Face the
Write face classics, save character
- Project introduction
- How to implement redis distributed lock?
- Any other ideas? How to achieve it? (Database, ZK)
- Redis distributed control order grab, can use database optimistic lock?
- How to implement optimistic database lock?
- Redis Sentinel mode?
- How do sentinels and machines communicate (ping, pong)?
- How do sentries elect their leaders?
- What is the purpose of MVCC? The principle? Scene?
- What does database isolation level do? scenario
- Redo log undo log bin log
- At what stage did these occur?
- Mysql module: What logs do those generate?
- Mysql index? From the point of view of what you know?
- What is the difference between a clustered index and a non-clustered index?
- Shiro?
- How does Shiro store sessions?
- How do you deposit your money with Shiro?
- The difference between RocketMQ and Kafka?
- How does RocketMQ guarantee that messages will only be consumed by one machine?
- Has the JVM been tuned?
- Has the system been optimized?
- What are the JVM garbage collectors?
- What are the JVM garbage collection algorithms?
- What impressed you about the project? (Get results asynchronously)
- With the big data stuff? (no)
- What books have you been reading recently?
- What do you want to know?