Nacos serves as the registry and configuration center

Install Nacos

See the website

After installing the Nacos is access address: 8848 / Nacos/index. HTML

The default login name and password are both nacOS

Use Nacos as the registry

For myself, THE version I used here is Boot 2.3.2.RELEASE and Spring Cloud Alibaba 2.2.5.RELEASE

<! -- Here are the dependencies I introduced -->
<! Registry dependencies, service registration and discovery -->
  <version>2.2.5. RELEASE</version>
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Then add the annotation @enableDiscoveryClient to the entry class to register and discover the service.

/** * Enable service registration and discovery in Spring Cloud */
public class NacosServerApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

    public String hello(@RequestParam String name) {
        return "Hello "+ name; }}Copy the code

The registry address and the name of the service registered to the registry are configured in the configuration file application.yml

  port: 7001
The name of the service registered to the registry
    name: nacos-server
  # NACOS Registry address
        server-addr: 127.0. 01.: 8848
Copy the code

Go to the Nacos registry after startup and you can see that the configured service is registered with the registry

This section describes the consumption modes of the three services

RPC calls are not introduced here, but RestTemplate provided by Spring, WebClient, and Feign packaged by Netflix are introduced respectively.

RestTemplate way

First, create a new service to invoke the nacOS-server service. The new service is named nacos-client-common and has the same configuration as nacOS-server

public class NacosClientCommonApplication {

    // Requires @autowired injection
    private RestTemplate restTemplate;
  /** * 2. Spring Cloud has made enhancements to RestTemplate to simplify the previous invocation * with a little configuration@return* /
    public String test1(a) {
        return restTemplate.getForObject("http://nacos-server/hello? name=kangkang", String.class);

    /** * Added when defining the RestTemplate@LoadBalancedNote, and in the real call to the service interface, the original host part is by manual stitching IP and port, * directly use the service name to write the request path can be. When the actual call is made, Spring Cloud intercepts the request, selects the node through the load balancer, and replaces the service name part with a specific IP address and port, thus implementing load balancing calls based on the service name. *@return* /
    public RestTemplate restTemplate(a) {
        return newRestTemplate(); }}Copy the code

WebClient way

WebClient is Spring5 responsive programming’s way of invoking services like RestTemplate

Need to introduce dependencies to support reactive programming<! Support WebClient to call service instead of RestTemplate -->
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public class NacosClientCommonApplication {
    private WebClient.Builder webClientBuilder;
    /** * RestTemplate and WebClient are both spring-packaged tools *@return* /
    public Mono<String> test2(a) {
                .uri("http://nacos-server/hello? name=yunqing")

    /** * Rely on Spring-boot-starter-webflux * WebClient is a recent addition to Spring 5 and can be thought of as a reactive version of RestTemplate. *@return* /
    public WebClient.Builder loadBalancedWebClientBuilder(a) {
        returnWebClient.builder(); }}Copy the code

Feign way

<! -- Introducing dependencies -->
  <version>2.2.6. RELEASE</version>
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// Add the following annotation to start scanning FeignClient
public class NacosClientCommonApplication {
  	// Inject the interface of the service. The interface of the service needs to be declared in the project of the service, which is still implemented in nacos-server
    private FeignService feignService;
  	/** * Rely on spring-cloud-starter-openFeign **@return* /
    public String test3(a) {
        return feignService.hello("spring cloud"); }}Copy the code

Service interface FeignServer

// The annotation specifies the name of the service that this interface calls
public interface FeignService {

    String hello(@RequestParam String name);
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Nacos serves as the configuration center

Creating a namespace

You first need to add two new namespaces in Nacos, and then add the corresponding configuration to each namespace after dev and test.

As shown in the figure, there is also a reserved space, public, which exists by default. Next you can see three namespaces in the configuration Management configuration list. As shown in the figure below, I created a configuration in the dev namespace.

How do I locate a configuration

  1. First of all byNamespace namespaceThe namespace ID must be used to locate the configuration of the namespace. If the namespace id is not configured, it is used by defaultpublicThe namespace
  2. The prefix prefixIf the name is not specified, the default value is the current service name, which is also the current service name
  3. The suffix file - the extensionThe configuration suffix is determined. The default ispropertiesBecause of my configurationData IdCreated asyamlFormat namenacos-config.yamlSo the suffix here needs to beyaml
  4. Group groupDetermines the configured group name, the default group nameDEFAULT_GROUP
  5. Also throughspring.profile.activeorgroupConfigure multiple environments, but it is recommendednamespace
  • bootstrap.yml
Yml or must be used for this configuration
    name: nacos-config
        server-addr: 127.0. 01.: 8848
        file-extension: yaml Nacos-config. yaml is the application name plus the file extension. The default value is properties
        group: DEFAULT_GROUP # Default GROUP, such as dev-group test-group
        prefix: ${} The default prefix is the name of the application
        namespace: 87d915fc-e1be-4d0e-8dbd-d3314ac47844  # namespaces

  port: 7007
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What exactly is configured?

A Kangqing.title is actually configured

Reading Configuration Details

The purpose of reading the configuration is to prove that the configuration added through the configuration center can take effect in the application

<! -- This is the dependency of configuration center -->
    <version>2.2.5. RELEASE</version>
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/** * As you can see, nacOS's service discovery module is not included in this example, so the two contents are completely independent of the ** annotation@RefreshScopeIt is used to enable dynamic refreshing of the configuration content in this class, which will also take effect immediately after our application is launched. * /
public class NacosConfigApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

    /** ** Note that the colon cannot be omitted */
    private String title;

    public String hello(a) {
        return "result -> "+ title; }}Copy the code

Multi-configuration loading

For example, I have already loaded the nacos-config.yaml configuration, and I don’t want to put all the configuration into this one file, so I add mybatis-plus.yaml configuration to nacos to load multiple configurations in the application


    name: nacos-config
        server-addr: 127.0. 01.: 8848
        namespace: 535d5ae5-de1e-443b-a0a7-68a34e52946d
          data-id: nacos-config.yaml
          group: DEFAULT_GROUP
          refresh: true
          data-id: mybatis-plus.yaml
          group: DEFAULT_GROUP
          refresh: true
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Method 2:

    name: nacos-config
        server-addr: 127.0. 01.: 8848
        namespace: 535d5ae5-de1e-443b-a0a7-68a34e52946d
          - nacos-config.yaml
          - mybatis-plus.yaml
        refresh-enabled: true
Copy the code

Since there are multiple configuration modes, the prefix suffix group has the highest priority, followed by mode 1, and then mode 2. That is, mode 2 will be overwritten by mode 1, and mode 2 will be overwritten by the prefix suffix group.

  • Note: The above knowledge points are summarized based on the stand-alone VERSION of NACOS. They are not applicable to the production environment. Please deploy NACOS cluster and NACOS data persistence separately in the production environment.