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This is the second article of MySQL knowledge system summary series. The main content of this article is to analyze SQL step by step through explain, and tune SQL statements by modifying SQL statements and building indexes. You can also view the log to understand the execution of SQL, but also introduced the MySQL database row lock and table lock.
Explain return column profiles
1. Type Common keywords
System > const > eq_ref > ref > range > index > all.
- System: The table has only one row.
- Const: at most one row in the table.
- Eq_ref: Reads a row from the table for each combination of rows from the previous table. This is probably the best join type, except for const;
- Ref: For each combination of rows from the previous table, all rows with matching index values are read from the table;
- Range: Retrieves only rows in a given range, using an index to select rows. Range can be used when comparing keyword columns with constants using the =, <>, >, >=, <, <=, IS NULL, <=>, BETWEEN, or IN operators;
- Index: This join type is the same as ALL, except that only the index tree is scanned. This is usually faster than ALL because index files are usually smaller than data files;
- All: full table scan.
In real SQL optimization, the ref or range level is finally reached.
2, Extra common keywords
Using index: Get information only from the index tree without going back to the table;
Using WHERE: The WHERE clause is used to restrict which row matches the next table or is sent to the customer. Unless you specifically ask for or check ALL rows from the table, the query may have some errors if the Extra value is not Using WHERE and the table join type is ALL or index. The query needs to be returned to the table.
Using temporary: mysql creates a temporary table to hold results, typically when a query contains GROUP BY and ORDER BY clauses that can list columns in different cases.
Trigger index code instance
1, build a table sentence + joint index
CREATE TABLE `student` (
`id` int(10) NOT NULL,
`name` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
`age` int(10) NOT NULL,
`sex` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`address` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
`phone` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
`create_time` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`update_time` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`deleted` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
KEY `student_union_index` (`name`,`age`,`sex`)
Copy the code
2, use primary key query
3, use the federated index query
4, join index, but not in the order of the index
Note: Because of the mysql optimizer, if the order is not consistent with the index, the index will be triggered, but the order should be consistent in the actual project.
SQL > alter table associative index
6, join index, order by
When used with WHERE and Order BY, do not use across index columns.
3, single table SQL optimization
Alter table student alter table student alter table student
2, add index
alter table student add index student_union_index(name,age,sex);
Copy the code
Optimize a bit, but the effect is not very good, because type is index, and there is still using WHERE in extra.
3. Change the index order
Because of the process of writing SQL
select distinct ... from ... join ... on ... where ... group by ... having ... order by ... limit ...
Copy the code
The parsing process
from ... on ... join ... where ... group by ... having ... select distinct ... order by ... limit ...
Copy the code
Therefore, I suspect that the order in which the joint index is built causes the index trigger to fail. Are you sure? Just try it.
alter table student add index student_union_index2(age,sex,name);
Copy the code
Delete old and unused indexes:
drop index student_union_index on student
Copy the code
The index change name
ALTER TABLE student RENAME INDEX student_union_index2 TO student_union_index
Copy the code
After changing the index order, the type level changes from index to range. Range: Retrieves only rows in a given range, using an index to select rows.
Note: In invalidates the index, so using WHERE is triggered, which results in a query back to the table.
4, Get rid of in
Ref: For each combination of rows from the previous table, all rows with matching index values are read from the table;
Index was raised to ref. Optimization is over.
5, summary
- Maintain consistency in the order in which indexes are defined and used;
- Indexing needs to be improved step by step, don’t always think of eating fat;
- Place range queries containing in at the end of where conditions to prevent index invalidation.
Double table SQL optimization
1. Build a predicate sentence
CREATE TABLE `student` (
`id` int(10) NOT NULL,
`name` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
`age` int(10) NOT NULL,
`sex` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`address` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
`phone` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
`create_time` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`update_time` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`deleted` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`teacher_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
Copy the code
CREATE TABLE `teacher` (
`id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`name` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
`course` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL
Copy the code
2. Left connection query
Explain select s.title,t. title from student s left join teacher t on S.title = T.ID where T. course = 'math'Copy the code
As you saw in the previous article, small tables drive large tables in federated queries. Small tables are also called drive tables. This is a double for loop, where the small table is the outer loop and the second table (the large table) is the inner loop.
Although the end result of the loop is the same, with the same number of loops, for double loops it is generally recommended to put the small loop in the outer layer and the large loop in the inner layer. This is a programming language optimization principle.
Code test again:
Student data: four
Teacher data: three
According to theoretical analysis, teacher should be the driver table.
SQL statements should be changed to:
explain select, from teacher left join student on = where teacher.course = 'math'Copy the code
Optimization usually requires an index, so how to add an index? Which table to add an index to?
The basic idea is that indexes should be built on frequently used fields.
Id = student. Id = student. Id = student.
Left join on; Because it’s the driver table.
alter table teacher add index teacher_index(id);
alter table teacher add index teacher_course(course);
Copy the code
Note: if a using join buffer appears in extra, it indicates that mysql is aware of the poor performance of SQL writing.
3, summary
- Small tables drive large tables
- Indexes are built on frequently queried fields
- SQL optimization, is a probability level of optimization, whether the actual use of our optimization, need to explain speculation.
1. Composite indexes should not be used across columns or out of order (best left prefix).
2, match index, try to use full index matching;
3, do not perform any operation on the index, such as index (calculation, function, type conversion), index invalid;
4, compound index cannot be used is not equal to (! = or <>) or is null (is not null);
5, using index whenever possible;
6, like start with constant, do not start with %, otherwise index invalid; If you must use %name% for a query, you can use overwrite index salvage to trigger the index without returning to the table.
7, try not to use type conversion, otherwise index invalid;
8, try not to use OR, otherwise index invalid;
Six, some other optimization methods
1, exist and in
Select name,age from student exist/in (subquery);Copy the code
If the data set of the main query is large, use in;
If the subquery data set is large, exist is used.
2, Order by optimization
Using filesort has two algorithms: double sort, double sort (according to the number of I/OS)
Before MySQL4.1, dual sort was used by default; Dual-path: scans disks twice. (1) Read the sorting fields from disks and sort the sorting fields. ② Get other fields).
After MySQL4.1, single-way sort is used by default; Single-path: Read only once (all fields) and sort in buffer. However, single-way sorting has some pitfalls (not necessarily only one I/O, but multiple I/OS).
Note: Single-path sort takes up more buffer than double-path sort.
If the data volume is large, you can increase the size of the buffer.
set max_length_for_sort_data = 1024; The unit is byte.Copy the code
If the value of max_LENGTH_FOR_sort_data is too low, the MySQL base will automatically switch from single-path to dual-path.
Too low means that the total size of the column exceeds the number of bytes defined by max_LENGTH_FOR_sort_DATA.
Improve the order by query strategy:
- Choose single or double channels to adjust the buffer capacity.
- Avoid select * from student; (① MySQL bottom need to translate *, consumption of performance; ② * never trigger index overwriting using index);
- Using filesort; using filesort;
- Ensure the consistency of all sort fields (ascending or descending);
SQL sequence -> slow log query
Slow query log is a type of log provided by MySQL. It records THE SQL statements whose response time exceeds the threshold (long_query_time, 10 seconds by default).
Slow logging is turned off by default, turned on for development tuning, and turned off for final deployment.
1. Slowly query logs
(1) Check whether slow log query is enabled:
show variables like '%slow_query_log%'
(2) Temporary opening:
set global slow_query_log = 1;
Copy the code
MySQL > restart MySQL
service mysql restart;
(4) Permanent opening:
Place it under [mysqld] :
Copy the code
2, the threshold
(1) Check the default threshold:
show variables like '%long_query_time%'
Copy the code
(2) Modify the default threshold temporarily:
set global long_query_time = 5;
Copy the code
(3) Permanently modify the default threshold:
Place it under [mysqld] :
long_query_time = 5;
MySQL > select * from sleep;
select sleep(5);
(5) Query SQL whose execution time exceeds the threshold:
show global status like '%slow_queries%';
Slow query logs –> mysqlDumpslow
1. Mysqldumpslow tool
The SLOW SQL query is recorded in logs. You can view the specific slow SQL query in logs.
cat /var/lib/mysql/localhost-slow.log
You can use the mysqlDumpslow tool to view slow SQL queries and quickly locate slow SQL queries based on certain filtering criteria.
mysqldumpslow --help
Brief description of parameters:
S: Sort
R: reverse
L: Lock time
G: Regular matching mode
2, query the slow SQL under different conditions
(1) Return 3 SQL with the most records
mysqldumpslow -s r -t 3 /var/lib/mysql/localhost-slow.log
(2) Get the three most frequently accessed SQL
mysqldumpslow -s c -t 3 /var/lib/mysql/localhost-slow.log
(3) Sort by time, the first 10 SQL statements containing left JOIN query statements
mysqldumpslow -s t -t 10 -g "left join" /var/lib/mysql/localhost-slow.log
Analyzing massive data
1, show profiles
Turn on this feature: set profiling = on;
Show Profiles records the time spent on all SQL queries after all profileing calls.
The disadvantage is that it is not precise enough to determine which part of the execution consumes time, such as CPU, IO.
2, accurate analysis, SQL diagnosis
Show profile all for query Query_id obtained in the previous step.
3. Query logs globally
show variables like ‘%general_log%’
Enable global logging:
set global general_log = 1;
set global log_output = table;
X. Detailed explanation of lock mechanism
1. Operation classification
Read and write: Multiple read operations on the same data can be performed simultaneously without interference.
Write lock: If the current write operation is not complete, other read and write operations cannot be performed.
2. Scope of operation
Table lock: Locks a table at a time.
For example, MyISAM storage engine uses table locks, which have low overhead, fast locking and no deadlocks. However, the scope of lock is large, prone to conflict and low concurrency.
Row lock: Locks one data item at a time.
For example, InnoDB storage engine uses row lock, which is expensive, slow and prone to deadlock. Lock scope is small, lock conflict is not easy, high concurrency (very small probability of high concurrency problems: dirty read, unreal read, unrepeatable read)
Lock table 1 read/write, table 2 read/write,…
To view a locked table:
show open tables;
3, add read lock, code example
Session 0: lock table student read; select * from student; Delete from student where id = 1; Select * from user; Delete from user where id = 1; -- Add, delete and change, noCopy the code
If A session has A read lock on table A, the session can read but cannot write to table A. That is, if A read lock is added to table A, the current session can only read table A and cannot read other tables
Session 1: select * from student; Delete from student where id = 1; Session 1: select * from user; Delete from user where id = 1; -- Add, delete and change, yesCopy the code
Session 0 assigns A lock to table A. Other sessions can read and write data from other tables. Session 0 assigns A lock to table A.
4, add write lock
Session 0: Lock table student write;
The current session can add a write lock to the table, can do any add, delete, change, check operations; But you can’t manipulate other tables;
Other conversations:
You can add, delete, modify, or query a table with a write lock in session 0 only after session 0 releases the write lock.
5, MyISAM table level lock mode
MyISAM will automatically lock all tables involved in the read before executing the query statement, and will automatically lock all tables involved in the write before executing the add, delete, or modify statement.
So when you operate on MyISAM, the following happens:
(1) Read operations on MyISAM table (add read lock) will not block other sessions (processes) read requests on the same table. But it blocks writes to the same table. Only after the read lock is released can other processes write.
(2) Write operations on MyISAM table (add write lock) will block other session (process) read and write operations on the same table, only when the write lock is released, will execute other process read and write operations.
6, MyISAM analysis table lock
Check which tables are locked:
show open tables; 1 means locked
SQL > alter table lock severity
show status like 'table%';
Table_locks_immediate: indicates the number of locks that can be obtained
Table_locks_waited: number of table locks to be waited (the larger the value is, the larger the lock race is)
General suggestion: Table_locks_immediate/Table_locks_waited > 5000. InnoDB engine is recommended; otherwise, MyISAM engine is recommended.
7, InnoDB analysis table lock
To investigate row locking, set autoCOMMIT = 0;
show status like ‘%innodb_row_lock%’
Innodb_row_lock_current_waits: Number of lock waits Innodb_row_lock_time: total wait time. Innodb_row_lock_time_avg: Average waiting time. Innodb_row_lock_time_max: Maximum waiting time. Innodb_row_lock_waits: Number of waits. Total wait time since system startup
8, add line lock code example
(1) select student
select id,name,age from student
(2) Update student
update student set age = 18 where id = 1
(3) add row lock
Select id,name,age from student for update; Add row locks to queries.
MySQL commits automatically by default, so you need to temporarily disable auto commit
set autocommit = 0;
9, line lock matters needing attention
(1) If there is no index, the row lock is automatically converted to a table lock.
(2) Row locks can only be unlocked by transactions.
InnoDB uses row lock by default
Advantages: Strong concurrency, high performance, high efficiency
Disadvantages: Greater loss than table lock performance
High concurrency use InnoDb, otherwise use MyISAM.
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