Source code:…
Easy wrong points
Try not to set the width and height of the parent box, but spread the child box, and use the padding to display the image (small ICONS, etc.).
It is often necessary to toggle sprites with pseudo-classes (:hover or: Active) to achieve a highlight effect
- From the Sprite chart => HTTP/1 generally, using the Sprite chart or inline resources can reduce the number of requests, but increase the size of request packets, and is not conducive to performance optimization in HTTP/2 caching
Drag the Login box in the Login component => drag the box implementation
The Login function of the Login component => Token Session authenticates users by carrying cookies => stores cache proxies
Loading components are implemented by means of => three quarters of a circle going round and round
This section describes how to select multi-level routes
WithRouter wrap => Route component => Determine whether the Path of the URL contains the Path of the route, and exclude special cases separately (skip to/route, / Discover should also be selected for recommendation)
The difficulties in
Seamless rotation chart
Add the last image to be displayed at the front, and jump to the penultimate image immediately with no transition effect when rotating to the first image (transitionEnd listening); Add the first image to be displayed at the end, and jump to the second image immediately with no transition effect when the last image is rotated (transitionEnd listening); In other cases there is a transitional effect
Automatic rotation timer set transition effect, animation time should be shorter than the timer interval
Fade-in and fade-out rotation chart
Open timer every once in a while to modify its transition style = > component to render = > transitionend listening to, and through the e. arget. Style. The value of the transition to a different action
Opacity 1s ease-in 0s
Switch to the next slide and change its transition style to opacity 1s ease-out 0s
How the component is updated after two setStates (rerender twice)
Opacity 1s ease-out 0s (next image fades complete)
- Transition to normal (None 0s Ease 0s)
Transition value from initial None 0s ease 0s => opacity 1s ease-in 0s
Clicking on the circle toggles the index attribute on the tag to tell which image it is (starting from 0)
The left and right arrows directly modify the index to display the corresponding image
- CurrentIndex represents the index of the currently displayed image (starting from 0)
Mouse move out and move the scroll bar so that the wheel broadcast map is not displayed in the area, clear the timer of automatic wheel broadcast; Move in and re-open
- How is timer id saved by useRef
Seamless wheel casting for the new disc
Arrays are used to store the Left of the current image, and the adjacent elements are ideal adjacent images
- Right arrow: the current picture and the next picture to the left have
Transition effects
Go one to the right - After two transitions, set their transition effect to None. In order to maintain the same effect for the next rotation, maintain 1 0-1 (the index of the image next to the current image is set to -1).
- Right arrow: the current picture and the next picture to the left have
Native JS implementation of the wheel:…
The music bar
- Get a song as the default for currentSong
- Change the length of the gray progress bar (song download progress) through the onProcess of video
- OnTimeUpdate to change the playback progress (milliseconds) and detect the current playing time to switch lyrics
- The onTimeUpdate callback is mutually exclusive with changing the current playback time (setCurrentTime) between dragging the progress bar or clicking the position to change the progress of the song
- Click Play or pause to change isPlay and decide whether to play or pause the song based on the value
- Play by the way to determine the way the song switch
- The order
- random
- Single cycle
- Loading icon to load audio
- onWaiting => onCanPlay & onCanPlayThrough
- Lock and play bar show and hide
- OnMouseEnter, onMouseLeave (bubble phase of event flow model not supported)
- OnMouseover and onMouseOut
- Parsing lyrics
- Match the timestamp with regexp.exec (), converting all subexpression to milliseconds
- Replace (lyricReg, “) replaces the timestamp with a space
- The playlist
- Blurred Background (z-Index effect)
- The lyrics scroll
- The percentage of clicks that reach a position, converted to a lyric index based on the length of the lyrics.
- Song list scrolling
- The percentage of locations reached by clicks, converted to the song index based on the length of the song list
- Volume control bar
- Play the same progress bar
- Get a song as the default for currentSong
Tool function
Date formatting (so that the time can be displayed in the format we specify)
- If it is originally 26 and you specify 1 bit format, then it should be displayed as it is
- If it was 6 and I specified 2 bits, then I would use ’00’ and substring to ensure the same format
- Similarly, if the year is 2021 and I specify a 2-bit format, I should use substring(4-reg. $1.length).
new RegExp(‘ (${i}) ‘).test(fmt)
Drag a square
Performance optimization
- RemoveEventListener (removes listening events in time to prevent memory leaks)
- Anti-shake throttling (search box anti-shake or drop-down refresh throttling)
- Reduce the first screen loading time with lazy loading (on-demand request)