The.NET community was recently released. A new preview of NET 6 and its related frameworks (including MAUI), the first preview of Visual Studio 2022, the new Azure SDK libraries and more.

The latest preview release of.NET 6 and related frameworks is available. .NET 6 Preview 5 includes improvements to a new feature called the SDK workload, according to Microsoft. According to Richard Lander, project manager for team, this is. NET the foundation of the unified vision. This new feature allows developers to add support for new application types, such as mobile and WebAssembly, without increasing the size of the SDK. The new feature is improved by the addition of two new verbs –list and update — which provide the expected final experience in the general availability in November. Other features in.NET 6 Preview 5 include NuGet package validation, more Roslyn parsers, improvements to the Microsoft.Extensions API (focusing on hosting and dependency injection), WebSocket compression, and more. Also, according to Lander, “.NET 6 Preview 5 is perhaps the largest preview to date in terms of the breadth and number of features.” A comprehensive list of all the features included in the new preview can be found in the official post.

ASP.NET Core framework in. NET 6 Preview 5 also has significant improvements. One of the most important features of this release is to reduce Blazor WebAssembly downloads through run-time re-linking. Now, developers can use it. NET WebAssembly tools (also used for. NET WebAssembly aoT-compiled tool) to relink the runtime and remove unnecessary logic, dramatically reducing the size of the runtime. According to Microsoft, size reduction is especially important when using unchanging global patterns. Other features in the new version include dotnet Watch. NET Hot Reload updates to get and set HTTP headers faster, and ASP.NET Core SPA template updates to Angular 11 and React 17.

The MAUI team also released a new preview of the upcoming UI framework. .NET MAUI Preview 5 includes new documentation that is covered. Introduction and foundational content of NET MAUI, as well as new controls migrated from the renderer architecture of Xamarin.Forms, including ActivityIndicator, CheckBox, Image, Stepper. Another new feature in this release is the introduction of the Shell, an application container that provides URI navigation and quick implementation of fly-out menus and tabs. .NET MAUI Preview 5 also includes updates to animations and individual project templates.

Entity Framework Core 6 Preview 5 has also been released. The new preview includes the first iteration of the build model, a feature that significantly reduces application startup time. A detailed explanation of how the build model works can be found in the original Microsoft blog post.

The Visual Studio team has released a new Preview of Visual Studio 2019 (V16.11 Preview 2) and the first Preview of Visual Studio 2022, both for Windows. Visual Studio 2019 16.11 Preview 2 includes fixes that are more stable and secure than the previous Preview release. For Visual Studio 2022 Preview 1, the development team’s goal was to “test and fine-tune the scalability of the new 64-bit platform.” While most of the updates in this release are related to 64-bit support, expect new features and performance improvements from Preview 2 onwards. Also note that Visual Studio 2019 V16.11 will be the final release of Visual Studio 2019.

The Azure development team also released two new libraries. Azure Data sheets and Azure Monitor (Beta). The Azure Data Tables library allows access to the Azure Table service, which is used to store NoSQL Data in the cloud. The Azure Monitor is a data collection service for cloud and enterprise internal environments that can be used for logging and metrics. Both libraries are available in the latest Azure SDK release, which also includes new versions of Azure Cognitive Search (stable) and Azure Communications Services (preview). All the latest Azure SDK versions can be found on the official release page.

Other major releases this week include. A cumulative update preview of the NET framework, including quality and reliability improvements and patches for the Azure DevOps server. PeachPie Compiler- a Compiler built on. .net and the PHP language implementation on Roslyn – also released a minor update (V1.0.6) that supports PHP 8.1 syntax and some bug fixes.

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