
[1] What ‘s New In DevTools (91) Chrome… The new features are released in Chrome’s Canary and Beta channels. To get the first taste of the new features, download the Canary or Beta versions of Chrome. All links in this article require their own ladders.

New feature 1: Hovering the mark cursor on the Web Vitals timeline in the Performance TAB now bubbles to show details

New feature 2: Supports the scrollsnap property of the visual CSS

In the Elements panel, Elements with the scrollsnap-type attribute will display a scrollsnap logo that you can click to view

New feature 3: Added ArrayBuffer and WASM memory viewer

See Inspect JavaScript ArrayBuffer with the Memory Inspector for the use of this…

New feature 4: Logo display in Elements panel supports manual setting

In the Elements panel, right-click any DOM node and select Badge Settings to set it up

New feature 5: More detailed information on image language bubbles

The following figure

New feature 6: Network panel Added Network environment control items

Click on the Network icon to see a new Accepted Content-Encodings option that can be used to test if an item is not supported

New feature 7: Improvements to the Styles palette

1. Add a shortcut to view computed Value of the CSS properties under the cursor

2. Added accent color attribute completion

New feature 8: Classified issues

In the figure below, red ICONS indicate page-level errors, such as CORS exceptions. The yellow icon indicates a compatibility warning for later versions. The blue icon indicates the possibility of optimization.

New feature 9: Application added the Trust Token delete button

For details about the Trust Token, seeget started with Trust Tokens

New feature 10: View features that are affected by Permission policies

To issue the document

The Chrome developer tools 90 new features… Chrome update log directory…

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