01_ Insert data
insert intoTable name (field name1, field name2) values(value1And the value2);
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First, enter the Sandy database
use sandy;
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Create a Person table
create table if not exists person(
id int.name varchar(20));Copy the code
Take a look at the table data
select * from person;
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Now you can insert data
insert into person (id.name) values (1.'sandy');
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Check whether the disk enclosure is successfully inserted
select * from person;
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Pay attention to the point
- The order of field names specified when inserting data does not have to be the same as the order of field names in the table
insert into person (name.id) values ('Tao'.2);
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- The values specified when inserting data must be in the same order as the specified field names
insert into person (name.id) values (3.'ls');
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- If the value order specified when inserting data is the same as the order of the fields in the table, you can omit the field name
insert into person values (3.'zs');
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- We can insert multiple values simultaneously through values
insert into person values (4.'ls'), (5.'zl');
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02_ Update data
First let’s take a look at the operators supported by WHERE
- = = = =
- ! = (not equal to)
- <> (not equal to)
- < (less than)
- <= (Less than or equal to) > (greater than or equal to) >= (Greater than or equal to)
- In (set); Fixed range values
- between… The and. What is the range of values
- Is null. (null)
- Is not null
- The and. with
- The or. Or | |
- The not; non
- Like: fuzzy query
updateThe name of the tablesetField name = valuewhereConditions;Copy the code
Start by looking at the data in the Person table
select * from person;
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- If no condition is specified when the data is updated, the data in the entire table is updated
update person set name='ww';
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- If a condition is specified when updating data, only data that meets the condition is updated
update person set name='sandy' where id=1;
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- When specifying conditions, we can specify multiple conditions by using and
update person set name='sandy' where name='ww' and id=2;
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- When specifying conditions, we can specify multiple conditions with OR
update person set name='sandy' where id=3 or name='ww';
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- It is possible to update multiple fields simultaneously when updating data
update person set name='Tao'.id=1 where id=5;
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03_ Querying data
select * fromThe name of the table.Copy the code
This method will query all the data in the table, so the performance is poor
This method will query all the data in the table, cannot query the value of a specific field
If you want to query the complete writing of the data
selectThe field names1, field name2 fromThe name of the tablewhereConditions;Copy the code
View the data for the Person table
select * from person;
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- Query data for a specific field
select name from person;
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- Query the data that meets the conditions
select id from person where name='Tao';
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select id from person where name='Tao' || name='sandy';
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select * from person where name in ('sandy'.'Tao');
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select * from person where id between 1 and 3;
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select * from person where id is not null;
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select * from person where id is null;
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04_ Delete data
delete fromThe name of the tablewhereConditions;Copy the code
View the data for the Person table
select * from person;
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Delete the data that meets the conditions
delete from person where name='Tao';
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Delete all data
delete from person;
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