Nacos can directly find the server running file through the official website, download it and decompress it for use.

After unpacking, open the bin directory: nacos-server-2.0.2\nacos\bin

Start the Nacos server with the official execution command given.

Window startup command:startup.cmd -m standalone, the interface after startup is as follows:

As shown in the figure above, during the startup process, the banner image has already printed out some key information such as the access address.

Access login address:…

In the picture above, I amnacosThe official website did not find the login user name and password, try to usenacosLog in! It worked!

As shown in the figure above, it can be roughly divided into configuration management, service management, permission control, namespace, and cluster management. It will be recorded in different chapters.

So let’s seeNacosSource code, download source code directly Git can be

Source code compilation commandmvn -Prelease-nacos -Dmaven.test.skip -Drat.skip=true clean install -U.