
Data storage mode

The storage of computer Data generally takes the hard disk as the Data storage space resource, so as to ensure that the Data in the computer can be kept continuously. For data processing, database related technology is generally used to process, so as to ensure the high efficiency of data processing.

Using database management mode not only improves the data storage efficiency, but also improves the data security at the storage level. The classified storage mode makes data management more secure and convenient, and can better realize the call and comparison of data, and facilitate the use of operations such as query.

What is a database

Database is an effective technology of data management. It is an ordered collection composed of a batch of data, which is stored in a structured data table. Data tables are related to each other, reflecting the essential relationship between objective things. Database can effectively help an organization or enterprise manage all kinds of information resources scientifically.

Data is the basic object stored in the database. It is a physical symbol arranged and combined in a certain order. Data can take many forms, be it numbers, words, images, or even audio or video, which can be digitized and stored in a computer.

A database is a collection of data, which has a unified structure and is stored in a unified storage medium. It is the integration of various application data and can be shared by various applications.

In daily life, people can directly describe objective things in Chinese, English and other natural languages. In computers, features of interest are abstracted and described in a record.

For example, in the student files, the student information is composed of student number, name, gender, age, native place, contact number and other characteristics, then a record formed by these specific characteristic values is a student’s information data, such as “2016010102, Zhang SAN, male, 26, Shanxi, Computer College, 185********”.

It is worth noting that the descriptive form of data cannot fully express its content and needs to be interpreted. For example, for the student record above, those who understand its meaning will get the following information: Zhang SAN’s student id is 2016010102. He is 26 years old and from Shanxi Province. He is studying in the Computer College. Those who do not understand the semantics cannot understand the meaning. Therefore, data and the interpretation of data are inseparable. The interpretation of data refers to the explanation of the meaning of data, which is also called the semantics of data. Therefore, data is inseparable from its semantics, and data without semantics is meaningless and incomplete.

The storage structure of a database

The storage structure of a database refers to the representation of physical data and logical data in the database, and the description of the mapping between physical data and logical data. In database technology, objective realistic data can be described in two forms: physical data description and logical data description. The conversion between physical data and logical data is implemented through the database management system.

Physical data Description

Physical data description refers to how data is stored on a storage device. Physical data is actually stored on a storage device. Physical data is also called physical records. According to the location of physical record storage, it can be divided into ordered storage and unordered storage.

In physical data description, data description terms used include the following. Bit: A binary unit called a bit, which can only be 1 or 0. Byte: Eight bits are called a byte and can hold a character corresponding to the ASCII code. Word: a word composed of several bytes. The number of bits in binary a word contains is called the word length. Many computers have different word lengths. For example, a computer’s word length can be 8 bits, 16 bits, 24 bits, 32 bits, etc. Block: The smallest unit of information exchanged between internal and external memory. It is also called a physical block or physical record. The size of each block is usually 256 bytes, 512 bytes, 1024 bytes, etc. Volume: All the useful information that can be loaded by an I/O device. For example, a tape of a tape drive is a volume, and a disk group of a disk device is also a volume. Unordered storage: Data records are stored in the order they were inserted.

Logical data Description

Logical data description refers to the data form used by users or programmers for operation. Logical data is an abstract concept and a reflection and record of the objective reality. These data can also be called logical records.

Logical data contains two levels, one level is the description of the objective reality information world, the other level is the description of the data in the database management system.

In the description of the information world of objective reality, the terms used include the following. Entity: An object that exists in objective reality is described by an entity. An entity can be either a concrete and tangible object or an abstract and intangible object. For example, a book is a tangible object, and a borrowing process is an intangible object. Entities: A collection of similar entities with identical properties is called an entity set. For example, all the books in a library are an entity set, as are all the borrowing processes in that library. Attributes: The attributes of an entity are called attributes. Each property has a range of values, which can be integer type, floating-point type, character type, date type, and so on. For example, physical book attributes include title, isbn, date of publication, page number, price, and publisher. The corresponding value fields of these attributes are respectively character type, character type, date type, integer type, floating point type, and character type. Identifiers: Attributes or sets of attributes that uniquely identify each entity. For example, the isbn attribute of a book is the identifier of the entity book, and the identifier of the entity in the process of borrowing a book includes two attributes: the library card number and the ISBN.

This logical data is ultimately converted to physical data by the DATABASE management system. What are the terms used to describe logical data in database management systems?

The following uses the relational database management system as an example. Data item: Also known as field, it is the smallest information unit that can be named to mark the attribute of an entity. The name of data item generally adopts the descriptive name of the attribute. These names can be Chinese, English or Hanyu Pinyin. Tuple: Also known as a record, a collection of data items is called a tuple. A tuple represents a concrete entity. Relation: In a relational database system, a set of tuples of the same class is called a relation. A relationship is applicable to describing a set of entities, including all the tuples of a set of entities. For example, all books can form a books relationship. Key code: In a relational database system, a data item or combination of data items that uniquely identifies each tuple of a relationship is called a key code for a relationship.

Objective entities are described by two layers of logical data and finally transformed into physical data stored in reality.

The role of databases in development

From the perspective of database system application, the common operation and application structure of database system are: client/server structure, browser/server structure.

In the Client/Server (C/S) structure, database users (such as DBA, programmer) through the command line Client, graphical interface management tools or applications to connect to the database management system, database management system can query and process all kinds of data stored in the underlying database.

The database consumer interacts directly with command line clients, graphical interface management tools, or applications rather than directly with the database management system.

In this structure, the command line client, graphical interface management tools or applications are called “client” or “foreground”, mainly to complete the interaction tasks with database users; And database management system is called “server” or “background”, mainly responsible for data management. This structure is often referred to as a “C/S” structure.

In client/server mode, the client and server can work on the same computer at the same time. This mode is called “single-machine mode”. It can also run in network mode, that is, the server is installed and deployed on one or more hosts on the network.

For the development of client applications, the language tools are mainly Visual C++, Delphi,.net framework, Visual Basic, Python and so on.

The database can effectively store data, read data, find data is more convenient, in fact, the management software is through the software interface for internal database data add, delete, change, check operation.

Database creation

MySQL character set and character collation rules

Before we create the database, we will talk about the character set and character collation of the database

The character set specifies the encoding format of the data to be stored. A rule for comparing stored data in a specified encoding format, such as case – insensitive: Character set Common character sets are UTF8 and UTF8MB4. In MySQL, UTF8 supports a maximum of 3 bytes of data, and UTF8MB4 supports a maximum of 4 bytes of data. Expression data on mobile terminals is a four-byte character, so utF8MB4 is required for proper storage. Character sorting rules The common character sorting rules are UTF_bin and UTF_general_CI. Bin is binary. A and A are treated differently. For example you run:

select * from table where a = 'a';Copy the code

You can’t find a line in UTf8_bin where a = ‘a’, and utf8_general_ci can be utf8_general_ci faster but less accurate.

So when we create the database, we will set the character set to UTF8MB4 and the character collation to UTF8_general_CI


CREATEDATABASE Specifies the DATABASE name.Copy the code

Example Create database db_name

//Example Create database db_nameCREATE DATABASE db_name;
//Create database A whose character set is UTF8MB4 and collation is UTF8_general_CICREATE DATABASE A DEFAULT CHARACTER SETUtf8mb4COLLATE utf8_general_ci;//Create database B whose character set is UTF8 and collation is UTF8_general_CICREATE DATABASE B DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATEUtf8_general_ci;//View the database character setshow variables like '%char%';
Copy the code

Create db_name database in navicat

Deleting a Database


dropDatabase Specifies the database name.Copy the code


Example Delete database db_name

drop database db_name;
Copy the code

Delete XXX database from navicat

Select database

A database and B data are created on our locally installed database software, and they both have A table A, so when we query the data of table A

select * from table whereA;Copy the code

Software can not know which database you need to query at this time, so we need to select the database before querying the database


Use database name;Copy the code



use A;
Copy the code

The data type

The types of data fields defined in MySQL are very important for optimizing your database. MySQL supports many types, which can be roughly divided into three categories: numeric, date/time, and string (character) types.

MySQL supports all standard SQL numeric data types.

To facilitate data storage, we use numbers to represent certain meanings when storing data, such as zip codes for regions

Because there are too many data types, we do not do too many types of introduction in the early stage, according to the three types of data we introduce several commonly used plus a bit data type (also known as binary type)

Binary type

The bit field type has only true (1) and false (0) values, which are used to hold true and false, or to represent gender male and female

Numeric types

type The size of the Range (signed) Scope (unsigned) use note
tinyint 1 byte (128127) (0255). A small integer value Generally used to represent certain types of fixed, and the number of not more than 127
Int or INTEGER (same) 4 bytes (-2,147,483,648, 2,147,483,647) (0,4 294 967 295) Large integer value If you don’t have too much data, id we can use something like that
double 8 bytes (-1.797 693 134 862 391 7e +308, -2.797 858 858 391 4 e-308), 0, (2.797 858 858 391 4 e-308, 1.797 693 134 862 315 7 E+308) 0, (1.797 693 134 862 315 7 E+308) Double – precision floating – point value Double precision means you can store decimal places. It is usually used to store values with a decimal point, and it does not need to be too precise
decimal For DECIMAL(M,D), M+2 if M>D otherwise D+2 Depends on the values of M and D Depends on the values of M and D Small numerical Decimal is an exact data type used for computations that require a high degree of precision, typically involving money

Date and time types

type The size of the Range (signed) Scope (unsigned) use note
date 3 The 1000-01-01/1000-01-01 YYYY-MM-DD Date value For example, the 2020-04-03
time 3 ‘- 838:59:59’/’ 838:59:59 ‘ HH:MM:SS Time value or duration 23:59:59
year 1 1901/2155 YYYY Year value 2020
datetime 8 The 1000-01-01 00:00:00/1000-01-01 23:59:59 YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS Mixes date and time values The general time store this, if the value of only need year can be converted

String type

type The size of the use note
varchar 0-65535 bytes Variable length string Ordinary ordinary strings store this type
text A scale of 0-65 to 535 bytes Long text data This type is used when long strings are encountered
longtext 0-4 294 967 295 bytes Maximal text data Such as images converted to byte storage, or other extremely long text

The corresponding type in navicat

Create table

Delete table

Insert data

Query data