of the lambda should use a pair of {} wraps. If the lambda body has only one execution statement, perhaps a return statement, you can omit the pair of {} and the return keyword.
    Runnable runnable3 = () -> System.out.println("Lambda optimization implementation Runnable Interface instance");
    Thread thread3 = new Thread(runnable3);
    System.out.println("Created Runnable interface instance, working fine!");
Copy the code

Console result set:

Lambda implements Runnable interface instances created by Runnable interface instances, normal use! Lambda optimizations implement Runnable interface instancesCopy the code


public void test2(a){
    The * Comparator interface is also a "functional interface ": an interface that contains only one abstract method
        /** the Runnable interface is used to implement multithreading
        System.out.println("Natural sort/custom sort: Compare basic/reference data types,A>B=1 A);
        Comparator<Integer> com1 = new Comparator<Integer>() {
            public int compare(Integer o1, Integer o2) {
      ,o2); }}; System.out.println("Custom sort 1:";

        /** after JDK8, define the Runnable Lambda interface to implement multithreading
        Comparator<Integer> com2 = (Integer o1, Integer o2) -> { return,o2); };
        System.out.println("Custom sort 2:";

        / / Lambda optimization:
        // Type inference: omit type
        // If the lambda body has only one execution statement, perhaps a return statement, omit the {} and return keywords.
        Comparator<Integer> com3 = (o1,o2) ->,o2);
        System.out.println("Custom sort 3:";

        /** Method references */
        Comparator<Integer> com4 = Integer :: compare;      // More on that later
        System.out.println("Custom sort 4:";
Copy the code
Natural sort/Custom sort: Compare basic/reference data type A>B=1 A<B=-1 A==B=0 Custom sort 1: -1 Custom sort 2: 1 Custom sort 3: 1 Custom sort 4: 0Copy the code

Conclusion 👍 :

Lambda expressions: rely on functional interfaces, is a function of the interface, another: the instantiation form ~👍 is more concise, difficult to understand 🙃

-> Left: specifies the list of arguments required by the Lambda expression

  • The argument types of the lambda parameter list can be omitted(Type inference)
  • If, the lambda parameter list has only one argument, one pair() can also be omitted

-> Right: specifies the Lambda body, which is the implementation logic of the abstract method, that is, the function to be performed by Lambda expressions

  • Lambda bodies should use a pair of {} wraps
  • If the lambda body has only one execution statement, perhaps a return statement, you can omit the {} and return keywords.Omit {} from return


  • Can be in, willExamples of functional interfacesCustom method entry parameters for transfer, complete some method internal convenient operation…
  • Directly define functional interfaces that call internal methods to perform certain operations

Functional interface:

An interface that contains only one abstract method is called a functional interface

  • JDK8.0 can use Lambda expressions to create objects for this interface All functional interfaces can be instantiated using Lambda expression classes

@ FunctionalInterface annotations

  • JDK8.0 provides an annotation to identify management:

    This annotation checks to see if it is a functional interface, and Javadoc includes a declaration that the interface is a functional interface.

  • The JDK8 java.util. Function package defines Java 8’s rich functional interfaces

    To facilitate different cases, lambda expressions are used in scenarios ~

Examples of functional interfaces:

Runnable interface examples:CTRL + singleEnter the source code:

  • One interface, only one interfaceAbstract method. @ FunctionalInterface annotations Modification.

Custom functional interface:


/** Annotations can be omitted and have no effect. Annotations are just a reminder to your program that this is a functional interface. * /
public interface WsmInterface {
    public abstract void show(a);
Copy the code

Java. Util. Function package:

JDK8.0 specifically provides different versions of Lambda for different scenariosFunctional interface

There are four core functional interfaces built into Java:

Functional interface The parameter types The return type use
Consumer< T >

Consumer interface
T void Apply the operation to an object of type T:

void accept(T t)
Supplier< T >

Supply interface
There is no T Returns an object of type T:

T get()
Function<T, R>

Functional interface
T R Applies an operation to an object of type T and returns an object of type R.

R apply(T t)
Predicate< T >

Stereotyped interface
T Boolean Returns Boolean to determine whether an object of type T satisfies a constraint

boolean test(T t)

Other interfaces:

Four core functional interfaces:


import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.function.Consumer;

/** four core functional interfaces Function */
public class LambdaTest2 {
/** Normally, functional interface instances are passed as method arguments to do things in methods ~ */

        void accept(T T) */
    /** ① Declare a method passed to the Consumer
        object instance: */
    public void con(Double money, Consumer<Double> con){        //
        generics regulate the type passed in ~ Double~
        /** (Consumer
       ); /** (Consumer
        System.out.println("Con method call ~");
/** ③ Implement */
    / * * * / before J8
    public void ConsumerTest(a){
        // The argument to be passed in!
        Double dd = 540.0;
        System.out.println(Call con(Double,Consumer

        // Create a functional interface object, pass in an instance of the interface: (create method, anonymous inner class ~
        Consumer<Double> con1 = new Consumer<Double>() {
            public void accept(Double aDouble) {
                System.out.println("Interface instance class, parameter passing implementation: still on me."+aDouble+"Money!"); }};// Call the method

        // Method two: parameter anonymous inner class implementation
        this.con(dd, new Consumer<Double>() {
            public void accept(Double adouble) {
                System.out.println("Anonymous inner Class implementation: Still on me"+adouble+"Money!"); }}); }/ * * * / after J8
    public void ConsumerTest2(a){
        // The argument to be passed in!
        Double dd = 540.0;

        //JDK8 post-lambda expression, an update to the argument anonymous inner class
        /** Call con(Double,Consumer
       ) */
        this.con(dd, (adouble) -> System.out.println("Lambda expression implementation: Still on me"+adouble+"Money!")); }}Copy the code
#ConsumerTest runCall con(Double,Consumer<Double>) method call ~ interface instance class, parameter transfer implementation: there are 540.0 dollars! Con method call ~ anonymous inner class implementation: still have 540.0 dollars!
#ConsumerTest2 runCon method call ~ Lambda expression implementation: you still have 540.0 dollars!Copy the code
  • The java.util. function package is available in JDK8 for user convenienceFunctional interface

  • Consumer< T >


    is a functional interface that can define a method implemented using the type Consumer

    as an argument… Complete some operations.

Method/constructor/array reference:

A more advanced representation of Lambda expressions is essentially a “syntactic sugar” for Lambda expressions 🍬

  • Method references can be used when an operation to be passed to a Lambda body already has a method implemented

  • Requirements:

    The argument list and return value type of the abstract method implementing the interface must be the same as the argument list and return value type of the method referenced by the method! 👍

  • Syntax format:

    Using operators: :Separates the class (or object) from the method name

  • Three scenarios:

    Object :: Instance method name

    Class :: Static method name

    Class :: Instance method name

Conclusion: 👍

The argument list and return value type of the abstract method that implements the interface must be the same as the argument list and return value type of the method referenced by the method! 👍

Method references, understandably, simplify Lambda operations even more. If you have A class that implements "methods of A functional interface," let's say you have A function interface A, A function interface A internal method af(); Lambda expression creates an instance of A A A = () -> {operation inside method... } If a method inside a functional interface has a class B bf() that implements it, it can be passed directly inside the method: B object. Bf (); A A = () -> {B B = new B();; } method references simplified upgrade: B B = new B(); Create an object of class B; A a = b::bf; The object of the method reference :: instance method name reference; Omit method argument list...Copy the code


  • An abstract method that implements an interfaceThe list of parametersandThe return valueType, which must be consistent with the argument list and return value type of the method referenced by the method! 👍

    The object/class: : method name does not need to be followed by (argument list), because the method of a functional interface, and the implementation of the class method “argument list can be omitted…”

Object :: Instance method name

Com. WSM. Met under the package:

A interface

/** Custom function: */
public interface A {
    // Define a method () that has a parameter;
    public void af(int i);
Copy the code

B class implements

/** custom class to implement functional interface */
public class B {
    // Method argument list, same as functional interface ~
    public void bf(int i){
        System.out.println(Object :: instance method reference parameter list I =+i); }}Copy the code

The MethodTest class method references the test class

import org.junit.Test;
/** Method references test class */
public class MethodTest {
/** create interface A instance before JDK1.8: */
    public void Test(a){
        A a = new A() {
            public void af(int i) {
                System.out.println("JDK8 before implementation interface ~ parameter list I ="+i); }};;

/** Lambda expression creates an instance of the A interface: */
    public void Test2(a){
        // the Lambda representation implements the A interface:
        A a =  i ->  System.out.println("Lambda expression implementation interface argument list I ="+i);

        int i = 2;;

/** Object :: non-static method */
    /** Upgrade Lambda expressions: method references */
    public void Test3(a){
    // create class B object;
        B b = new B();
        A a = b::bf;
    // call method ~;
        /** Since the af(I) and bf(I) methods implement 'af implements the operation bf has completed' return the same parameter list as ~ */
        /** if the method is referenced, use it directly. * /}}Copy the code


Test2 Lambda expression implementation interface parameter list I =2 Test3 Object :: Instance method references parameter list I =3Copy the code

Class :: Static method name

Object :: Instance method nameDemo test extension ~

Class B extension

// Static method of class, BSF (int I);
public static void bsf(int i){
    System.out.println(Class ::static method reference parameter list I =+i);
Copy the code

MethodTest class extensions

Class: static method */
public void Test4(a){
    A a = B::bsf;           // Directly through the class :: matching static methods ()~
    // call method ~;
Copy the code


Test4 class ::static Method reference parameter list I =4Copy the code

Conclusion 👍

  • Object :: non-static methodClass :: static methods
  • The implementations are all similar. One passesObject instance method ~A throughStatic methods And,Instance methodA little different ~

Class :: Instance method name


/** class :: instance method */
    Int comapre(T t1,T t2) */
    /** int t1.compareTo(t2) */
    public void Test5(a){
        /** Lambda expression implementation */
        Comparator<String> com1 = (s1, s2) -> s1.compareTo(s2);
        System.out.println("Lambda compares two string sizes ~""abc"."abd"));

        Comparator<String> com2 = String :: compareTo;
        System.out.println("Method references: Class :: instance methods compare two string sizes ~""abc"."abd"));

        /** * If: * A functional interface implementation from ~ * af(T1,T2); Class T1. Methods (T2); Implementations belong to class :: instance methods; The method references ~ * */
Copy the code


Test5 lambda compares two string sizes ~-1 methods reference: Class :: Instance methods compare two string sizes ~-1Copy the code

Class: method references to instance methods that need to pass through functional interfaces (T1,T2) Parameter list: type T1. Example method (T2 parameter); Complete the “Implementation of functional interfaces!

Constructor reference

B.J ava extension

public String name = "default";

public B(a){
    System.out.println("B() no-parameter construction");

public B(String name) {
    System.out.println("B(name,age) parameter construct"); = name;
Get/set / / ignore
Copy the code


/** The constructor references */
    // T get() in the Supplier functional interface JDK8 returns an object of type T
    // Void parameter constructor of class B: B()
    public void Test(a){
        /** JDK8 */
        Supplier<B> supB = new Supplier<B>() {
            public B get(a) {
              return new B();
        System.out.println("Before JDK8");
        System.out.println("Default object created with no parameters: supb.get ().getName();"+supB.get().getName());

        /** Lambda constructor references */
        Supplier<B>  supB1 = () -> new B();
        System.out.println("Lambda creates object: supb.get ().getName();"+supB1.get().getName());

        Supplier<B>  supB2 = B :: new;
        System.out.println("Constructor references object created: supb.get ().getName();"+supB2.get().getName());

/** The constructor references 2.0 */
    //Function R apply(T T); Function
        functional interface that applies an operation to an object of type T and returns an object of type R
    public void Test2(a){
        System.out.println("Lambda created object :");
        Function<String ,B> func1 = name -> new B(name);
        System.out.println("Lambda creates object: supb.get ().getName()="+func1.apply("wsm1").getName());


        System.out.println("Constructor references object created :");
        Function<String ,B> func2 = B :: new;           // Parameters automatically match ~
        System.out.println("Lambda creates object: supb.get ().getName()="+func2.apply("wsm2").getName());
Copy the code


Test JDK8 before B() no arguments construct no arguments default object created: supb.get ().getName(); Default B() constructs an object created by Lambda without arguments: supb.get ().getName(); Default B() No argument constructor The constructor references the object created: supb.get ().getName(); Default Test2 Lambda created object: B(name,age) Lambda created object with arguments: supb.get ().getName()= wsm1 ******* constructor references created object: B(name,age) has arguments to construct the object created by Lambda: supb.get ().getName()= wsm2Copy the code

Conclusion: 👍

  • Constructor reference, which isCombined with a functional interface, automatically compatible with methods in the functional interface

  • A constructor reference can be assigned to a defined method


  • Require the constructor argument list to match the argument list of the abstract method in the interface! And the return value of the method is the object of the constructor class

Format: the ClassName: : new

Array reference:

Similar to constructor references not going into detail…

public void Test3(a){
    Function<Integer,String[]> func1 = length -> new String[length];
    String[] arr1 = func1.apply(5);

    System.out.println("* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *");

    Function<Integer,String[]> func2 = String[] :: new;
    String[] arr2 = func2.apply(10);
Copy the code

Stream API

Java. Util. Stream under the package

There are two most important changes in Java8. The first is a Lambda expression; The other one isStream API

  • The Stream API brings a true functional programming style to Java and is by far the best addition to the Java class library

  • The Stream API provides the productivity of Java programmers, allowing programmers to write efficient, clean, and concise code.

  • Stream is a key abstraction for dealing with collections in Java8

    It can specify what you want to do with the collection, and can perform very complex operations such as finding, filtering, and mapping data

    The Stream API operates on collection data in a manner similar to database queries executed using SQL, and provides an efficient and easy-to-use way to process data

Why use the Stream API:

  • In practice, most of the data sources in the project come from Mysql, Oracle, etcRelational database
  • For Redsi MongDBNon-relational databasesDoes not provide complex query operations:Filter packet calculation... The NoSQL data needs to be processed by the Java layer Very troublesome 🙃

The difference between a Stream and a Collection

  • A Collection is a static in-memory data structureMemory-based storage space for data
  • Stream is about computationCPU ~

The operation of Stream takes three steps

Create a Stream

  • A data sourceSuch as: collection, arrayGet a stream

    ① The Stream does not store elements by itself

    ②Stream does not change the source object. Instead, they return a new Stream holding the result

    ③ The Stream operation is delayed. This means they wait until they need results

In the middle of operation

  • An intermediate chain of operations that processes data from the data source

Termination operation (terminal operation)

  • Once the termination operation is performed, the intermediate operation chain is executed and the result is produced.Subsequent Stream objects are no longer used

Create a Stream custom action entity class:

/** Define an entity class: */
public class Emp {
    private int id;
    private String name;
    private int age;
    private double salary;
    // No arguments
    public Emp(a) {}// There are parameters
    public Emp(int id, String name, int age, double salary) { = id; = name;
        this.age = age;
        this.salary = salary;
    // Customize the operation data set, 'simulate the data set obtained from Redis database! `
    public static List<Emp> getEmployees(a){
        List<Emp> list = new ArrayList<>();

        list.add(new Emp(1001.Ma Huateng.34.6000.38));
        list.add(new Emp(1001.Ma Huateng.34.6000.38));
        list.add(new Emp(1002."马云".12.9876.12));
        list.add(new Emp(1002."马云".12.9876.12));
        list.add(new Emp(1003."Liu Qiangdong".33.3000.82));
        list.add(new Emp(1004."Lei jun".26.7657.37));
        list.add(new Emp(1005.Robin Li.65.5555.32));
        list.add(new Emp(1006."Bill Gates".42.9500.43));
        list.add(new Emp(1007."Ren Zhengfei".26.4333.32));
        list.add(new Emp(1008."Zuckerberg".35.2500.32));
        return list;
    / / to the toString ();
    public String toString(a) {
        return "Emp{" +
                "id=" + id +
                ", name='" + name + '\' ' +
                ", age=" + age +
                ", salary=" + salary +
                '} ';
    / / to omit the get/set...
Copy the code

Streamtest. Java test class: creates a Stream

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

/** Powerful Stream Api */
public class StreamTest {
/** Create Stream */
    public void test1(a){
        /** parallelStream(); Return a stream sequential stream/parallel stream ~ */
        List<Emp> emps = Emp.getEmployees();

        //default Stream
        Stream () : returns a sequential Stream
        Stream<Emp> stream =;
        //default Stream
        parallelStream() : returns a parallelStream
        Stream<Emp> parallelStream = emps.parallelStream();
        /** Java8 Collection interface adds new methods stream(), parallelStream(), forEach(), and removeIf()... * /

        /** (array); Return the corresponding Stream object! * /
        int[] arr = new int[] {};
        // Call the ArrayClass static 
         Stream (T[] array): returns a Stream
        IntStream intstream =;              /** The basic data type is returned, corresponding to the xxxStream Stream object ~ */
        Emp e1 = new Emp(1001."Tom".34.6000.38);
        Emp e2 = new Emp(1002."Jerry".34.6000.38);
        Emp[] arr1 = new Emp[]{e1,e2};
        Stream<Emp> empStream =;                /** Array of custom types, return Stream< custom type > Sream object! * /

        /** mode 3: pass Stream of() */
        Stream<Integer> stream3 = Stream.of(;      /** /

    Iterate generate() through the Stream static method iterate iterate generate() */
    public void test2(a){
        /** Two ways: iterate over stream to generate stream */
/ / iteration
// public static
         iterate(final T seed, final UnaryOperator
        // Int T, int T, int T, int T, int T, int T, int T

        //Stream.iterate(0, t -> t + 2).forEach(System.out::println);
        // Comment reason: The iteration stream will iterate indefinitely +2 +2 +2...
        //.limit(10) takes the first ten data
        //.foreach () The end of the thing to do ~

        // Iterate over the first 10 even numbers
        Stream.iterate(0, t -> t + 2).limit(10).forEach(System.out::println);

/ / generated
// public static
        // the Supplier function interface object, internal method, returns an object of type T... According to the latter rule, some data can be generated indefinitely
        Stream.generate(Math::random).limit(10).forEach(System.out::println);       /** Generate 10 random numbers less than 1! * /}}Copy the code


There are four ways to create a Stream:

  • Collection. The stream/parallelStream (); Return a stream sequential stream/parallel stream ~

    Sequential flow: Use the main thread, single thread, sequential execution ~

    Parallel streams:.parallel() can be modified to parallel streams that internally execute tasks in parallel with multiple threads

  • Through Arrays: (array); Return the corresponding Stream object!

    The basic data type is returned, corresponding to the xxxStream Stream object ~

    Array of custom types that return a Stream< custom type > object of Stream type!

  • The of() of Stream is used sparingly, similar to creating an array of streams ~

  • Create an infinite Stream: Iterate on generate() through the Stream class’s static method iterate on Iterate ()

In the middle of operation

After creating a Stream object, you can perform various intermediate operations on the Stream object S.x ().xx().xx(). Operations such as

  • The intermediate operation is a number of methods, each method can filter the data in the flow calculation ~
  • Multiple methods can concatenate operations like chains

Intermediate operation, method description

Method (); Description:
Screening and sectioning
filter(Predicate p) Receive a Lambda, exclude certain elements from the stream,In a totalFunctional interface(Method argument, passing a T returns a Boolean result)
distinct() Filter, using hashCode() and equals() to remove duplicate elements.
limit(long maxSize) Truncate the stream so that it does not exceed a given number of elements
skip(long n) Skip the element and return a stream with the first n elements thrown away. If there are less than n elements in the stream, an empty stream is returned. And limit (n) complement each other
Reflected beam
map(Function f) Take as an argument a function that is applied to each element and mapped to a new element
flatMap(Function f) Take a function as an argument, replace every value in the stream with another stream, and then join all the streams into one stream
mapToInt(ToIntFunction f) Receives a function as an argument that is applied to each element, producing a new IntStream
mapToLong(ToLongFunctionf) Take a function as an argument, which is applied to each element, producing a new LongStream
mapToDouble(ToDoubleFunction f) Take as an argument a function that is applied to each element, producing a new DoubleStream
Row preface
sorted() Generates a new stream, which is sorted in the natural order
sorted(Comparator com) Produces a new stream that sorts by comparator order

Example: the Demo


import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

/** Stream intermediate operation * After creating a Stream object, you can perform various intermediate operations on the Stream object S.x ().xx().xx(). And so on operation * middle operation, is a plurality of methods, each method can filter the data in the flow calculation ~ * multiple methods can be like a chain of splicing operation ~ * */
public class StreamTest2 {
    /** Filter and slice */
    public void test1(a){
        System.out.println("Screening and slicing");
        // Get the EMP set ~
        List<Emp> employees = Emp.getEmployees();
        //JDK8 Collection interface added,foreach(); Method: Iterate through the result set operation ~

        // Collection creates Stream ~
        Stream<Emp> stream =;
        System.out.println("\nfilter: Exclude some elements from the stream");
        System.out.println("Exercise: Query employee table for salary > 7000");
        stream.filter(e->e.getSalary()>7000).forEach(System.out::println);  //filter(Predicate
       ); Lambda expressions, each time passed to an object in the stream, return a total of Boolean results, filtering out false data!

        /** Note that the Stream cannot be used again after it has been used. The Stream is closed. But the set that created the stream still exists ~ */
// stream.filter(e->e.getSalary()>7000).forEach(System.out::println); Stream has already been operated upon or closed

        System.out.println("\ nDISTINCT: Filter elements in the stream by hashCode() and equals() to remove duplicate elements");;

        System.out.println("\nlimit(n) -- truncate the stream so that it does not exceed a given number of elements (get the first few elements ~)");;

        System.out.println("\nskip(n) -- skip elements (skip the first few elements without ~)");;

    /** ** ** */
    public void test2(a){
        System.out.println("\nmap(Function f): -- Takes a Function as an argument to convert elements to other forms or extract information. This Function is applied to each element and maps it to a new element.");
        List<String> strlist = Arrays.asList("aa"."bb"."cc"."dd"); -> str.toUpperCase()).forEach(System.out::println);   // Iterate over each element, performing a second operation on the element ~

        System.out.println("\n New Year, pay all employees +1000");
        // Get the EMP set ~
        List<Emp> employees = Emp.getEmployees();
        System.out.println("Walk through the collection :");;
        System.out.println("\n raise: map(internal functional interface method that returns any type of argument passed in ~); Distinct ()"); -> {emp.setSalary(emp.getSalary()+1000.0); return emp; }).distinct().forEach(System.out::println);

        System.out.println("\nflatMap(f); Is an advanced version of Map (f).);
        System.out.println("1.Map(f) implements traversal of every strlist character");
        Stream<Stream<Character>> streamStream =;
        streamStream.forEach(s ->{
        System.out.println("2. FlatMap (f) implements traversal of every strList character");
        Stream<Character> characterStream =;
        System.out.println("FlatMap will operate on each of the inner elements and, if it is a Stream element, will re-open it.");

        System.out.println("\n: mapToInt(T) mapToLong(T) mapToDouble(T) passed into the generic T returns the corresponding similar data ~");

    /** Converts a collection of multiple characters in a string to an instance of the corresponding Stream */
    public static Stream<Character> fromStringToStream(String str){
        ArrayList<Character> list = new ArrayList<>();
        for(Character c : str.toCharArray()){

    /** flatMap and Map: just like array inside array inside set traverses array and all elements of set ~*/
    public void flat(a){
        ArrayList list1 = new ArrayList();

        ArrayList list2 = new ArrayList();
        /** map is equivalent to add(collection) */
// list1.add(list2);
        /** flatMap is equivalent to addAll, which splits the set up for each individual element ~*/
// list1.addAll(list2);

    /** 排序 */
    public void test3(a){
        System.out.println("Sorted () -- sort naturally");
        System.out.println("Note that if a custom type is required, implement the Comparable interface. Int implements Comparable by default.");
        List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(, -98.7);;

        System.out.println("Sorted (Comparator com) - Custom sort");,e2)->-e1.compareTo(e2)).forEach(System.out::println);
        /** * Sort A compare B * returns 0 A is equal B * returns -1 A is less than B * returns 1 A is greater than B ** /}}Copy the code

Termination operation (terminal operation)

Each Stream has three steps:create In the middle of operation Termination of operations

  • Total Stream once calledTermination of operationsStrema: Strema: Strema: Strema: Strema: Strema: Strema: Strema
  • Again, there are no callsTermination of operationsThe Stream will not end and will continue to consume system resources
  • A terminal operation generates a result from the pipeline of streams. == The result can be any value that is not a stream, such as List and Integer== After a stream terminates, it cannot be used again
methods describe
Match and find
allMatch(Predicate p) Check that all elements match
anyMatch(Predicate p) Check that at least one element matches
noneMatch(Predicate p) Check that all elements are not matched
findFirst() Returns the first element
findAny() Returns any element in the current stream
count() Returns the total number of elements in the stream
max(Comparator c) Returns the maximum value in the stream
min(Comparator c) Returns the minimum value in the stream
forEach(Consumer c) Internal iteration (using the Collection interface requires the user to do iteration, called external iteration)

The Stream API uses internal iteration — it does the iteration for you.)
reduce(T iden, BinaryOperator b) You can combine the elements in the stream repeatedly to get a value that returns T
reduce(BinaryOperator b) You can combine the elements in the stream over and over again to get a value that’s Optional< T >
Closed setCollect ⭐
collect(Collector c) Convert the stream to another form. Receives an implementation of the Collector interface, a method for summarizing elements in a Stream

collect(Collector c)

The implementation of the methods in the Collector interface determines how the collected operation is performed:

  • For example, a List, Set, and Map are collected

  • The Collectors class provides many static methods

    Common collector instances can be easily created using the following methods and examples:

methods The return type role Example:
toList List< T > Collect elements from the stream into the List List emps=;
toSet Set< T > Collect elements from the stream into a Set Set emps=;
toCollection Collection< T > Collect elements from the stream into the created collection Collection emps;
counting **Long ** Count the number of elements in the stream long count =;
summingInt Integer Sum of integer attributes of elements in the flow int;
averagingInt averagingInt Calculates the average value of the Integer attribute of the element in the stream double avg =;
summarizingInt IntSummaryStatistics Collect statistics for the Integer attribute in the stream

Mean leveling
int SummaryStatisticsiss=;
Method Returned Type Role Example: Joining String Each String in a connection stream String STR = Joining ()); MaxBy Optional<T> Select the maximum value from the comparator Optional<Emp> Max =; MinBy Optional<T> Select the minimum Optional<Emp> min = according to the comparator; The resulting type starts with an initial value that acts as an accumulator and combines elements in the stream one by one using a BinaryOperator, Reduce (0, Employee::getSalar, Integer::sum)); reduce (0, Employee::getSalar, Integer::sum). The type returned by the collectingAndThen conversion function wraps another collector, The results conversion function int how = list. The stream () collect (Collectors. CollectingAndThen (Collectors. ToList (), list: : size)); GroupingBy Map<K, List<T>> groupingBy Map<K, List<T>> The result is V Map< emp. Status, List<Emp>> Map = GroupingBy (Employee::getStatus)); partitioningBy Map<Boolean, List<T>> Partition according to true or false Map<Boolean,List<Emp> vd =;Copy the code

Example: the Demo

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;

/** Terminate the operation */
public class StreamTest3 {

    public void test(a){
        System.out.println("Match and find \n");
        List<Emp> employees = Emp.getEmployees();
// allMatch(Predicate P) -- Checks if all elements match.
// Exercise: Are all employees older than 18
        boolean allMatch = -> e.getAge() > 18);

// anyMatch(Predicate P) - Checks if at least one element matches.
// Exercise: Is there any employee whose salary is greater than 10000
        boolean anyMatch = -> e.getSalary() > 10000);

// noneMatch(Predicate P) - Checks if there are no matching elements.
// Exercise: Is there any employee whose surname is "Lei"
        boolean noneMatch = -> e.getName().startsWith("Ray"));
// findFirst -- Returns the first element
        Optional<Emp> employee =;
// findAny -- Returns any element in the current stream
        Optional<Emp> employee1 = employees.parallelStream().findAny();

    public void test2(a){
        List<Emp> employees = Emp.getEmployees();
        // count -- Returns the total number of elements in the stream
        long count = -> e.getSalary() > 5000).count();
// Max (Comparator c) -- returns the maximum value in the stream
// Exercise: return the highest salary:
        Stream<Double> salaryStream = -> e.getSalary());
        Optional<Double> maxSalary = salaryStream.max(Double::compare);
// min(Comparator c) -- returns the minimum value in the stream
// Exercise: return minimum wage employee
        Optional<Emp> employee =, e2) ->, e2.getSalary()));
ForEach (Consumer C) -- internal iteration;

        // Use the collection traversal operation

    / / 2 - reduction
    public void test3(a){
// reduce(T identity, BinaryOperator) - Can combine elements ina stream repeatedly to get a value. Return T
Exercise 1: Calculate the sum of the natural numbers 1-10
        List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(;
        Integer sum =, Integer::sum);

// reduce(BinaryOperator) -- functional interface object -- > Can combine elements of the stream repeatedly to obtain a value, return Optional
// Exercise 2: Calculate the sum of the salaries of all employees in the company
        List<Emp> employees = Emp.getEmployees();
        Stream<Double> salaryStream =;
        Optional<Double> sumMoney = salaryStream.reduce((d1,d2) -> d1 + d2);


    / / 3 - collection
    public void test4(a){
Collect (Collector C) -- Convert the stream to another form. Receives an implementation of the Collector interface, a method for summarizing elements in a Stream
// Exercise 1: Find employees whose salaries are greater than 6000 and return a List or Set
        List<Emp> employees = Emp.getEmployees();
        List<Emp> employeeList = -> e.getSalary() > 6000).collect(Collectors.toList());

        Set<Emp> employeeSet = -> e.getSalary() > 6000).collect(Collectors.toSet()); employeeSet.forEach(System.out::println); }}Copy the code

Optional class

The most common bug in Java applications isA null value anomaly

  • Prior to Java 8, Google Guava introduced the Optionals class to resolve NullPointerExceptions so that developers could write cleaner code without contamecting source code with various null checks

  • Java 8 also added Optional to the official library

Optional (java.util.Optional) is a container class

  • Is the total object, the total packaging ~Ensure that no null pointer is generated after calling an object

    It can hold a value of type T, indicating that the value exists, or just NULL, indicating that the value does not exist

Common methods:

Method to create an Optional class object

  • Option. of(T T) : Create an Optional instance. T must be non-empty
  • Option.empty () : Creates an empty Optional instance
  • Optional. OfNullable (T T) : T can be null

Determines whether the Optional container contains objects

  • Boolean isPresent() : Checks whether an object is included
  • Void ifPresent(Consumer Consumer) : If there is a value, the Consumer interface implementation code is executed and the value is passed to it as an argument

Gets the object of the Optional container

  • T get(): Returns the value if the calling object contains it, otherwise throws an exception
  • T orElse(T other) : Returns a value if there is one, otherwise returns the specified other object
  • T orElseGet(Supplier Other) : returns a value if any, otherwise returns an object provided by the Supplier interface implementation
  • T orElseThrow(Supplier exceptionSupplier) : returns if there is a value, otherwise throws an exception provided by the Supplier interface implementation

Default interface methods

This is the simplest, and it is easy to understand that methods in the current interface can be implemented by default

This allows us to implement the default implementation of the interface in the same abstract way as before, and also makes it convenient for us to not have to do the abstract template pattern as before

interface A{
	defalut void method1(a){
		method2(); // Default implementation
	void method2(a);
Copy the code

In addition to default methods, the Java8 interface provides the ability to define (and implement) static methods

interface B{
	static String method(a){
		return "xxx"; }}Copy the code

The impact of annotations:

My notes study ~

Date of the new API

I often study classes

Other additions:

Base64 encryption and decryption:

Java 8 adds Base64 to the JDK libraryBase64 encoding can be done without using third-party libraries

import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.Base64;
/** Base64 decryption */
public class Base {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        final String text = "Java kindly, yyds!";

        final String encoded = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString( text.getBytes( StandardCharsets.UTF_8 ) );

        final String decoded = new String(Base64.getDecoder().decode( encoded ),StandardCharsets.UTF_8 );
        System.out.println("Decryption."+decoded); }}Copy the code

MD5 encryption and decryption:

MD5 encryption:

  • MD5 stands for Message-digest AlgorithmInformation - summary algorithm
  • MD5 is not really an encryption algorithm, but a summary of information, and it has the property ofirreversible Other than brute force, normal reverse algorithms don’t workA cycle of experimental violence ~

Here’s an example:

  • 1 + 99 = 100

    **MD5 takes the characters 1 and 99 and uses its own algorithm to generate 100 **. However, it is hard to deduce that the result is 1+99

  • Another example is to take a word from each page of a book and finally calculate an MD5 code

    But it’s hard to figure out the contents of the book from the MD5 code…

The features of MD5 encryption are as follows:

  • For different lengths of data to be encrypted, string, etc., it can return a fixed length MD5 encrypted string
  • The encryption process is almost irreversible and almost impossible to unlock unless a large key-value database is maintained for collision cracking
  • For a fixed string. Numbers and so on, MD5 encrypted strings are fixed,That is, no matter how many times MD5 encrypts, the result is the same

import java.math.BigInteger;
/** Md5 encryption */
public class Md5 {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
        // Generate an MD5 encrypted calculation digest
        MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");

        md.update("Yyds Java. Kindly,".getBytes());
        //digest() finally returns the MD5 hash value, which is an 8-bit string. Since the MD5 hash value is a 16-bit hex value, it is actually an 8-bit character
        // The BigInteger function converts an 8-bit string to a 16-bit hex value, expressed as a string; Returns the hash value as a string
        // A byte is an octet binary, which is two hexadecimal characters (2 ^ 8 = 16 ^ 2).
        System.out.println(new BigInteger(1, md.digest()).toString(16)); }}Copy the code

MD5 simple string encryption can be decrypted online, complex words can not be solved online decryption


The UUID is a ~ new to Java1.5

  • A UUID is a number generated on a machine that is guaranteed to be unique to all machines in the same space and time

The UUID consists of the following parts:

  1. The current date and time, the first part of the UUID depends on the time, if you generate a UUID after a few seconds, the first part is different, the rest is the same
  2. The clock sequence
  3. Globally unique IEEE machine id. If a nic exists, it is obtained from the MAC address of the NIC. If no NIC exists, it is obtained by other means
import java.util.UUID;

String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
Copy the code