# # # database
- Learning database is to learn how to communicate with database software,SQL language is used for programmers and database software to communicate language.
- DBMS: DataBaseManagementSystem database management system (database) software, including: MySQL/Oracle/used, DB2, SQLite, etc
- Common DBMS introduction:
- MySQL: An open source product of Oracle Company. In 2008, MySQL was acquired by Sun Company. In 2009, Sun Company was acquired by Oracle
- Oracle: closed source Oracle products, the highest performance and most expensive database. Second in market share
- SQLServer: closed source Microsoft product, the third largest market share of Microsoft solutions
- DB2: closed source IBM product, used in the entire IBM solution.
- SQLite: a lightweight database that provides only basic add, delete, and change operations. Installation package tens of k, mainly used in mobile devices and embedded devices.
- The whole set of website solutions include: development language operating system Web server software database software
- Open source and closed source
- Open source: develop source code for free, profit: through selling services, programmers will provide free upgrades and maintenance
- Closed source: not open source revenue: By selling products + services, there will be technology attacks, but no closed source product companies will have a group of people responsible for maintenance and upgrade
Structured Query Language: A Structured Query Language used by programmers to communicate with database software (DBMS)
How to connect to the database software: Check the mysql service open the window key +r enter services.msc
Open the Mysql Client in the Mysql/MariaDB folder in the Start menu and enter the password
On Linux or MAC, open the terminal, enter mysql -u user name -p, press Enter, and enter the password
Disconnect: Close the window or execute exit;
Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YESCopy the code
#### Database related SQL statements
- To save data in the database software, you need to build a database and then build a table, and finally operate the data in the table
- Query all databases
- Format:
show databases;
- Creating a database
- Format: create database Database name; Create data using the default character set
create database db1;
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- Character set format: create database Database name character set UTF8 / GBK;
create database db2 character set utf8;
create database db3 character set gbk;
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- Viewing database Details
- Format: show create database Database name;
show create database db1;
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- Deleting a Database
- Format: drop database Specifies the database name.
drop database db4;
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- Using a database
- You must use the database before operating on tables and data. Otherwise, an error will be reported
- Format: use database name;
use db1;
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### database
- Create character set utf8 for myDB1 and GBK for myDB2
create database mydb1 character set utf8;
create database mydb2 character set gbk;
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- Query all databases to check whether they are created successfully
show databases;
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- Whether the character sets of the two databases were queried successfully
show create database mydb1;
show create database mydb2;
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- Use mydb1 first and then myDB2
use mydb1;
use mydb2;
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- Delete two databases
drop database mydb1;
drop database mydb2;
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SQL related to tables
- ERROR 1046 (3D000): No database selected
- Create a table
- Format: create table Table name (field name field type, field name field type);
create table student(name varchar(10),age int);
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- Charset = UTF8 / GBK; charset=utf8/ GBK;
create table person(name varchar(10),gender varchar(5))charset=gbk;
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- Query all tables
- Format: show tables;
- Query table details
- Format: show create table name;
show create table person;
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- View table fields
- Format: desc table name;
desc student;
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- Delete table
- Format: drop table name:
drop table student;
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- Modify the name of the table
- Format: rename table original name to new name;
rename table person to t_person;
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- Add a table field
- Alter table name add name type;
- Alter table table_name add table_name first;
- Alter table table_name add table_name type after XXX;
alter table t_person add salary int;
alter table t_person add id int first;
alter table t_person add age int after name;
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- Drop table field
- Alter table drop alter table drop
alter table t_person drop salary;
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- Alter table field
- Alter table alter table name change original name new name new type;
alter table t_person change age salary int;
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Table related SQL statement review
- create
create table t1(name varchar(10),age int)charset=utf8;
- Query all
show tables;
- Query table details
show create table t1;
- Query the table fields
desc t1
- Delete table
drop table t1;
- Modify the name of the table
rename table t1 to t2;
- Add a table field
alter table t1 add salary int first/ after xxx;
- Drop table field
alter table t1 drop salary;
- Alter table field
alter table t1 change
Original name new name new type;
#### table related exercises:
- Create database mydb1 character set UTF8 and use the database
create database mydb1 character set utf8;
use mydb1;
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- Alter table emP; alter table emP; alter table emP
create table emp(name varchar(10)) charset=utf8;
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- Add table field age at the end
alter table emp add age int;
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- Add the ID field first
alter table emp add id int first;
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- Add gender after name
alter table emp add gender varchar(5) after name;
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- Change gender to salary sal
alter table emp change gender sal int;
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- Delete age;
alter table emp drop age;
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- Change the table name to T_emp
rename table emp to t_emp;
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- Delete t_emp table
drop table t_emp;
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- Deleting a Database
drop database mydb1;
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Data related SQL
- To execute SQL related to data, you must ensure that a database is already in use and that a table for the data exists
create database mydb2 character set utf8;
use mydb2;
create table person(name varchar(10),age int)charset=utf8;
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- Insert data
- Insert into values(1, 2, 3); insert into values(1, 2, 3);
insert into person values('Tom'.18);
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- Insert into values(1, 2); insert into values(1, 2); insert into values(1, 2);
insert into person(name)values('Jerry');
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- F insert into person values(‘ Lucy ‘,20),(‘ Lily ‘,21);
insert into person(name)values('zhangsan'), ('lisi');
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- Insert Chinese:
insert into person values('Andy Lau'.30);
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If an error message is displayed during the execution of the above code, execute the following SQLCopy the code
set names gbk;
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- Query data
- Select * from table where (select * from table where (select * from table where))
- For example:
Query all names in the person table
select name from person;
Query name and age from person table where age > 20
select name,age from person where age>20;
Query all field information for all data in the person table
select * from person;
- Modify the data
- Update table_name set table_name = XXX, table_name = XXX where table_name = XXX;
- For example:
update person set age=8 where name='Tom';
update person set age=10 where age is null;
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- Delete the data
Delete from table name where condition;
For example:
- Delete Tom
delete from person where name='Tom';
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2. Delete those younger than 20 years oldCopy the code
delete from person where age<20;
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3. Delete all dataCopy the code
delete from person;
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### add/delete
- Insert into values(1, 2);
- Select * from table_name where table_name = 1;
- Update table_name set table_name = XXX where table_name = XXX;
- Delete from table_name where table_name = 1; ### Data type
- Integer types: int(m) and BigInt (m) Bigint is equivalent to long in Java, where M represents the display length and zerofill keyword is used
create table t1(name varchar(10),age int(10) zerofill);
insert into t1 values('Tom'.18);
select * from t1;
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- Float numbers: double(m,d) m for total length D for decimal length 58.234 m=5 d=3, ultra-high precision float numbers decimal(m,d) are only used when ultra high precision operations are involved.
- String:
- Char (m): fixed length m=10 the execution efficiency is higher than that of ABC. The maximum execution efficiency is 255
- Varchar (m): variable length m=10 ABC takes 3 to save more storage space. If the maximum value exceeds 65535, text is recommended
- Text (m): The maximum value is 65535.
- Date:
- Date: Only the year, month and day can be saved
- Time: Only minutes and seconds can be saved
- Datetime: saves year, month, day, hour, minute, second. The default value is null and the maximum value is 9999-12-31
- Timestamp: timestamp (milliseconds from 1970), saves year, month, day, hour, minute, second. Default value: current system time, maximum value 2038-1-19
- For example:
create table t_date(t1 date,t2 time,t3 datetime,t4 timestamp);
insert into t_date values('2020-1-18'.null.null.null);
insert into t_date values(null.'17:35:18'.'the 2020-3-17 12:30:23'.null);
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