There is a very interesting word: in today’s world, those who get data get the world.

Visible data is very important for us, for the enterprise and for future development.

And want to “get the world”, master massive data, so the storage, read and write data database requirements will be very high. In particular, MySQL, a very common database with a wide range, is one of the technical abilities that we back-end developers must master, and MySQL is also a must-ask in the interview.

Some people may think some basic operation is to master the MySQL, yao will fur, but think of themselves as being proficient in, the interview was asked difficult technical points do not know how to answer, obviously the interviewer won’t choose less competent staff, so the real popular programmer is MySQL tuning can be done.

Enterprises have higher and higher requirements for programmers, especially large factories, which explicitly require Java programmers to have the ability to tune MySQL.

With the development of the Internet, businesses, large and small, will only face more and more data. As a result, whether it is interview questions or work, just limited to the basic use of MySQL is not enough to meet the needs of the industry. So, if we want to keep up with the industry trends and not be eliminated, we must master MySQL tuning.

Industry trends affect our programmers advanced direction, for MySQL tuning ability training, however, we often is not enough, unable to do want to skillfully mastering a skill, must through the real practice, however, obviously, we can’t have vast amounts of data to practice alone, project experience, that how to solve these problems?

In order to solve this difficult problem in practice, I would like to recommend the “MySQL Performance Optimization Pyramid”, which will be optimized from the basis, case and tool sections, in-depth analysis of related concepts and principles from the work of application scenarios, comprehensive summary and answer questions on MySQL performance optimization. Take you through the actual combat to master MySQL tuning skills!

Because there are so many notes, here are some screenshots. Full version notes: Follow me and click here for free with screenshots

Based on article

Chapter 1 initial installation and simple security hardening of MySQL

Chapter 2 two common MySQL upgrade methods

Chapter 3 MysQL Architecture

Chapter 4 performance_schema

Chapter 5 Performance_schem A Configuration description

Chapter 6 Performance_SCHEMA application example

Chapter 7, introduction to SYS library

Chapter 8 SYS system library Configuration table

Chapter 9 sys system library application examples

Chapter 10 Information_schema first acquaintance

Chapter 11 Information_SCHEMA application examples

Chapter 12 mysql system library permission system table

Chapter 13 access control system of mysql system library

Chapter 14 statistics table of mysql system library

Chapter 15 mysql system library replication information table

Chapter 16 mysql system library log table

Chapter 17 mysql system library application examples

Chapter 18 evolution of replication technology

Chapter 19 is the conceptual basis of transactions

Chapter 20 InnoDB Locks

Chapter 21 SQL Optimization

Chapter 22 ySQL Read and write Extensions

Full version notes: Click here to get free case papers with screenshots after following me

Chapter 23 performance I test indicators and related terminology

Chapter 24 historical problem diagnosis and site fault analysis

Chapter 25 Performance Tuning Pyramid

Chapter 26. Slow EXECUTION of SQL statements

Chapter 27 How to avoid changing hard disk, memory, motherboard every day

Chapter 28: MySQL Performance Troughs every 45 days

Chapter 29 MySQL Connection cannot be released automatically

Chapter 30 queries for MySQL are occasionally slow

MySQL allows a maximum of 214 connections

Chapter 32: MySQL hangs

Chapter 33 hardware and system tuning

Chapter 34 Deadlocks caused by concurrent deletion of data

Chapter 35 Deleting nonexistent data causes deadlocks

Chapter 36 insert intentional deadlock

Chapter 37 paging query optimization

Chapter 38. Subquery optimization — Subquery conversion to join

Chapter 39 subquery optimization — Delete data using DELETE

Tool post

Chapter 40 Hardware specifications common view commands in detail

Chapter 41 System load view commands in detail

Chapter 42 FIO Storage Performance rules

Chapter 43 HammerDB online transaction processing tests

Chapter 44 sysbench database compression tools

Chapter 45 mysqladmin and Innotop tools in detail

Chapter 46 using Prometheus+Gr Afana to build a cool MySQL monitoring platform

Chapter 47 Percona Toolki t common tools in detail

Chapter 48: MysqlDump for MySQL

Chapter 49: XtraBackup for MySQL backup

Chapter 50: MyDumper for MySQL

Chapter 51 explains the main MySQL flashback tool

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