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Editor’s note: For more on neural evolution, check out Kenneth Stanley’s talk, “Completing the Evolution of Neural Networks through Neural Evolution,” at the San Francisco AI Conference.
Neuroevolution is having a Renaissance. Major AI LABS and researchers are experimenting with it, a glimmer of new success ignites more enthusiasm, and new opportunities are emerging to make an impact on deep learning. Perhaps you haven’t heard of neuroevolution for all the exciting moments in deep learning, but it has been lurking just beneath the surface for decades as the subject of a small, passionate research community. Now it is beginning to gain more attention as the public becomes aware of its potential.
Simply put, neuroevolution is a branch of the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning. It’s trying to trigger an evolutionary process similar to the one that gave rise to our human brains, only inside a computer. In other words, neuroevolution tries to develop ways to find evolutionary neural networks through evolutionary algorithms.
When I first started researching artificial intelligence in the late 1990s, the idea of evolving a brain inside a computer resonated with my sense of adventure. At the time it was an unusual, even ambiguous, field. But I’m very curious about this idea and I feel very close to it. The result is that I have spent more than 20 years of my life thinking about this topic and developing a series of algorithms with distinguished colleagues, such as NEAT, HyperNEAT and Novelty Search. In this post, I hope to bring you some exciting parts of neuroevolution and give some insight into the subject, but without the head-spinning jargon of the scientific literature. I’ll also use part of an autobiographical retrospective to describe my experience in this field. I hope my own story opens a window for more readers to explore the evolution of the brain in a computer.
Success in deep learning
If you’ve been following the field of artificial intelligence or machine learning lately, you’ve probably heard of deep learning. Thanks to deep learning, computers are already approaching or sometimes surpassing human performance in tasks like image recognition and controlling driverless cars (and even controlling characters in video games). These achievements have helped deep learning and ARTIFICIAL intelligence leap from the obscurity of academic journals to the mass media and capture the public imagination. So what’s behind deep learning that makes this success possible?
In fact, just beneath the surface of deep learning is the latest form of a technology that has been around for decades: artificial neural networks (ANN). Like many ideas in the FIELD of AI, ANN was inspired by biology. For ANN, it mimics the human brain. We chose the brain as our inspiration for AI because it is the only clear vehicle for intelligence so far. When we want to achieve artificial intelligence, imitating the brain should make sense to some extent. A key component of the brain is the neuron. It’s a tiny cell that can send signals through connections to other neurons. When a large number of neurons are connected to each other in a network (as is the case in the brain), we call it a neural network. So an ANN is a collection of components that try to mimic things like neurons that send signals to each other. This is the mechanism behind the “deep network” in deep learning.
ANN’s researchers have programmed these neurons and the signals that travel through them to get a more vague approximation of what happens in the brain. Of course, there are a lot of differences between the two. But the real challenge is that simply connecting a bunch of neuron-like elements to each other and having them share signals with each other doesn’t produce intelligence. Instead, intelligence comes precisely from how neurons are connected.
For example, one neuron that strongly influences another neuron is said to have a large weight attached to its partner. Here, the weight of this connection determines how neurons interact with each other, resulting in a particular pattern of neural activation in a neural network in response to input to the neural network (for example, from the eye). The challenge of getting an intelligent network is to decide how to weight connections.
Usually, no one calculates the weights of connections by hand (given that modern anns typically have millions of connections, you can see why this is impractical). Instead, finding the right link weights for a task is seen as a learning problem. In other words, the researchers put a lot of effort into inventing ways for ANN to learn the best weights for a particular task. The most common way to learn weights is to compare ANN’s output (that looks like a dog, for example) to the standard answer, and then use a mathematical formula in a particular discipline to change the weights so that the next output is more likely to be correct.
After being trained to match countless examples (perhaps millions), the neural network began to assign the right weight to answer a wide variety of questions accurately. Often, the neural network’s ability can even be generalized to answer questions it has not encountered, as long as the questions are not that different from the ones it has been trained to do. At this point, ANN has basically learned to deal with specific problems. A common way to adjust weights is stochastic gradient descent, which is a very popular component of deep learning mentioned earlier. Deep learning implementations in recent years have essentially involved massive training of anns made up of very many layers of neurons (hence the name “deep”). It has also been helped by powerful computing hardware that has emerged in recent years.
But there’s a problem here that I haven’t mentioned yet, which is how do we decide who connects to whom in the first place? In other words, our brain is not just determined by connection weights, it’s also determined by the structure of the brain. Stochastic gradient descent doesn’t even solve this problem, it just tries to optimize the connection to it.
Where do these connections come from? In deep learning, the answer is that they basically allow researchers to determine what the architecture of the entire network looks like based on a degree of experience. In contrast, the natural brain is shaped by evolution. The architecture of the 100 trillion connections in our human brains evolved over millions of years of natural selection.
The architecture of our brains is unbeatable. After all, that’s where human intelligence is concentrated, quite literally. This in effect means that the evolution of the brain in nature is the only process known so far to produce strong intelligence. The goal of neuroevolution is to trigger a similar evolutionary process in a computer. In this regard, neuroevolution is the only branch of the ai profession that has an actual proof-of-concept that the brain has indeed evolved. We know that this is a path to wisdom.
To be clear, deep learning has traditionally focused on programming ANN to learn, while neuroevolution has focused on the primitive architecture of the brain network itself. It can include who connects to whom, the weights of the connections, and (sometimes) how those connections are allowed to change. Of course, there is some overlap between the two areas. ANN, for example, still needs to learn for a particular task, whether evolved or not. It is possible that evolved Anns can use deep learning techniques (such as stochastic gradient descent) to get the proper weights. In fact, deep learning can even be considered a cousin of neuroevolution. It studies how to learn the weights of connections for an ANN (either evolved or predefined) architecture.
But the idea that learning itself can evolve is also possible, giving neuroevolution the potential to go beyond or more elaborate on traditional deep learning. In short, the brain (including its architecture and how it learns) is a product of natural selection. And neuroevolution can explore all of the factors that make up the brain, or borrow some aspects of deep learning and let evolution determine the rest.
How does neuroevolution work
Now that we have an idea of what neuroevolution is, it’s time to talk a little bit about how it works. The first generation of neuroevolutionary algorithms emerged in the 1980s. At the time, a small group of researchers thought that an alternative to the training algorithms in traditional ANN (backpropagation, a form of stochastic gradient descent) was neuroevolution. In early systems, neuroevolutionary researchers (as in today’s deep learning) would determine the architecture of the neural network, which neurons were connected to which. Then simply let evolution, rather than random gradient descent, determine the weight. Because the overall network architecture cannot be changed by evolution, this approach is called fixed-topological neuroevolution.
Such systems are somewhat different from natural nervous systems, because the ANN genes of fixed-topological neuroevolution have encoded their weights, fixed from birth. In this way, ANN is born knowing what they will know and cannot learn further in their “career”. This scenario is a little confusing, because we usually think that we learn something new over the course of our lives. But if you think about it, reproduction in these systems is really learning. Because learning happens from generation to generation when parents are producing offspring that are better suited to a task.
How could a system like this really be set up? How do you evolve an artificial brain to solve a problem? In fact, it’s all very much like animal reproduction. Imagine you want to evolve a neural network to control a robot walking. For this type of task, we usually already have a lot of simulators, because neuroevolution takes so many attempts that it’s a lot faster and less risky to do a simulation. So we’re going to start with a robot in a physics simulator.
Now we need some Anns to get started. In the beginning, we didn’t know how to solve this task. So we start with a random ANN population (say 100). For a fixed topology ANN, the weight of each of the 100 predefined individuals is random. Now we just have to choose. That means choosing better individuals to reproduce.
To evolve our population, we first took an ANN and let it control the simulated robot body. We have ANN directing how the body moves, and that’s the output of the network. This ANN may also receive feedback from the body, such as sensing which foot touched the ground. The computer then simply observes the performance of ANN’s control. Each ANN in the group was tested in this way and given a score called “fit” based on their individual performance.
What is clear is that these randomly generated networks in the initial population are unlikely to do well. They probably like fighting more than anything else (their brains are randomly generated, after all). And that’s fine, because the point here is not to make one ANN very good, but to find some that are better than others, or even just a little better. Maybe one network will allow the robot to move forward a little bit more than the others. The engine that drives neural evolutionary progress is the selection of networks that are slightly stronger than others as parents. The algorithm will produce their offspring by slightly modifying these Anns (such as slightly changing the weight of their connections). While some offspring will perform worse than their parents, some will do slightly better (i.e. wiggle less). These, in turn, become the parents of the next generation, and so on. In this way, the overall strategy is to continue to choose more suitable individuals as parents. In effect, this neuroevolutionary process is an ANN auto-breeding farm, where computers select parents based on their fitness to produce offspring.
The whole idea of neuroevolution is simple: it’s about procreation. But on top of that things get a lot more interesting. In the decades since the first generation of fixed-topological neuroevolutionary algorithms emerged, researchers have been constantly buffeted by reality. Although these algorithms can generate new possibilities, the brains they evolve are nowhere near as natural. There are many reasons for this gap, but one fascinating aspect of the field is that new insights into natural evolution often emerge, leading to significant improvements in neuroevolutionary algorithms. All too often these insights are counter-intuitive, overturning assumptions and revealing the wonders of nature. Along with gradually unraveling these secrets, we’ve discovered how to design better algorithms for evolving the brain.
Increased complexity
What does it mean to make progress in neuroevolution? In general, it is to recognize the limitations of the complexity of an evolving ANN and then invent a new way to overcome those limitations. For example, a clear limitation of the fixed-topology algorithms of the 1980s and 1990s is that they are clearly inconsistent with what happens in nature: the ANN that these algorithms evolve can never get larger. In contrast, brains in nature can grow in size and complexity along multiple lineages. The number of neurons in the brains of our ancestors was many orders of magnitude less than the 100 trillion neurons we have now. Obviously, such complexity could not have evolved if ANN’s topology had been fixed from the start.
Therefore, researchers began to experiment with the evolution of both topology and weights of ANN (TWEANN, topologically weighted fully evolved artificial neural network). In this more flexible variant, the parent ANN’s architecture (topology) can be changed slightly in their offspring, such as adding a connection or a new neuron. Although the idea is simple, the implications are huge, because it means the brain can evolve to be bigger. Various TWEANN algorithms emerged in the 1990s, though the problems they were trying to solve were still relatively simple, such as giving the right answer to simple math or control problems. But the excitement of this era is not so much the problems it solves, but the untapped potential to artificially evolve brain-like structures and weights. The limits of this system had not yet been discovered, so anything seemed possible.
Here are some of the problems that ANN of this era is trying to evolve and solve. A popular benchmark problem is the so-called bar balance problem. The problem is to control a simulated car that can only move in two directions. The trolley is connected to a pole by a hinge. The longer the car controlled by ANN can hold the control rod down, the higher its fitness score will be. The problem is similar to trying to balance a pencil upright in the palm of your hand. It requires careful coordination and quick reflexes. As learning methods have improved, ANN has been able to solve more difficult versions of the rod balancing problem, such as balancing two rods at once. The results of solving such problems mark progress in the field. The researchers can claim that their algorithm is the first to solve the problem of rod balance for one or another deformation.
If you are interested in the technical details of algorithms in this period, Xin Yao’s excellent 1999 review of neuroevolutionary algorithms is a good literature. Most of the innovative work of this period came from Stefano Nolfi and Dario Floreano. They introduced many of the best ideas in their 2000 classic book “Evolutionary Robotics.” Another book that made evolutionary neural networks popular at the turn of the century was The classic Blondie24: Playing at the Edge of AI by Fogel, published by Morgan Kaufmann. It tells the story of a neuroevolutionary algorithm that learns to master level by playing chess against humans.
In 1999, as a junior doctoral student in Professor Risto Miikkulainen’s research group at the University of Texas at Austin, I began to think seriously about studying neuroevolution. Several important topological algorithms have been developed in this group, such as SANE and ESP by David Moriaty and Faustino Gomez and Risto Miikkulainen. These algorithms are already smart enough to explore how individual neurons in networks can collaborate and evolve with other neurons in their own subgroups, and then work with other neurons in other subgroups to form a larger, useful network. This idea is often called coevolution.
I was in the middle of these developments, and I was fascinated by the idea that the evolution of the brain could take place in a computer. I appreciate and understand the importance of using evolutionary ANN to solve problems, but my real interest is in the idea that evolution can add complexity. I wanted to develop an algorithm that would allow ANN to explore complexity within a computer in the same way that brains evolve in nature. For some reason, even existing TWEANN algorithms can change the architecture by evolving ANN. But they still seem to lack the ability to add a significant amount of complexity that I want.
I’ve spent a lot of time looking at existing TWEANN algorithms and wondering why they don’t perform as well as they might. Some of the problems are known. Take competition agreements. It refers to the difficulty of merging two parent Anns to produce one offspring, an operation called “crossing”. More specifically, networks combined with different connection weights may have the same function, making it difficult to know how to combine parent Anns for good offspring.
I soon ran into another problem, but it wasn’t noticed at the time. In a population, for example, new structures tend to go extinct before they realize their potential. In such cases, the initial impact of changing the architecture from one generation to the next is usually likely to be negative, although it is possible that evolution over many generations can eventually take advantage of the new weight.
With the help of my PhD advisor Risto Miikkulainen, MY search for a better TWEANN algorithm resulted in a NeuroEvolution of Augtopologies (NEAT). This algorithm was quickly recognized and widely adopted in the field of neuroevolution. The attraction of NEAT algorithm lies in that it avoids some problems of TWEANN algorithm through a series of innovations and can improve the complexity of ANN through evolution. Some early algorithms, such as Inman Harvey’s SAGA algorithm, have provided clues that complexity can evolve. The beauty of NEAT is that it provided a clear solution to the problem of neural evolution at the time. NEAT, for example, labels genes with something called a “historical marker” to make sure the results are consistent after crossing. It also implements a feature specifically designed for TWEANN algorithms to give innovative new architectures a greater chance of reproduction, thus optimizing the extinction of immature architectures from the population.
The NEAT algorithm achieved a record-breaking bar balance score. But more importantly, it offers the potential to evolve from simple to complex over generations. This is the trademark of this algorithm and has inspired my imagination far beyond breaking the bar balance record. Although NEAT was invented before the term “deep learning” was even coined, it has the attractive ability to evolve deeper and deeper networks.
NEAT has been used by myself and others in countless applications (including controlling robots and controlling video game agents). It has also found a niche in computational innovation. In my own lab at the University of Central Florida, for example, it evolved networks that became works of art (like this Picbreeder) and music (like this MaestroGenesis). Its innovative use also extends to video games such as Galactic Arms Race. Its existence forces the game developer to develop new content.
Among its many important effects, one proud application of NEAT is that it has been used as an optimization method to find the most accurate quark mass estimates to date at the Tevatron particle accelerator (see the main results here, and more details of the NEAT application here). This recent video by YouTube star Sethbling helped educate more than four million viewers. It introduces NEAT’s inner workings by evolving a Super Mario Games controller.
Indirect encoding
NEAT sounds like the end result of neural evolution. But one of the beauties of the field is that every major breakthrough is often accompanied by the discovery of previously unknown limitations or limitations. The discovery of these limitations in turn led to new problems and a new generation of algorithms, and the cycle continues. In fact, over time, we’re gradually unraveling some of nature’s secrets — how the brain evolved. The process is full of endless surprises.
For example, one of the limitations of the NEAT algorithm that is gradually taking over my brain is that it uses a kind of “artificial DNA” called direct coding. This means that each connection in ANN is described by a single corresponding gene in the genome. That’s fine when you only have hundreds of connections. But if you want a bigger brain, it starts to get tricky. For example, with 100 trillion connections in the human brain, you need 100 trillion genes to code in NEAT. In other words, while NEAT does expand the size of ANN by increasing the number of connections and neurons through evolution, adding 100 trillion connections means doing 100 trillion levels of deformation. Even if we could figure out how to evolve one more connection per second (which would mean breeding a generation per second), the sun would have gone extinct long before 100 trillion brains could have evolved. Therefore, the NEAT algorithm must ignore some characteristics that exist in nature. These characteristics have led to the evolution of huge brain structures in a relatively short time.
To address this challenge, neuroevolutionary researchers have explored a different class of genetic coding called indirect (as opposed to direct) coding. In this way, the number of genes can be much smaller than the number of neurons and connections. In other words, DNA is a compressed representation of the brain. The work pioneered by Josh Bongard, Greg Hornby, and Jordan Pollack, among others, on indirect coding (both for ANN and the actual brain) has helped demonstrate the power of indirect coding to evolve brain structures that look impressidly like those found in nature. These include: Evolved artificial creations show all the regular responsiveness of natural organisms (some of Bongard’s work is shown here), And a series of astonishingly evolved tables with interesting structural patterns (the kind with raised flat surfaces) created by Hornby and Pollack of Brandeis University (paper here). One of the most eye-catching demonstrations of indirect coding (which had previously gained attention in the field of neuroevolution) was the virtual creation of Karl Sims. This video was shot 20 years ago, but it’s still powerful and memorable.
In contrast to NEAT’s direct coding, neuroevolution’s indirect coding (now focused on coding ANNs) has made it possible to evolve larger Anns. One of the most popular indirect encoding algorithms is known as compositional Pattern-Producing Networks (CPPNs). It was invented in my lab, the Evolutionary Complexity Group at the University of Central Florida, to deal with the limitations of direct coding like NEAT. CPPN basically uses regularity and symmetry to compress a pattern into a relatively small collection of genes. The idea is easy to understand because brains in nature have a large number of regular patterns (like repetitive patterns), such as in the receptive areas of the visual cortex. CPPN networks can encode similar connection patterns.
The algorithm used to generate the joining patterns of the evolving ANN using CPPN (also from my lab) is called HyperNEAT (HyperCube-based NEAT algorithm). Invented by me with David D ‘Ambrosio and Jason Gauci). It is called hypercube because, according to a mathematical interpretation, CPPN can be understood as representing the interior of a hypercube that represents the connectivity of an ANN. Using this technique, we can begin to evolve Anns with hundreds of thousands to millions of connections. Indirectly encoded Anns have proved useful, especially for evolving the pace of robots. Because their regular connection patterns are more likely to support the regularity of movement involving walking and running. Other laboratories have also explored indirect coding techniques in the field of neuroevolution, such as the compressed network approach developed by Jan Koutnik, Giuseppe Cuccu, Jurgen Schmidhuber, and Faustino Gomez.
Novelty search
Now you’re starting to see the trajectory of the idea of neuroevolution. The field of neural evolution began with fixed topological networks, moved to complex networks, and then began to focus on indirectly coded networks. These leaps in perspective and capabilities will continue as we gain more insight into the evolution of complexity. Another idea that has been influential in recent years (again from our lab and echoed by influential research by Jean-Baptiste Mouret and Stephane Doncieux) is that parents should not always be selected for their objective performance, They should be selected on the basis of their novelty. To put it another way, and perhaps surprisingly at times, making choices based solely on a parent’s current fitness can actually be detrimental to long-term outcomes. For example, consider evolving an ANN for robot walking. You might think that in order to get the best walkers, the best walkers so far should be chosen as parents to produce the next generation. But, in fact, that’s not the case.
In fact, early in the evolution of walking, the ANN that best controlled the walkers may have relied solely on unreliable leaps forward. Maybe the other candidate ANN did something interesting, like wiggling the robot’s legs regularly. But assuming these interesting robots all fell over, our rules should have favored candidates who went farther and ruled out those who could swing their legs. But here’s the thing: It’s possible that more interesting concepts (like swinging legs) are more likely to lead to walking robots than current best strategies (like forward leaps). But the adaptation doesn’t favor swing, simply because it’s not doing so well at this stage. To put it another way, the step stones currently used to assess the best walkers are deceptive. In the example above, choosing ANN from the currently best-performing parent could lead us down a dead end.
This insight (combined with other considerations) led me to the idea of novelty search (discovered with my PhD student Joel Lehman). Novelty search is a selection model that selects the most novel ANN as a parent rather than on the basis of the idea of the most adaptable.
This idea may sound strange at first, so let’s click the button. In evolution, there are two main factors that affect the effectiveness of evolution: one is expression, or coding, and its natural counterpart is DNA. Work that promotes complexity and indirect coding can fall into this category. Another big factor is how the system decides who reproduces, known as natural selection. Almost all selection in evolutionary computing focuses on making choices based on fitness. That doesn’t mean we have to or just use it for selection, because that can quickly bleed out the diversity of the population, but it does mean that the more fit have more chances to reproduce than the less fit.
Novelty search directly reverses this adaptive-driven paradigm, completely abandoning common definitions of adaptation (such as the quality of behavior) in its selection model. Instead, computers now look at the performance of each candidate (a walking robot, for example) and compare their behaviour with that of the previous generation. In novelty search, if a new candidate’s behavior is significantly different from that of its predecessor, it has a greater chance of being selected for reproduction, regardless of its fitness.
This idea is controversial because people prefer to make choices based on success, which can be measured by adaptability. But it’s hard to ignore the fact that novelty can sometimes be useful. That is, sometimes you can get a better solution in less time by choosing something novel rather than using adaptation. Consider the case of a walking robot. Unlike evolution based on fitness, novelty search is more likely to pick the parent who swung his leg but fell, simply because it did something new. Adaptive search will almost certainly ignore it because it falls over quickly. But as we discussed, the fact is that swinging legs is an essential stepping stone for robots to walk. Therefore, although counterintuitive (because of the deceptive nature of adaptation), it is better to ignore your objectivity and simply choose novelty over enhancing objectivity.
This insight led to another leap in how we think about neuroevolution, and led to a whole new field of research called “mass diversification,” or sometimes “revelation algorithms.” This new type of algorithm is usually evolved from novelty search. The main goal is not to discover a single optimal solution, but rather to elucidate the wide cross-section of all the high-quality variations to a task’s possibilities, such as those of all the gaits that are valid for a quadruped robot. One of these algorithms (called map-elites, by Jean-Baptiste Mouret and Jeff Clune) appears on the cover of a recent nature review. Because it found a very large set of such robot gaits. These gaits can be used selectively in situations where the robot is damaged.
If you think about it all, novelty isn’t about solving a particular problem, it’s about discovering all the interesting possibilities that exist in the search space. The fact that it gives you a cutting edge solution is just an attractive side effect of the whole process. The quality-diversity algorithm (the next step beyond novelty search) brings back the definition of fitness, but in a careful way that does not compromise the search for novelty. The result is a class of algorithms that can spread out in the search space while still finding the best possible thing.
This new direction is important for neuroevolution, but it’s even more interesting to note that it goes beyond neuroevolution, machine learning, or even computer science. Think about it: sometimes the best way to get something worthwhile is to avoid getting it directly. This principle is so universal that it can be applied to many aspects of our lives and society. For example, the best way to improve student performance may not be to give continuous testing. The fact that this insight from neuroevolution has such a potentially broad impact is no accident — it’s natural (and exciting) that concerted attempts to enhance algorithms’ ability to explore all possibilities will lead to broad insights into innovation and progress.
In other words, when we try to unravel the mysteries of neural evolution, we’re not just learning about computer algorithms, we’re learning about how the world works at a deep, fundamental level. That’s Why my collaborator Joel Lehman and I wrote Why Greatness Cannot Be Planned: The Myth of The Objective. With this book we hope to share with the public some of the broader implications of developments in our field. We believe that these implications are indeed very important in fields outside of computer science that focus on invention and innovation.
I began this article by declaring a Renaissance in neuroevolution, but what exactly did that mean? In reality, the field has never really gone away, and many leading researchers have been on the front lines. However, the rise of deep learning is bound to bring much of the lost attention back to neuroevolution. Now all that is beginning to change.
One reason for the success of deep learning is the increase in the processing power of computer hardware in recent years. ANN has benefited from the recent explosion in parallel computing capabilities, such as on Gpus. Many people think that the marriage of ANN and powerful hardware in deep learning is unique and accidental. Some stories in the field of neuroevolution are on the cusp of this. That is, neuroevolution, like traditional deep learning, can benefit from massive hardware investments, if not more. As with all evolutionary algorithms, the advantage of neuroevolution is that ANN populations can naturally be processed in parallel and are easy to implement. If you have 100 Anns and 100 processors, you can evaluate all 100 candidate networks simultaneously. It takes the same amount of time to evaluate one. This increase in speed can dramatically increase and expand the potential of this approach to neuroevolution.
One consequence is that laboratories with access to large computational clusters are finding that they may be sitting on a neuroevolutionary gold mine. This will lead to a new generation of researchers and the next generation of neuroevolutionary experiments, perhaps from LABS that have invested in traditional deep learning. In fact, there is already concern in these LABS that something important might be missed
Google Brain, for example, has published large-scale trials using hundreds of Gpus to try to evolve deep web architectures. The basic idea is that neural evolution may be able to evolve the best network architecture using stochastic gradient descent training. In fact, the idea of using neuroevolution to do architectural search has attracted the attention of major players in the industry in 2016 and 2017, including Google Sentient Technologies, MIT Media Lab, Johns Hopkins, Carnegie Mellon University, The list keeps getting longer. Click here and here to see some of the early work in this area.
Another area of neuroevolutionary revival is reinforcement learning. Reinforcement learning focuses on control problems and decision-making problems (like getting a computer to play Atari games or control a bipedal robot). A team at OpenAI recently reported on an experiment that compared a number of benchmarking tasks, including the much-publicized Atari game that Google’s DeepMind AI think tank first conquered with deep learning. The results show that a neuroevolutionary morphing approach achieves the same performance as enhanced learning based on traditional deep learning.
The field of neuroevolution is also following its own unique path. For example, a lot of research over the years and up to now has focused on how to evolve Plastic ANN. The connection weights of these networks can change over the lifetime of the network. That is, evolution in this scenario not only determines architecture and weights, but also the rules that govern how and when weights change. The resulting network is theoretically more like a biological brain that changes over the course of life. Much of my thinking about stretchable neural networks was influenced by the early work of Dario Floreano and later by the neuromodulation ideas of Andrea Soltoggio. Neuromodulation allows some neurons to adjust the scalability of others.
Another interesting topic that’s perfect for neuroevolution and my favorite is open-ended evolution. That is, constantly evolving to add complexity and interesting behavior without ending. Much of the evolution on Earth is open-ended, and looking at it from the perspective of a similar scenario taking place in a computer provides unique inspiration. One of the great challenges of neuroevolution is the incremental complexity of the brain through truly endless processes. As described here, a fuzzy but expanding research community is also pushing the boundaries of never-ending algorithms. I feel that open and open-ended evolution will join ai as one of the greatest challenges in computer science.
Video games are still a popular application, not just for controlling the characters in the game, but for evolving new content. If you think about the diversity of all life on earth, you can see that evolutionary algorithms can be a natural driver for generating new diversity of content. Georgios Yannakakis of The University of Malta and Julian Togelius of New York University are pioneers in their own fields. In their new book Artificial Intelligence and Games, they present a broad overview of the application of neural evolution (and other Artificial Intelligence algorithms) to Games.
To participate
If you’re interested in evolving neural networks, the good news is that neural evolution is relatively easy to start with. There’s a lot of software available (check it out here), and for many people it doesn’t require very deep expertise. The basic concept of reproduction is intuitive, making it easy to grasp the main ideas of neuroevolution. In fact, neuroevolution has the honor of allowing many amateurs to successfully conduct experiments on their home computers. If you Google “Neuroevolution” or “NEAT neural” on YouTube, you’ll see plenty of examples. As another example, one of the most popular and elegant software packages for the NEAT algorithm (” SharpNEAT “) was developed by an independent software engineer. He had few academic connections or professional training.
Considering that evolution is the only method we know of so far that can truly produce human-level intelligence, the potential for future advances in the field of neuroevolution is enormous. And with the increase in computing power today, the potential for new insights is enormous.
Explore deep learning, unsupervised learning, and other advances in AI in a free report here.
This article originally appeared in English: “Neuroevolution: A different kind of deep learning”.
Kenneth O. Stanley
Kenneth O. Stanley is an associate professor of computer science at the University of Central Florida. Here he leads the Evolutionary Complexity (EPlex) research group. He is also a senior research scientist at Uber’s ARTIFICIAL intelligence Lab. He can be reached at kenstanley001@gmail.com or @kenneth0Stanley on Twitter.