Author: HelloGitHub- Dried fish

The keyword of this week’s GitHub Flash is NB, and the project name of one of the week’s Tweets. The nb project, as its name suggests, is a script that helps you handle notes, bookmarks, archiving, and knowledge base applications. If you think nb is nothing more than that, GHunt is just another NB project. One day you will be able to access your gmail account’s “private” information.

In addition to the two “NB” Twitter projects, the small C compiler – ChibICC and screen sharing tool – Server are also outstanding, which received nearly 2k+ STAR in a week, as well as Microsoft’s open source intensive training as a service – Maro, Where it excels is in what follows.

The following is an excerpt from GitHub Trending and Hacker News hot post (HN Hot post for short) on weibo @helloGithub. Newly released | | practical and interesting, according to the project classification, the release time release time not more than 7 day program will be marked New, without the mark shows the project release more than one week. Due to the limited space in this paper, there are some projects not shown in this paper, please refer to 🌝

  • This article directory
      1. This week, pushing
      • 1.1 NB Command-line tool: NB
      • 1.2 “Human Flesh” Google account: GHunt
      1. Making Trending Zhou Bang
      • 2.1 Undisplayable alternative font: last-resort-font
      • 2.2 Amazon LABS Interactive Tool: Diagram Maker
      • 2.3 Learning machine learning From Scratch: ML-from-scratch
      • 2.4 Intensive training as a Service: Maro
      • 2.5 Screen Sharing Tool: Server
      • 2.6 Small C compiler: chibICC
      • Alternatives to 2.7 GA: Cast Analytics
      1. Recommended reading

1. Tweet this week

1.1 NB Command-line tool: NB

Star growth this week: 1850+

Nb is a script that helps you with note-taking, bookmarking, archiving, and knowledge base applications. In addition, NB supports encryption, filtering and search, Git version control and synchronization, Pandoc conversion, and more.

Nb is also a text format for comments such as Markdown, Emacs Org, and LaTeX. With NB, you can write comments in Vim, Emacs, VS Code, Sublime Text, and any other Text editor you like.

– > making address

1.2 “Human Flesh” Google account: GHunt

Star growth this week: 3250+

New GHunt is an OSINT tool that extracts information from any Google account using E-mail.

Currently can be extracted:

  • Name of the host
  • Last time you edited the configuration file
  • Google ID
  • If the account is Hangouts bot
  • Enabled Google services (YouTube, Photos, Maps, News360, Hangouts, etc.)
  • Possible YouTube channel
  • Other possible user names
  • Public photo (P)
  • Mobile Phone Model (P)
  • Mobile Phone Firmware (P)
  • Installed Software (P)
  • Google Maps Reviews (M)

– > making address

2. GitHub Trending Weekly

2.1 Undisplayable alternative font: last-resort-font

Star growth this week: 250+

New last-resort-font is a special-purpose font that includes a set of symbols representing Unicode character types.

These symbols are specifically designed to allow the user to identify code points and can be reserved for certain types of Unicode characters, in PUA (private usage area) of non-existent protocols, unallocated/reserved for future allocation, non-character characters.

Making address –…

2.2 Amazon LABS Interactive Tool: Diagram Maker

Star growth this week: 1000+

New Diagram Maker is an open source library from Amazon LABS that displays an interactive editor for any class Diagram data.

Diagram Maker is a framework and data format agnostic library that allows you to customize the look, feel, and behavior. It also exposes a declarative interface to reduce the code required to integrate libraries in any application, and has many interactive features built in.

Making address –…

2.3 Learning machine learning From Scratch: ML-from-scratch

Star growth this week: 1050+

Ml-from-scratch is a Python implementation of some basic machine learning models and algorithms.

The goal of ML-From-Scratch is not to produce algorithms that are as optimized and computationally efficient as possible, but to show their inner workings in a transparent and accessible way.

Making address –…

2.4 Intensive training as a Service: Maro

Star growth this week: 50+

RaaS (Intensive Training as a Service) MARO is Microsoft open source full chain resource optimization AI solution

Users provide a simple interface or data, and the platform automatically generates an emulator for intensive learning and training, and ultimately provides industry solutions. The open source MARO platform will not be limited to the logistics industry, but can help more traditional enterprises renovate resource matching tools, achieve resource optimization in a data-driven way, and greatly save costs.

Making address –…

2.5 Screen Sharing Tool: Server

Star growth this week: 2050+

New Server is a high quality, low latency screen sharing tool designed to allow developers to focus on technical communication without worrying about whether the shared screen is blurred or delayed.

Making address –…

2.6 Small C compiler: chibICC

Star growth this week: 1850+

New ChibICC is a small C compiler that implements most of C11 functionality.

Even though it may still fall into the “toy compiler” category like other small compilers, Chibicc can compile multiple real-world programs, including Git, SQLite, and libpng, without making changes to compiled programs. The executable files generated by these programs pass their corresponding test suites.

Features often missing from smaller compilers but supported by ChibICC include (but are not limited to) :

  • The preprocessor
  • Floating-point, double, and long double (x87 80-bit floating-point numbers)
  • A domain
  • Alloca ()
  • Variable length array
  • Thread-local variable
  • The atomic variable
  • Universal symbol
  • Specifies the initializer
  • L, u, u, and u8 Characters

Making address –…

Alternatives to 2.7 GA: Cast Analytics

Star growth this week: 550+

Marked beneath Analytics, there are simple, lightweight (less than 1 KB), open source and privacy-friendly alternatives to Google Analytics. It does not use cookies and is fully compliant with GDPR, CCPA and PECR. You can self-host it or use it in the cloud.

Making address –…

3. Recommended reading

  • Terminal — GitHub Hot TAB Vol.40
  • Secrets of Star Project — GitHub Hot Spot Overview Vol.39

This is GitHub Trending for the 41st working week of 2020 🎉 If you Pick up other fun and useful GitHub projects, be sure to share them with us in the HelloGitHub Issue section 🌝