Update March 25: Hung up, resume in the pool

To introduce myself

In the middle of my self-introduction, the interviewer said that the signal was not good, so the next Nail nail video, I suddenly changed the way, so I was a little unprepared, I was going to have a look at the computer (kidding)…

The interviewer was very kind and asked where he went to and where he was from. He learned that he was majoring in mechanical engineering and asked what computer related courses he had learned during his undergraduate study. I said he was a computer foundation for college students. Then I asked if there was anything else, and I thought there was C.

A simple communication

Then the interviewer began to briefly introduce the team: Dingding client is mainly responsible for audio and video, such as microphone, live broadcast, video, etc. In fact, OC is not much, mainly C and C++. Why do you want to be a client? After all, everyone wants to go to the back end. Then I asked how much I had learned about C++ and how well I understood the features. And then how much does C learn? Does C learn database? When did you start learning OC? Asked here has been some cool feeling, after all, C and database are postgraduate entrance examination, C++ is also staying at the level of the brush.

Start asking questions

Computer network

  1. What is the seven-tier model? At what layer is TCP? What layer is HTTP at?
  2. Why is the seven-tier model divided like this? No answer, put it another way: Why layer? I’m making this up to encapsulate, each layer of application corresponds to each layer of function.
  3. TCP establishment process (three-way handshake);
  4. Specific process of congestion control;
  5. TCP release process (four waves), why close-wait?

The operating system

  1. What’s the difference between a 32-bit system and a 64-bit system? Didn’t answer up
  2. Processes and threads relate and differ
  4. What are the synchronization methods of processes
  5. Is the semaphore understood? Go into more detail about
  6. All kinds of lock introduction, how to use recursive lock?

C/C + +

  1. Talk about C++ inheritance
  2. C + + virtual functions
  3. The biggest difference between C and C++

Pen test

Classic title: Finger Offer 48. Longest substring without repeating characters

It took less than 20 minutes to write on the kind of mask that Ali uses for recruitment. After writing it, I told the interviewer how to think and the interviewer was satisfied after listening to it. After the interview, I forgot the header file of the include hash table. Sure enough, you can’t just brush leetcode, you still need to brush it

The logical question

Given two identical balls, only one ball is allowed to be broken at most, and the optimal way to figure out which floor the ball will break when dropped from a tall building, such as 49 floors does not break 50 floors.

If the number of balls is not limited and the number of broken balls is not limited, this problem is actually two points. Finally, I did not think of it after more than ten minutes of grinding. The interviewer is busy with the next interview yo-yo


As the first interview experience is good, the interviewer is quite kind, most of the eight shares asked are also will, the pen test questions also write out. But the problem is also very big, one is no project and the other is poor foundation, spring recruitment interview as the accumulation of experience. And it is a pity that the relevant content of the preparation of OC did not ask, wasted a lot of effort to recite…