The version used in this article is 5.5.62 or 5.7.29. Apt is used for direct installation.
The installation
- Run sudo apt-get install mysql-server
- Check whether the installation is successful: sudo netstat – tap | grep mysql
- Service after the start port query: sudo netstat anp | grep mysql
Skip the MySQL password authentication process and reset the password
- Into the vim/etc/my CNF or/etc/mysql/mysql. Conf. D/mysqld. CNF
- Add skip-grant-tables on any line after [mysqld] to skip password validation
- MySQL restart :sudo service MySQL restart /etc/init.d/ MySQL restart
- Enter mysql to change the password
- Update user set authentication_string=password(” oden123 “) where user= “root”;
- Run the Flush PRIVILEGES command
- Log in using the password :mysql -u root -p
- Edit my.cnf to remove the added content and restart MySQL
Creating a New user
- The create user ‘oden’ @ ‘localhost’;
- Set password for ‘oden’ @ ‘localhost’ = password(‘ 123456 ‘);
Configure new user rights
- Grant all PRIVILEGES on testDb.* to ‘oden’ @ ‘localhost’ : Grant all privileges on testDb to oden
Configure to allow remote access
- Change bind-address = in my.cnf or mysqld. CNF
- Update user set host= ‘%’ where user= ‘root’;
- Grant all PRIVILEGES on *.* to ‘root’ @ ‘%’ identified by ‘ode123’ WITH Grant OPTION;
- All the PRIVILEGES that gives all permissions to the specified users, here also can be replaced by giving a specific permissions, such as: the select, insert, update, delete, create, drop, etc., the specific permission to use “, “half Angle between commas
- flush privileges
Configuration management
- After the installation is complete, the following directories will be created after the installation
- Database directory: /var/lib/mysql/
- Configuration files: /usr/share/mysql (commands and configuration files), /etc/mysql (e.g. My.cnf)
- Related commands: /usr/bin(mysqladmin mysqldump) and /usr/sbin
- Start script: /etc/init.d/mysql
- After a new mysql user is created or a password is changed, flush PRIVILEGES must be used to refresh the MYSQL system privileges table. Otherwise, access is denied.
Cli command
- Use dbName: Select a database
- To delete the mysql data file :sudo rm /var/lib/mysql.-r
- Run the sudo rm /etc/mysql.-r command to delete the mysql configuration file
- Uninstall mysql automatically (including server and client) :
- sudo apt-get autoremove mysql* –purge
- sudo apt-get remove apparmor
- In the terminal check MySQL dependencies: DPKG — list | grep MySQL
- Delete dependencies: sudo apt-get remove dbconfig-mysql
- If there are problems with the reinstallation, restarting the server here may solve the problem
Common commands
- sudo service mysql restar
- sudo service mysql start
- sudo service mysql stop
- sudo service mysql status
- View the users and permissions: SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT (‘ User: ‘ ‘ ‘, the User, ‘ ‘ ‘@’ ‘ ‘, the host, ‘ ‘ ‘. ‘) AS query FROM mysql.user; Selsec user,host from mysql.user;
- Open port :sudo ufw allow 3306
- Disable the firewall by running the sudo ufw disable command
- Run the sudo ufw enable command to enable the firewall
- To check the firewall status, run sudo ufw status
- The configuration file path varies according to the version
- 5.5.62: / etc/my CNF
- 5.7.29: / etc/mysql/mysql. Conf. D/mysqld. CNF