It was chosen because it worked

The GraphQL API has a strongly typed schema

GraphQL Schema is a convention that specifies the functionality of the API.

  • A strict Scheme defines the operations supported by the API (Query, mutation, subscribe)
  • The API documentation is automatically generated based on the corresponding schema, making setting up the back-end API very simple

On-demand access and strong scalability

This is actually pretty straightforward, because we write a query in front of it, and that’s the query that determines the data that we need

This solves two typical problems with traditional REST apis: Overfetching and Underfetching

You don’t have to rely on fixed data structures returned by the REST side.

For the fixed data structures returned by the older data query apis, we even have to do extra processing on the front end


I return more data than I need

  • The old API
    • You have a fixed background that takes in certain parameters and decides what database data to return based on those parameters
  • GraphQL
    • Write the data I need directly in the front end request query so that I don’t send too much data back


I return less data than I need

  • The old API
    • I’ll probably have to ask for an excuse to get the data I need
    • In particular, data like some connections
      • For example, the user’s data is first obtained, and then the user’s article data needs to be obtained in the background once for each user request
      • That’s obviously multiple requests
  • GraphQL
    • All in one request

Support rapid product development

There are many front-end frameworks that support GraphQL (Apollo, Relay, etc.)

There are even tools like GraphQl Faker that make it possible to design all the schemas before coding

Composing GraphQL API

The joining together of API

You can freely concatenate multiple apis

And you can do nested queries

There is a rich community

Several frameworks, such as Express, have corresponding middleware

The number of debugging tools will also increase

I can stop writing SQL Server code

That could be an advantage, too
