The usual solution is gitlab+ Jenkins +centos, but such a solution is not suitable for lazy people like me. I have been looking for a simple solution. In the process of seeking solutions, I found that the third party in China is not friendly to c#. Did not find easy to use, so I think of Azure, have to say that MS is still quite to force.
Must-have list
- GitHub ==>GitHub tutorial
- Ali Cloud Container image service or
- Azure DevOps Registration =…
- A server ps: collects the ali cloud ECS of 2993
1. Get GitHub
- Open VS and create a new one
ASP.NET Core Web applications
, calledWebNotebook
- Click Next, remember to enable Docker support, and click Create
- If you did not click Enable Docker support in the previous step, you can add it by creating a new one
- Push the code to GitHub
Here is my Docker file configuration
FROM AS base
FROM AS build
RUN ls -al
COPY ["WebNotebook/WebNotebook.csproj"."WebNotebook/"]
RUN dotnet restore "WebNotebook/WebNotebook.csproj"
COPY.WORKDIR "/src/WebNotebook"
RUN dotnet build "WebNotebook.csproj" -c Release -o /app
FROM build AS publish
RUN dotnet publish "WebNotebook.csproj" -c Release -o /app
FROM base AS final
COPY --from=publish /app .
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet"."WebNotebook.dll"]
Copy the code
Below is a Demo of my project…
2. Configure Ali Cloud container image service
- Go to Aliyun and find container image service =
- Create a namespace, give it a name, I’ll call it
(PS: private public depends on personal needs) - Create a mirror warehouse, give it a name, I’ll call it
(Note: Lowercase only) - Go to view the basic information of the mirror warehouse, marked red copy down, for a moment to configure Azure Pipeline to use
Azure CI/CD configuration
- To register an Azure account, go to
- Create an organization, I’ll call it
- Create a project, I’ll call it
- Enter the
Add a new Build (PS: this is called continuous integration)
- The editor
, copy the following code and replace the following parameters with yours
# Starter pipeline
# Start with a minimal pipeline that you can customize to build and deploy your code.
# Add steps that build, run tests, deploy, and more:
- master
vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'
dockerId: # aliyun login username
namespace: zohnz # AliCloud namespace
imageName: webnotebook # Aliyun warehouse name
registry: # Aliyun public network address
dockerfilepath: WebNotebook/Dockerfile # Github Dockerfile relative path
- script: | docker build -f $(dockerfilepath) -t $(imageName) . docker login -u $(dockerId) -p $(pwd) $(registry) docker tag $(imageName) $(registry)/$(namespace)/$(imageName) docker push $(registry)/$(namespace)/$(imageName) displayName: push to aliyun
Copy the code
Here’s a brief explanation of what yamL script parameters mean
instruction | annotated |
$(xxx) | This is the placeholder for Azure, which I declared above with variables |
-f | Specify the Dockerfile path to use; This is very important, if you do not add it, you will not find the folder error |
-t | The name and label of the image, usually in the name:tag or name format. Multiple labels can be set for a single image in a single build. |
$(pwd) | This PWD can be written directly, but is configured in azure variables(parameter environment variables) for security |
Readers can set it in the following ways
- Let’s add a new one
Is used to Pull and Run images - The name of the configuration Agent is called here
Push and Run
, as well as some other configurations, see the figure below - Click on that
Push and Run
The right of the+
Number, add Task - search
, click on theADD
This means executing your own script on a remote host - Click on the
Configure your login account and password, and add an SSH Service Connection - Select the name you just added as
The SSH service connection - Next fill in the script to be configured and select
Inline Script
I have four tasks here - Here are the scripts for my four tasks
Remove Container
#Determine if a WebNotebook container exists docker ps | grep webnotebook &> /dev/null #If not, Remove if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo "webnotebook container not exist continue.. " else echo "remove webnotebook container" docker rm webnotebook -f fi Copy the code
Remove old Image
#Determine whether there is any image docker images | grep &> /dev/null #If no, no operation is performed if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo "image does not exist , continue..." else echo "image exists !!! remove it" docker rmi --force fi Copy the code
Pull Image
#Pull the image of the push from Ali Cloud docker pull Copy the code
Run Image
#Run the image on the host and expose port 5003 docker run --restart unless-stopped -p 5003:80 --name webnotebook -d Copy the code
After configuring the Task, we need to connect the Build and Release in series, select the previous Build pipeline, and remember to Save after adding
Here is my configured build pipeline
4. Configure Aliyun
- Log in your Ali cloud server, use the CMD of Win, I am Ubuntu
C: \ Users \ zhaozy > SSH root@xx.xx.xx.xx root@ 's password: Welcome to Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.15.0-52-generic x86_64)Copy the code
- Install the Docker
Sudo apt-get update # sudo apt-get -y install docker. IO # Install dockerCopy the code
- The input
docker -v
Check whether docker is installed successfully
root@iZs9kgd0x5xmhaZ:~# docker -v docker version 18.09.7, build 2d0083DCopy the code
Now that we’ve completed all the configuration phases, let’s commit the code once to test the release process
Github submits code
I went into Azure to check the Build progress. I was building very quickly and had already built the Build when I went in
Click on the Job log and check the Job log
Go to Ali Cloud container image service to check whether Push comes up
Go to Azure to check whether Release is successfully executed
Go to Ali Cloud security group to add
Extranet access to the port -
Open our server address + port number
At this point, all four of our Linux releases are complete and you can configure them flexibly according to your needs