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Record Java IO basics.

Basic knowledge of
  1. The concept of flow

    Java programs use streams to complete input/output. Streams are abstractions that produce or consume information. The input/output system that flows through Java is connected to a physical device. All streams behave the same way, although the physical devices to which they are connected are different. This way the same input/output classes and methods work for all types of peripherals. This means that one input stream can abstract many different types of input: from a disk file, from a keyboard, or from a network socket. Similarly, an input stream can output to a console, disk file, or connected network. Streams are a clean way to handle input/output, for example, without requiring code to understand the difference between a keyboard and a network. The implementation of flows in Java is inside the class hierarchy defined by the package.

  2. The data flow

    When I/O, data flows over a communication channel. The so-called “stream” refers to the starting point and ending point of all data communication channels. The channel of information is a data stream. Any channel through which data flows from one place to another can be called a data flow.

  3. Understanding input/output programmatically is relative to the program. Programs play two roles in using data: one as source and one as destination. When a program is the source, or provider, of a data flow, the data flow is an “output data flow” to the program (data flows out of the program). If the program is the endpoint of a data flow, the data flow is an “input data flow” to the program (data flows from the program to the program).

  4. Function classification: input stream and output stream

  5. Structure classification: byte streams (called byte oriented) and character streams (called character oriented).

  6. The input and output streams of the byte stream are based on two abstract classes, InputStream and OutputStream. The input and output operations of the byte stream are implemented by subclasses of these two classes. Character stream is a new input and output stream that is added in Java version 1.1. The input and output of character stream are based on abstract classes Reader and Writer. At the lowest level, all input/output is in bytes. Thus the stream of characters only provides a convenient and efficient way to process characters.

The input stream
  1. A) open a strean B) while more information C) Read information D) close the stream
The output stream
  1. The logical process of writing data

    A) open a strean B) while more information C) write information D) close the stream

The classification of the flow
  1. Node stream: A stream class that is read and written from a specific place (file), such as a disk or an area of memory.

  2. Filter stream: Use node stream as input or output. A filter stream is created using an existing input stream or output stream connection.

The class hierarchy of InputStream in the package

The class hierarchy of OutputStream in the package

The class hierarchy of Readers in the package

The class hierarchy of Writer in the java. IO package

Links to I/O streams

Decorator pattern
  1. Decorative pattern is also known as Wrapper pattern

  2. The decorator pattern dynamically attaches more responsibility to an object in a way that is transparent to the customer. Extend the functionality of an object without creating more subclasses.

  3. Role: Abstract Component Role: Gives an abstract interface to specify the object to which the interface attaches responsibility. Concrete Componet: Defines a class that will receive additional responsibilities. Decorator: Holds a reference to a Component object and defines an interface consistent with the abstract Component interface. Concrete Decorator: Responsible for “attaching” attachments to component objects.

  4. chart

A) Class decorators implement the Component interface, hold a reference to Component, and implement methods in the Component interface that call the methods referencing the object. B) ConcreteDecorator inherits Decorator and requires a constructor with Component as an argument. Call super(Component). Override a method that internally calls the method referenced by super and then appends its own business logic functionality.

  1. Designing a satisfactory I/O(input/output) system is a daunting task for a programming language designer. — Thinking in Java

  2. A stream is either an input or an output stream.

  3. Filter flows are built on node flows.

  4. Use: new CCC(new BBB(new AAA())). Design principle: decorative design pattern.

  5. Decorator pattern architecture diagram. The Decorator implements the Component interface and holds a reference to it. Component = New ConcreteDecortor2(new ConcreteDecortor1(new ConcreteComponent()));