Nebula Graph DBaaS

Nebula Cloud Service is a DataBase as S Service (DBaaS) product that dramatically reduces the cost of using Nebula Graph, More focused on mining and analyzing the relational value behind the data with Nebula Graph.

Nebula Graph Cloud Service Trial is currently available for public beta testing. This article provides a quick overview of the Nebula Graph Cloud Service Trial release’s features and open range.

The main function

  • One-click creation of Nebula Graph Cloud service instance
    • Permission Management – You can invite other Nebula Graph Cloud Service registered users to use the instance with you
    • Logging – Records the operations performed on the viewing instance

  • Nebula Graph Studio provides online Nebula Graph Database visualization tools:
    • Console – A quick taste of the basic functionality of nebula statements
    • Graph exploration – Use graph visualization to explore relationships between data
    • Data – Import data into Nebula through visual configuration
    • Visual Composition – Quickly modeling point/edge composition with visual manipulation (recent release)

  • Service monitoring – Real-time insight into basic machine operations

  • Team management – simple team creation and member addition, convenient instance ownership transfer and handover

Public beta range

  • Learning about the Nebula Graph database for the first time, you want to quickly and easily experience the Nebula Graph products and services
  • Users with graph database requirements, such as financial risk control, real-time recommendation, knowledge graph and other application scenarios
  • For enterprise users, it is best to use the company email to register. Limited trial resources can help those who really need to try

Trial Version Restriction

  • During the trial period, no independent IP can be provided for direct connection with business clients. All focus on product function experience, which will be provided in the commercial version.
  • The instance services provided in the trial period are unified resources of a single copy:
    • 1 gb of memory
    • single-core
    • 40 GB disk size
    • Others: The commercial version will be selected by resource configuration.
  • During data import, the size of a single file to be uploaded cannot exceed 100 MB, and the total file size is limited to 1 GB.

Trial link and official contact information

Those interested are welcome to apply for a trial at, or for more needs and questions, contact us at 🤝.

Contact: [email protected]

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