Among NodeJS programming languages, Express is the no. 1 Web services framework. Because of its clear structure, easy to use, flexible expansion (middleware) and is widely used. Javascript’s inherent strength, but also a very significant weakness, is weak typing, which makes it ill-suited for large-scale collaborative development. To solve this problem, Microsoft TypeScript was born, and NestJS takes the decoupling of components to a new level by taking advantage of TypeScript.

Nest’s official documentation, in particular, promotes its product philosophy: Inspired by Angular, React, and Vue, there’s a lot of good class libraries at the back end, but no product that effectively addresses architectural issues. Nest was created to provide an out-of-the-box architecture that allows loose coupling between libraries. Therefore, NestJS is not strictly defined as a Web service framework, but as an IoC Container. For more IoC and related content, please refer to my other article.

Instead of reinventing the wheel, NestJS abstracts, defines interfaces and adaptations of existing great wheels, such as Express and Fastify, into functional implementations of application architectures that developers can easily replace. In addition to the Web framework, there are common libraries for databases, queues, caches, and so on. NestJS redefines them one by one into its own extended matrix.

To understand a project, start with the file directory structure of the project. Just like understanding the structure of the human body, first take off clothes and analyze its composition and relationship one by one from the perspective of its skeleton structure, so as to effectively learn and understand its design intention and best practice methods.

Case library preparation

For better learning, it is strongly recommended to download two libraries:

The first is the Nest source code repository. When studying, you can look for information in the source code if you don’t understand it. In addition, this source code base also has 29 cases, can give certain reference. But don’t get hung up on it, as the official documentation is, just refer to it.

git clone

Real World is a learning project for “Real” needs, implemented in a variety of languages and frameworks. NestJS, as a back-end framework, is the fourth most popular project Core. From this respect, it can be seen that its increasingly popular trend.

Git clone…

Create a project

Create the simplest project possible

  1. NPM i-g@nestjs /cli

  2. Create a nest n-g project-name project in your working directory

At this point, you’ve got a basic NEST server-side application


  • Dist TypeScript target directory for output after compilation to JS;
  • Node_modules depends on components and library files
  • SRC source code file

Files in the root directory

  • .gitignore GIT ignores configuration.
    • Log file logs *.log
    • System configuration file.ds_store
    • Dependent libraries node_modules
    • IDE configuration file.idea
    • Project profile
    • Output the object code dist/*
  • .eslintrc.js EsLint (code formatting) configuration files
  • . Prettierrc prettier (code formatting) configuration file
  • Json Nest project configuration file. In standard mode, the content of this configuration file is simple. In Monorepo mode, the content is complex.
  • Nodemon.json, the monitor configuration file, which defines which programs to monitor and which programs to ignore and the launch entry (index.js)
  • Tsconfig. json, ts configuration file, which excludes compilation of test files

Name Suffix meaning

  • *. Middleware. Ts middleware
  • *. Controller. Ts controller
  • *.decorator.ts custom decorator
  • *.entity.ts Data Object instances (TypeOrm)
  • *. The interface. The ts interface
  • *. The module. Ts NEST module
  • *.service. Ts NEST service object
  • *.pipe.ts NEST pipe object
  • *.to.ts Data transfer object
  • *.spec.ts unit test file

Run the script

Looking at the package.json file, you can see that there are many scripts to choose from. All of the following scripts can be run as either NPM run XXX or YARN Run XXX, depending on your package management tool. For example, start the project NPM run start.

  • Prebuild removes the dist directory in preparation for a full rebuild (nest does this automatically on each build);
  • Build Builds the nest project for the current workspace, resulting in a dist directory containing the compiled code
  • Format uses prettier to format the code for the current project
  • Start Starts the current project
  • Start: Dev starts the current project in development mode. The difference is that you can debug the program as you develop it. When a file is changed (saved), Nest automatically reloads it.
  • Start :debug Displays more debugging information in the development mode.
  • Start: ProD is run in production mode, at this time, the project is not run in nest CLI, but directly run the compiled project;
  • Lint formats all TS code and fixes formatting problems with the code;
  • Test Runs jest to test;
  • Test :watch Same as above, automatic test after program file changes;
  • Test: coV outputs test coverage information.
  • Test :debug Runs a websocket in the browser.
  • Test: Tests the E2E based on the configuration file.

Going back to the project we just created, it is recommended to start the project with the start:debug script during development. By default, Nest is bound to port 3000 of the local address.

[1:56:37 PM] Starting compilation in watch mode...

[1:56:40 PM] Found 0 errors. Watching forThe file changes. The Debugger listening on the ws: / / eda - 41 f4-9 For a5b796364 c3a - 157help, see:
[Nest] 6861   - 01/01/2021, 1:56:41 PM   [NestFactory] Starting Nest application...
[Nest] 6861   - 01/01/2021, 1:56:41 PM   [InstanceLoader] AppModule dependencies initialized +31ms
[Nest] 6861   - 01/01/2021, 1:56:41 PM   [RoutesResolver] AppController {}: +10ms
[Nest] 6861   - 01/01/2021, 1:56:41 PM   [RouterExplorer] Mapped {, GET} route +4ms
[Nest] 6861   - 01/01/2021, 1:56:41 PM   [NestApplication] Nest application successfully started +3ms
Copy the code

A debugging tool

Typically, we debug Web applications in two ways, front-end split and front-end mixed mode (Html templates). The former requires some tools, while the latter uses a browser directly.

API debugging mode

The debugging tool can use the Postman or curl command.

Browser debugging

The browsers are Chrome and Firefox. It’s important to learn about browser DeveloperTools. Using Chrome’s DeveloperTools as an example, I recommend using Console and Network.

When the application is started in debug mode, a WebSocket interface is opened and can be traced using debugging tools.

npm run start:debug
[11:53:37 AM] File change detected. Starting incremental compilation...
[11:53:37 AM] Found 0 errors. Watching forThe file changes. The Debugger listening on the ws: / / b6002c0 b07 cb14-4-9 b0f353732e BCC - 65Copy the code

Open Chrome and type Chrome ://inspect in the address bar

  1. In the interface, click “Configure…” button
  2. Enter the address to start the WS in the Nest report. The key is that port
  3. After completion, there will be an extra Target in the interface, and mark the Node version number, click inspect, you can open the debug window, front and back can be simultaneously debugging.

This approach is less useful in local development scenarios (because you can see debugging information directly with VSCode), but more useful in remote development. Note the bound local IP address.

NEST command line tool

nest –help

You can list the main commands and help from the command line as follows:


  • New (n) [options] [name] : Create a NEST application, such as NEST n Hello-world. Options support:
    • –directory Specifies the destination directory
    • -d or –dry-run does not output reports during creation
    • -g or — skit-git do not initialize git repositories (default is to create git repositories in your project)
    • -s or –skip-install Do not install dependency cries
    • -p or –package-manager [name] Specifies the package management tool
    • -l or –language [lang] Specifies the language JS or TS
    • -C or –collection [name] generates the project with a specific schema


  • Build [options] [app] : build the project. By default, TS files will be built in the dist directory of the project. The options are:
    • -c or –config [path] specifies the configuration file when you build with the CLI
    • -p or –path [path] tsconfig configuration file
    • -w or –watch Reloads in real time, observing mode
    • –watchAssets Observes non-TS file modes
    • –webpackPath [path] Webpack configuration file
    • TSC compiles using TSC


  • Start [options] [app] : Run NEST project, options:
    • -c or –config [path] specifies the configuration file when you build with the CLI
    • -p or –path [path] tsconfig configuration file
    • -w or –watch Reloads in real time, observing mode
    • –watchAssets Observes non-TS file modes
    • -d or –debug [hostport] Indicates the debugging mode
    • Webpack compiles with Webpack
    • –webpackPath [path] Webpack configuration file
    • TSC compiles using TSC
    • -e or –exec [binary] run in binary (node by default)
    • –preserveWatchOutput TSC watch mode


  • Update or U [options] : Updates dependent components of the current project
    • -for –force Forcibly reinstalls dependencies
    • Upgrade is -t or – tag (latest | beta rc | | next tag) components


  • Generate or G [options]

    [name] [path] Create a Nest schema element of the following type:
The name of the The alias instructions
application application Create a new application in your workspace
class cl The new class
configuration config Command line configuration file
controller co The controller
decorator d Custom decorators
filter f The filter
gateway ga Requested gateway
guard gu The guards
interceptor in The interceptor
interface interface interface
middleware mi The middleware
module mo The module
pipe pi The pipe
provider pr Functional groups
resolver r GraphQL processor
service s service
library lib Create a library in single library mode
sub-app app The child application
resource res CRUD of a data model

This list contains almost all of NEST’s definitions, so dig yourself a hole and fill it in over time.


  • Add [options] adds support for external libraries
  • Info or I for details of the current NEST project