MySQL is a great cross-century product. It was first born in 1979, more than 40 years ago, while the mainstream Java language was only born in 1991, that is to say, MySQL is more than 10 years earlier than Java. Have to marvel at the strong vitality of both.

MySQL is widely used, such as Google, Taobao, Facebook, Twitter, Baidu, Tencent and most Internet companies can see its presence, MySQL was once (is) the synonym of “database”.

The popularity of MySQL is due to the fact that it is open source and free. Because it is used by many companies for free, and because it is widely used, there is a group of enthusiasts who provide technical support for MySQL. This virtuous cycle has pushed MySQL to the top.

In China, the Internet giant Alibaba put forward the slogan of “go to IOE” when it reached a certain scale. The so-called “I” is IBM, “O” is Oracle, and “E” is EMC storage device. Why go to IOE? In the end, Ali gradually removed its dependence on Oracle by taking MySQL as the cornerstone. MySQL is also undergoing rapid iteration under the giant’s use. As a result, other younger brothers in China have started to use MySQL, so they have joined MySQL one after another. So MySQL slowly became the database of choice for various Internet companies.

Of course, Alibaba is also developing its own database OceanBase while using MySQL, and OceanBase beat its former big brother Oracle in TPC-C in 2019, which made the world see the strength of China, which is also the pride of every Chinese.

Tpc-c is the world’s most trusted online transaction processing database function and performance testing standard. Generally speaking, TPC-C testing is a hard threshold for commercial databases to prove their strength.

MySQL is sold

Anyway, back to MySQL. 2008 was a big year for MySQL, because MySQL was bought by Sun for $1 billion, and Sun sold itself and all of its products to Oracle for $7.4 billion the following year. Oracle DB and MySQL are now owned by Oracle Corporation.

Here’s a little bit of an episode. Oracle sued Google for $8.8 billion in damages the year after it bought Sun, alleging that Google infringed on the Java language. This epic lawsuit ended in a win for Oracle in 2018, so can we understand that if Oracle did get $8.8 billion, it would have wasted Java and MySQL and earned $1.4 billion, not counting the cost of the lawsuit?

MySQL is starting all over again

Having looked at the history of MySQL, let’s return to the MySQL product itself. After Sun acquired MySQL, Monty Widenius (Michael Widenius), the founder of MySQL, left because he was dissatisfied with Sun’s way of working. After that, the father of MySQL led a group of brothers to set up an important branch of MySQL: MariaDB.

Michael Widenius. Photo courtesy of the Internet

Maria is the name of the youngest daughter of Monty, the father of MySQL. The name of MariaDB is so sloppy that it shows how having a good father can make the world remember your name

At the beginning of MariaDB experience

**MariaDB comes from MySQL, so MariaDB and MySQL are compatible in most respects, and applications such as PHP, Perl, Python, Java,.NET, and Ruby can use both without making any changes. ** It’s worth noting that MariaDB is growing so fast that new versions are being released faster than Oracle’s official MySQL version.

More differences between MariaDB and MySQL:…

Let’s try MariaDB, which can be downloaded from

Select the corresponding version and system type to download.

PS: Because the official download address is a foreign source, so the download speed is very slow, you can follow [Java Chinese community] to send “Maria” to get the latest version of the domestic download address.

The installation of MariaDB is similar to the installation of MySQL, but provides more configurable items such as port number and encoding mode, password and so on for user friendly configuration. The installation is as follows: Enter the user password and confirm password, and select UTF8 as the default character set.You can change the name, port number, and memory usage of the service, click Next, and wait until the installation is complete.

Built-in Client

We found that after installing MariaDB, it automatically installs a HeidiSQL client for us, which makes it very easy to operate MariaDB.Its operation interface is shown below: Whether or not, the Chinese menu and built-in functions (view, SQL operation, import and export data and other functions), give me the first feeling is very practical.

Command line tool

If you are still used to using the MySQL command line, you can also use the MySQL command line tool directly after MariaDB is installed (no need to install MySQL). You just need to set the MariaDB installation (bin) directory in the environment variable, as shown in the following figure:Then directly hit the CMD command line to directly operate, as shown below:The operation command is still the same as the MySQL command, still the familiar taste ~

The official MySQL

Although Oracle acquired MySQL and was slow to update MySQL 8 a few years ago, this is understandable, after all, the main focus and core team on Oracle DB to make money, but the good thing is that Oracle still retains the free community edition for us to use. Oracle’s MySQL products are as follows:

  • MySQL Community Server iS an open-source, free version of the MySQL Community Server.
  • MySQL Enterprise Edition Enterprise Edition, for a fee, is available for a 30-day trial;
  • MySQL Cluster Cluster edition, open source, free. You can package several MySQL servers into a single Server.
  • MySQL Cluster CGE Advanced Cluster Edition for a fee;
  • MySQL Workbench (GUI TOOL) is an ER database modeling TOOL designed for MySQL. It is the successor to the well-known database design tool DBDesigner4. MySQL Workbench is divided into two versions, namely community edition (MySQL Workbench OSS) and commercial edition (MySQL Workbench SE).

So if you want to continue to use Oracle’S MySQL version, you can use it for free, but if you want to try MariaDB, it’s ok. MariaDB offers more features and improvements.


MySQL was first acquired by Sun, and finally owned by Oracle. Later, the father of MySQL came out from the acquired company and started to make MariaDB, a new branch of MySQL. MariaDB can be regarded as an upgraded version of MySQL, if you are interested, you can try.

Follow [Java Chinese Community] send “Maria” to get the download address.