
You pass in the Selector that you want to animate, and you implement a custom scroll animation based on the in-view and out-view that you add

new ScrollMotion('.motion');
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The core

/ * * *@param {String} Selector The element selector that requires animation *@param {number} Threshold Indicates whether to advance or lag the threshold. Positive value: indicates that the threshold pixel appears in advance; negative value: indicates that the threshold pixel appears in advance
 var ScrollMotion = function (selector, threshold) {
    var _motionSelf = this;
    this.motionEls = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
    this.threshold = threshold ? threshold : 50;

    function scrollAnimation() {
        _motionSelf.motionEls.forEach(element= > {
            if (domInView(element)) {
            } else {
                element.classList.add('out-view'); }}); }// Whether it is in the viewport
    function domInView(element) {
        var viewHeight = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight; // Height of visible area
        elementRectTop = element.getBoundingClientRect().top;
        return elementRectTop + _motionSelf.threshold <= viewHeight;

    window.addEventListener('scroll', scrollAnimation);
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Expand & Optimize

  • To process the parameters passed in, support passing selector /node/nodeList
// new ScrollMotion(target);
function getMotionElements(target) {
    var elements = [];
    if (typeof target === 'string') {
        elements = [], 0);
    } else {
        if (isElement(target)) {
            elements = [target];
        if (target && target.length > 0) {
            elements = [], 0); }}return elements;

function isElement(obj) {
    return!!!!! (obj && obj.nodeType ===1);
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  • Add throttling function
  • Set two threshold parameters (threshold) for entry and exit timing control